Winkie's Security Captain Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:88481744

Discord name: Winkie™✓#8065

For how long have you played on CG SCP: A few months.

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: United Kingdom

Time zone: GMT/BST

Character name(s): Winkie

Civilian name: Winkie II

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- None (Security Sergeant Main)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
There are many reasons why I should be given a chance in becoming a Captain, since first joining the server I believe I have gained a lot more knowledge and skills in order to be a successful candidate. I have gained a lot more influence and renown of being a good Sergeant with not only just Security+ but with the SCP Foundation itself. Even If I am not successful my devotions, dedications, commitments and cohesion remains the same as I truly feel passionate about helping the Security faction and helping it progress into a more perfect state.

I want to be able to meet even more people enjoying even more roleplay experiences with others and connect more personally to other users. I have had nothing but positive things to say about Security Command and I want also represent the faction in a positive way. As its one of the most important faction (Being of maintenance) on the server I believe it requires the best candidates. And I want to be apart of that, I want to give back to the faction that helped me become where I am now, by helping the lesser knowledgeable on the faction succeed in becoming a security officer through enhanced teachings. As soon as I joined the server, I had my sights on one thing and that was to enjoy my time here and to help others have a good experience on Civil Gamers. I am extremely mature and and exceptional leader, for instance, I used to help run Werwolfgaming 1942 Server as a Head Admin and lead the moderation team there. I was also a high ranking military official which helped me gain the skills and qualities to become a successful Captain.

These skills and qualities consist of responsibility and dealing with intense situations. But the reason why I believe its extremely important to have these skills is because In game the amount of situations where you have to be decisive and a quick thinker is immense.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

- As stated previously, I have a lot of experience within this position on multiple game servers such as Star wars RP, 1942RP, Military RP. I always went down the basic faction such as FN, Clone troopers etc etc. Always had my eye on helping people move onto what ever faction they wanted to enlist to. I believe I can apply those skills here preparing people to progress within security and/or helping them move onto other fields of work such as IA/MTF and site administration roles. I also know the CoE and Legal codex to an extensive degree. I am also riot trained.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

- Maintaining cohesion among security personnel, ensuring they are putting down communal unrest and riots. Maintaining a frontier between D class and the site itself. It is also to help support the other Security personnel to become a successful security officer with experience. As well as this its to support MTF Within their operations; IE organising RRT to act as a support unit.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- My character once was a Security cadet 20 years ago; climbing the ranks tirelessly in order to help support the foundation by passing on enhanced teachings to other Security personnel. As a troubled child he was enlisted by site administration personally. Upon enlistment nothing but good things came from Winkie and he still impresses to this day, going forth he is still has a lot of time to earn his legacy.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022

- Support

- Trolling
- Inactive
- Lacking application
- Bad RP interactions
- Does not take his role seriously

- Support

- Trolling
- Inactive
- Lacking application
- Bad RP interactions
- Does not take his role seriously
Enlighten me on how what I had missed on the "Lacking Application" and "Inactive".

I have tracked 2 days and 12 hours worth of playtime within last week alone, playing security. Is this not enough?

The application however; I would like to hear how I could improve the application as its "lacking".

I do believe you've not took the time to look further into this and may not took a lot of thought and care into your responses, this may be due to your bad interactions with myself. Ive noticed you've changed your verdict many times in recent times which is why I had came to this conclusion, of not much thought is within your replies.

The "trolling" and "Bad RP interactions" are also hard to accept, I fail to see any possibility of this as I believe I have acted professionally representing security well. The only case I can think of was nothing to do with security; it was an isolated case where I told you to move out of the way as you were in front of the firing line for HCZ. At which you were very upset and demanded punishment for myself even though the right thing to do was join the firing line and deal with it after.

A lot of time and effort was taken into this application, reducing many words to make it more swallow able. All I ask is for a fair judgement, and if I was to be right for the role. Not your personal desires :)

No wish to cause any drama at all, feels like a witch hunt. My DM's are open for discussion :)
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As Internal Affairs I interact with the GENSEC Sergeants and above on a regular basis, however I do not believe I've seen you, nor over radio.

Which leads me to believe that even if you are active on Sgt, as you say you are, you are not taking the lead and organising your men, which is a basic key responsibility of a GENSEC Captain.

It is my advice that you need to stand out more. Take an authoritative role and make sure the officers/cadets are abiding by the ethics and doing your job, then come back and apply once you are notable in GENSEC.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022
Enlighten me on how what I had missed on the "Lacking Application" and "Inactive".

I have tracked 2 days and 12 hours worth of playtime within last week alone, playing security. Is this not enough?

The application however; I would like to hear how I could improve the application as its "lacking".

I do believe you've not took the time to look further into this and may not took a lot of thought and care into your responses, this may be due to your bad interactions with myself. Ive noticed you've changed your verdict many times in recent times which is why I had came to this conclusion, of not much thought is within your replies.

The "trolling" and "Bad RP interactions" are also hard to accept, I fail to see any possibility of this as I believe I have acted professionally representing security well. The only case I can think of was nothing to do with security; it was an isolated case where I told you to move out of the way as you were in front of the firing line for HCZ. At which you were very upset and demanded punishment for myself even though the right thing to do was join the firing line and deal with it after.

A lot of time and effort was taken into this application, reducing many words to make it more swallow able. All I ask is for a fair judgement, and if I was to be right for the role. Not your personal desires :)

No wish to cause any drama at all, feels like a witch hunt. My DM's are open for discussion :)
1. I have not seen you play security at all in the past few days.
2. You frequently piss about and dont take the job seriously.
3. I agree with Gian I have only ever seen you play sergeant once and even that was for about 15 mins.
4. The trolling is to do with the amount of times you have entered D block without permission multiple times.
5. The bad RP interaction is to do with your attitude towards other members of security and the disrespect aimed towards them.
6. And for the - lacking application your lore is very short along with the responsibilities which you left a few out such as captains must hold RRT and HWT for officers and sergeants
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Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021

Application Accepted

Hello Winkie

Thanks for taking the time to make a security captain application.
It has been accepted on the terms that you change the way people perceive you and will be on a short leash.
Congratulations on having your application accepted, please poke me or one of the O5s on TeamSpeak so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​
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