Personally, I think it's diabolical that you're trying to play the victim here pretending to be the innocent one with no fault on yourself. We have all the screenshots, chat logs and evidence that we need to prove you entirely wrong. The fact that you're still actively lying in this ban appeal, for public image or your own sake I don't know but it's wild.
For the record I did not get caught I reported this !
You reported it after you were already caught out being the main culprit. You're sorry that you got caught, not that you harassed and helped make someone leave the community. You were the one who initiated the entire witch hunt against Athena by making the groupchat, inviting them, demanding for all evidence so you can make her resign or get demoted. You and your friends were upset you were demoted from E11 CO Positions after being useless in those positions, so you guys resorted to witch hunting Athena, word for word "Collecting anything that could potentionally be used against her".
You and your mates, in a malicious and retaliatory manner targeted Athena because you got demoted. Network Leadership has all the evidence required which I got from investigating this, you should be extremely greatful that you aren't also blacklisted.