Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:587655060
Discord name: Cityismy#2966
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played on the server since May 2023, my total playtime on the server as of this application is ~1350 hours
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: ???????
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Wybert "Goober" Zephyran
Civilian name: Ryan "Driver" Zephyran
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Held: IA Ambassador, ECA (barely), GOC CPL, E-11 PVT, DEA Sr Agent.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: - I have received many warns and bans they are as follows: FearRP, Toxicity, FailRP/FearRPx2 FearRP, toxicity, Toxicity (1 day Ban), FearRP, ARDM/FailRP, FearRPx2, FailRP B, FearRP C and then banned for FearRP (D) Toxicity and RDM, I was then banned on the 21st of november for severe toxicity, I have worked a lot to improve on this and I am not proud of what I did and another 2 warns for character and character abuse.
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- There are quite a few factors which make me the best candidate for ECA, firstly, I have CL4 experience, I was an ambassador in the Department of Internal Affairs where I achieved the performance rating of "Outstanding" being the first ambassador to get the rating since Tim was still ambassador, a few other things about me that make me fit for the role is my knowledge of site policies, I am very well acquainted with our beloved Foundation Legal Codex, another thing that makes me fit for the role is that I am extremely mentally well and can be trusted with more power, along with that I love the ethics committee, they are a great bunch of people and I would love to help them out as much as I can, I would be truly passionate about this role, I also love creating RP. Although last time I applied I got accepted I did something incredibly stupid and got removed, I can assure everyone that I have indeed grown since then and such a thing will not happen ever again.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- What I believe the main responsibility of an ECA is to of course assist the Ethics Committee in any way that they can and to perform any tasks or orders assigned to them by members of the committee or the chairperson, representing the committee if they are unavailable to do something at a given time and also acting professionally at all times to ensure that the image of the committee is upheld.
- To watch over all site personnel and ensure that the FLC is being followed, ensuring ethical treatment of all site staff and testing material and dealing with unethical CL4+, afterwards reporting their actions to the committee
- Approving tests such as certain 914 and 049 tests
- General CL4 duties such as closing/opening blast doors when needed, manning AA ect.
- Reporting any issues within the site to ECMs
- Providing help to anyone with questions about ethics/FLC
- Acting as a liaison between the committee and all site staff, being the first point of contact between them and the committee on specifically ethical issues but more specifically their chosen departments.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Discord name: Cityismy#2966
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played on the server since May 2023, my total playtime on the server as of this application is ~1350 hours
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: ???????
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Wybert "Goober" Zephyran
Civilian name: Ryan "Driver" Zephyran
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Held: IA Ambassador, ECA (barely), GOC CPL, E-11 PVT, DEA Sr Agent.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: - I have received many warns and bans they are as follows: FearRP, Toxicity, FailRP/FearRPx2 FearRP, toxicity, Toxicity (1 day Ban), FearRP, ARDM/FailRP, FearRPx2, FailRP B, FearRP C and then banned for FearRP (D) Toxicity and RDM, I was then banned on the 21st of november for severe toxicity, I have worked a lot to improve on this and I am not proud of what I did and another 2 warns for character and character abuse.
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- There are quite a few factors which make me the best candidate for ECA, firstly, I have CL4 experience, I was an ambassador in the Department of Internal Affairs where I achieved the performance rating of "Outstanding" being the first ambassador to get the rating since Tim was still ambassador, a few other things about me that make me fit for the role is my knowledge of site policies, I am very well acquainted with our beloved Foundation Legal Codex, another thing that makes me fit for the role is that I am extremely mentally well and can be trusted with more power, along with that I love the ethics committee, they are a great bunch of people and I would love to help them out as much as I can, I would be truly passionate about this role, I also love creating RP. Although last time I applied I got accepted I did something incredibly stupid and got removed, I can assure everyone that I have indeed grown since then and such a thing will not happen ever again.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- What I believe the main responsibility of an ECA is to of course assist the Ethics Committee in any way that they can and to perform any tasks or orders assigned to them by members of the committee or the chairperson, representing the committee if they are unavailable to do something at a given time and also acting professionally at all times to ensure that the image of the committee is upheld.
- To watch over all site personnel and ensure that the FLC is being followed, ensuring ethical treatment of all site staff and testing material and dealing with unethical CL4+, afterwards reporting their actions to the committee
- Approving tests such as certain 914 and 049 tests
- General CL4 duties such as closing/opening blast doors when needed, manning AA ect.
- Reporting any issues within the site to ECMs
- Providing help to anyone with questions about ethics/FLC
- Acting as a liaison between the committee and all site staff, being the first point of contact between them and the committee on specifically ethical issues but more specifically their chosen departments.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Wybert Fabian Personnel file
Documentation regarding the SCP Foundation, Their personnel, and their actions in this document is strictly classified to personnel of Foundation Command. Accessing this document without appropriate clearance is treason against the Foundation. If you have fo...
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