Denied Warfunds for all factions (not for the obvious reason!)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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This suggestion is NOT asking for warfunds to be added for the sake of combat.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adding warfunds to all factions that ARE UNABLE TO BE USED FOR ANY DEPLOYABLE ASSISTANCE.
CI and Foundation are unable to use warfunds for buying anything like an airstrike, again:

This suggestion is NOT asking for warfunds to be added for the sake of combat.
The use of these warfunds would be PURELY for NEGOTIATIONS and EVENTS ONLY! This doesn't apply to the GOC who get to use warfunds as normal.
All Factions (inc. civs) gets Warfunds, only GameMasters can access civ warfunds so that event characters can request money transfers!

This encourages all factions to take hostage negotiations seriously, gone will be the days you to have to pay 20k from your own bank to free somebody.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I suggested something like this probably a year ago, it was denied but that was so long ago I suspect most of the Event Team who was there to deny it has either resigned or left the server entirely (lol).

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Encourages factions to pay off hostage negotiations (nobody has to lose money from their own pocket)
  • Improves overall RP
  • Communal money between a faction is a gauge of success (e.g. if CI has £2 million and F has £8 million when they both start at £5 million we see that Foundation has succeeded in the past month!)
  • Allows usage of actual warfunds on Foundation or CI's side if an SL member approves it
  • Allows for fun and new usage of warfunds, e.g. a GM could let Foundation call in a blackhawk helicopter (shameless plug of my epic helicopter pac seen below ? by transferring money to GM warfunds)
  • Warfund money can be used in events
  • More immersive RP

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Dev time adding money transfer abilities to warfunds (idk if it's possible)
  • May be underused
  • Genuinely cannot think of any more negatives, I don't see how this could be abused at all.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I genuinely don't see any negatives to this other than dev time.

This suggestion is NOT asking for warfunds to be added for the sake of combat.
I just want to clear this up so content team won't deny it because of a silly reason like: "We aren't adding warfunds to CI because it is a feature reserved only for the GOC!", which completely misses the point of this suggestion.
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Do not give the same abilities to all factions (Airstrikes/1000LB) Each faction should have its own independent artillery that makes sense to have, such as mortars for CI or something a small cell could deploy as CI should not have airstrikes it makes no sense. However both CI and F should have strict restrictions (Except from GOC) to prevent abuse of the warfunds as we do not want MRP gameplay on surface ☠️

It is also convenient for DEA since they won't have to spend all their money on a hostage they can make use of the warfunds system i am not certain how the transfer will work maybe meet up IC and do a wire transfer i dont want hostageRP to be ah yes wire transfer hand over hostage it should be a mixture of IC meet ups as the usual
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stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
Being forced to pay 25k because someone didn't have cyanide is very frustrating, and Gamemasters being able to use these warfunds for event purposes would be great
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