Wulfric's Executive Researcher App

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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Dec 16, 2021
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:70105258
Discord name:?King WolfRic?#6170
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I think a week or two a couple days after the server came out is when i started.
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Wulfric
Civilian name: Don't play as civilian
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-MTF E-11 Operative
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I am applying for executive researcher because I simply enjoy being a researcher attempting to discover new things every test and I want to be able to help lower down researchers such as Jr.Researchers and Researchers to perform more tests on more SCPs as it does get repetitive testing on the same few SCPs over and over again, I want to give them that variety which makes the job a dozen times more fun.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-I believe I am suitable for executive researcher because I strive to make every test different, even when i was a Jr researcher testing on only a few SCPs I always made a difference in testing which would result in new discoveries and outcomes that were unexpected, I'm always trying to make each test feel unique instead of the same test done repeatedly to gain XP. I am also pretty active on the server barely ever have a day off and I spend most of my time playing 50/50 researcher and MTF.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-Honestly I am unsure I haven't monitored the outcome of my documents that much so I could have none or a few however what makes a document excellent is the perfect blend of simplicity and complexity. You need to have the document have the required information for any standard test such as the aims, methods and findings however for certain testings which are more "complex" to say you may require to add more however it is paramount u do not add too much and begin filling the document with unnecessary information such as writing out a bio of the SCP to people who may not know the SCP because chances are whoever is reading knows of the SCP.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-The Executive Researcher would be overseeing most of research and conducted higher level tests along with aiding lower ranked researchers who need help to get on track to an acceptable standard in researcher along with granting them the opportunities to work outside of their normal bounds to make them enjoy and take pride in their job along with preventing the repetitive nature that same researchers fall into early on.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
-My Executive researcher would be one who had unfortunate beginnings, at the start after graduating university with a doctorate Wulfric unfortunately was unable to find work for several months despite his qualifications and was forced to begin working a low end job at the co-op. One day on the way home from work it was a dark and stormy night and his car broke down on the side of the road, Wulfric went searching around the local neighborhood searching for someone or something to repair his car or to find a working telephone until he saw a group of children playing around a sewer. Wulfric stopped trying to warn the kids to go home at this time of night but they didn't listen and one of them ran into the sewer, Wulfric gave chase wanting to make sure the kid didn't hurt himself when the kid turned a corner and screamed. Horrified Wulfric swiftly turned the corner to see the child on the ground with a creature eating the boy's innards, Wulfric froze a slowly attempted to back away from what he would soon come to know as an instance of SCP 939. Whilst slowly moving back Wulfric bumped into a pipe and 939 quickly faced upwards and snarled then quickly jumped at Wulfric and he blacked out. Suddenly Wulfric awoke in a medical wing hook up to IV fluid and a heart monitor eventually a doctor walked in, noticing he had awoken, the doctor picked up a radio and called someone to come. After several minutes a well dressed man in a black suit and red tie walked in and began questioning Wulfric, why he was there, what was he doing, what does he remember until eventually handing Wulfric a document he said "Usually in these cases we would wipe your memory and send u home but I have been reading up on you, I see you are doctor in science who works a rather low wend drop for a man of your qualifications. So here's the deal, this foundation which you may call it needs people like you and I can tell there really isn't any other job quite like it." Wulfric picked up the document and though about his and fixated on his job, he never did like working in the co-op, then he smiled and eagerly signed the document and that was how it began. Eventually Wulfric would perform many tests moving from site to site witnessing the catastrophic breach of 096, incident 239-B with Dr. Clef a raid by the GOC until eventually landing at site 65 where he eagerly awaits testing on some of the most dangerous SCPs out there.

PS: Sorry for the long story my writer instincts took over.

Noah Kraus

MRP War Veteran
Jan 4, 2021

Application Denied

Hello Wulfric, Thanks for taking the time to make your application. Today I will be denying your application unfortunately due to both me and Metterson having little interactions with you, I suggest that you should covey yourself more to both me and Metterson by informing us of any cross tests you have in mind or research that you would like to do. I hope you understand my reasoning here and hope to see you soon.

You may reapply in 2 weeks
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