"Wolfs" OSA PAC

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Jul 22, 2023
Changes to PAC
Only a couple of changes,
-Player Model Change (The reason I have to make this Post)
-A Beard
-A Lanyard
-Animations (Hands behind back, Crossed arms and a Toggle for the outfit, used for disguising)

PAC Lore
James "Wolf" after recently working his way to the OSA position knew, hard work and perfect performance would not be the only thing he needs to be noticed by the Overseer council, he realized his appearance would matter as well, he had to wear something not just smart looking but something that suited his cold and dark personality, He grew his beard out so those who he would be interrogating would be fearful, He wore a Lanyard so he wouldn't have to be stopped for ID checks every 10 Minutes, but most of all, he wore a cold back shirt and pants, ditching the jacket for a more flexible feel while maintaining an office look.
(Ignore the missing textures, Happens when I mess with PAC for too long)
Screenshot (241).png
(re-read rules, turns out dosen't need approving but I don't know how to delete posts :skull:)
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  • Haha
Reactions: Caboose.

stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
Character Approved

Hello @"Wolf"

Your Character Bio has been approved at the 10/17/2023.

By Stee Ven/Artemis/Transient

Any changes to your Character Bio will have to go through the process of being accepted again.

Kind regards,
Stee Ven​
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