- Dec 25, 2020
- 466
- 219
- 111
It's been over 4 years since I first started MRP, and it's a community that's given me a lot of laughs and great times.
Unfortunately, it's time to admit that the current MRP community is not the community I loved being a part of. The people I met and had great times with are all not there, and it's a bit daft to hold out hope on that coming back.
That all being said, there are a few things I'd like to say before I leave.
"The way this community treats people who make a genuine effort for you all is ridiculous. You deserve none of it." - yeah I said that at the end of my last map change. It's already been meme'd which is fine, but I think the point of what I said is being missed. (I don't know who's removed the gif or the post, wasn't my doing, as far as I'm concerned it was proving my point, even if it was a bit funny).
I didn't care about people shitting on me or my events, it was frustrating being told for two hours "end the event" or "which dumbass picked this map", but what I cared about was the kneejerk reaction that MRP has developed that means anyone who tries to help you gets nothing but hate for it. I'm thinking of mappers, devs, other GMs, staff members, and even some high command at times.
MRP wonders why it is always at the bottom of the list for new stuff, but whenever you do get new stuff you just complain, or clown on it.
It's a vocal minority, there are a lot of good people still on MRP, but there's this little clique of people that have ruined it for everyone else and have made the community unwelcoming and just unfun.
It's a sad situation when you have people in staff positions, or high ranks, who are actively promoting this culture, or show no actual respect to the people trying to make their server better. It sets a precedent for newer players that it's okay to behave like that. There are people in positions on MRP now who would've been removed for toxicity only a few years ago.
It's not my community anymore, and I'm getting a bit old to even want to be playing it. MRP was great during lockdown and in killing time during Uni, and I'll remember those times fondly.
Wishing everyone the best for the future, I'll be hoping MRP can thrive again. I'm glad to have been a part of its revival, even if that revival has now come to an end. I'd do the thing where I tag people, but realistically everyone in the community I liked is pretty much gone, or on SCP.
Please take care of the other GMs and Devs - we've lost too many of them to people hating on their efforts. It takes two weeks of planning for a map change, maybe consider that before piping up in chat 'shit event, please end it' or something of that ilk, especially if you're a HMOD or in High Command. I'm a grown ass man and I can handle stress, but map changes are genuinely the worst parts of my life at the moment due to how stressful they genuinely are. Maybe walk a mile in their shoes before throwing shade?
Final Goodbye
I know there's an ongoing joke about me making resignation appeals or leaving etc, and that is a pretty reliable pattern, but this time really is goodbye. Time for me to move on and grow up. I've played GMOD since I was a kid (before a lot of you were even born) and it's always been a comfort, but it's not healthy.
All that being said, thanks to CS for trying your best, thanks to Ventz for creating this community, and thanks to Luz and Danny Hunter for making ISAF the best regiment on the server in 2020/21.
Unfortunately, it's time to admit that the current MRP community is not the community I loved being a part of. The people I met and had great times with are all not there, and it's a bit daft to hold out hope on that coming back.
That all being said, there are a few things I'd like to say before I leave.
"The way this community treats people who make a genuine effort for you all is ridiculous. You deserve none of it." - yeah I said that at the end of my last map change. It's already been meme'd which is fine, but I think the point of what I said is being missed. (I don't know who's removed the gif or the post, wasn't my doing, as far as I'm concerned it was proving my point, even if it was a bit funny).
I didn't care about people shitting on me or my events, it was frustrating being told for two hours "end the event" or "which dumbass picked this map", but what I cared about was the kneejerk reaction that MRP has developed that means anyone who tries to help you gets nothing but hate for it. I'm thinking of mappers, devs, other GMs, staff members, and even some high command at times.
MRP wonders why it is always at the bottom of the list for new stuff, but whenever you do get new stuff you just complain, or clown on it.
It's a vocal minority, there are a lot of good people still on MRP, but there's this little clique of people that have ruined it for everyone else and have made the community unwelcoming and just unfun.
It's a sad situation when you have people in staff positions, or high ranks, who are actively promoting this culture, or show no actual respect to the people trying to make their server better. It sets a precedent for newer players that it's okay to behave like that. There are people in positions on MRP now who would've been removed for toxicity only a few years ago.
It's not my community anymore, and I'm getting a bit old to even want to be playing it. MRP was great during lockdown and in killing time during Uni, and I'll remember those times fondly.
Wishing everyone the best for the future, I'll be hoping MRP can thrive again. I'm glad to have been a part of its revival, even if that revival has now come to an end. I'd do the thing where I tag people, but realistically everyone in the community I liked is pretty much gone, or on SCP.
Please take care of the other GMs and Devs - we've lost too many of them to people hating on their efforts. It takes two weeks of planning for a map change, maybe consider that before piping up in chat 'shit event, please end it' or something of that ilk, especially if you're a HMOD or in High Command. I'm a grown ass man and I can handle stress, but map changes are genuinely the worst parts of my life at the moment due to how stressful they genuinely are. Maybe walk a mile in their shoes before throwing shade?
Final Goodbye
I know there's an ongoing joke about me making resignation appeals or leaving etc, and that is a pretty reliable pattern, but this time really is goodbye. Time for me to move on and grow up. I've played GMOD since I was a kid (before a lot of you were even born) and it's always been a comfort, but it's not healthy.
All that being said, thanks to CS for trying your best, thanks to Ventz for creating this community, and thanks to Luz and Danny Hunter for making ISAF the best regiment on the server in 2020/21.