Yukiri ECA application [USA]

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Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:547527872
Discord name: Mrbutt#1773
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 800+ hours
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: Mountain time (MST)
Character name(s): Yukiri "Naoru"
Civilian name: Yukiri "Oni"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): [SCP-RP USA]
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Held: Chief of medicine, Nu-7 LCPL, and CI-A Holding: Director of Medicine, and E-11 PVT

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I've received 2 warnings about 4 months ago, 1 was for RDM and the other was FailRP due to being new and not knowing the rules of the server. I haven't gotten a single warning since and also gotten staff.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
I have CL4 experience also I'm well known around the foundation. I've worked along side almost all departments giving me a good idea on how each department works. I usually play around 4-6 hours daily so I'll be able to help though out the day. Main reason I want to become ECA is to help out around the foundation more than I already do. I am familiar with EoC & CoC, when I walk around the facility and see something unethical I always make sure to correct them.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
The task of a ECA is to uphold ethics and enforce them, while being able to speak with people who request to speak to ethics if non are available. ECA does various things around the foundation, but the main goal is to assist ethics with anything they need.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Yukiri grew up in small town near site-56 working as CGITV, he would hear the town folks speculate what the "military base" was meant for. One day he was fed up and wanted to know what was really going on in there. he decided to sneak into the base via ventilation system he found while scouting around the place. Yukiri was able to see unspeakable creatures while there was an out break going on in the foundation but he was unfazed about it. He seen so much and understood why it was kept a secret from the town folks.
He was apprehended by MTF and was taken into an integration room where he was asked a series of questions. He was fascinated by the creatures and strived to learn more about them, he asked the MTF what were those creatures but they never answered him. A higher ranking looking person came into the room with people following him, He began to ask Yukiri how he managed to get into the foundation. Yukiri told them about the ventilation system that he happen to stubble upon while scouting out the foundation.
Yukiri couldn't get those creature out of his thoughts and wanted to know the truth of the place so he asked "what were those things I saw" with a puzzled look on his face. The higher ranking person said "We can't tell you what those are due to them being classified" He proceeded to ask more questions trying to learn Yukiri intentions for sneaking in the foundation to begin with. Yukiri told the higher ranking person of all of the speculation about the "military base" that the town folks were wondering, Yukiri said "I work for CGITV and I'm good at getting the answers I seek for". The higher ranking person was a bit pleased with the answer and could see the determination in Yukiri eyes.
The higher ranking person gave Yukiri 2 choices 1: you can work for the foundation but you'll lose all of the memories you've had of your civilian life, that includes family, loved ones, and anyone you hold dear. Or 2: you can go back to your civilian life but you'll forget everything you've seen while in the foundation, Yukiri ponder the question for awhile. Yukiri said I would like to work for the foundation and learn more about these creatures, the last thing Yukiri remembered was being injected by something and everything going black.
Yukiri woke up in med-bay with IV still in his arm, Yukiri doesn't recall why he is there and thought he might have gotten into a crash or something along that. His head hurts and his mind is fuzzy, he doesn't remember anything he felt as if he was just reborn. He only had about 1 minute to get a grasp of himself until a TV turned on that was at the foot of his bed. The video goes through what the foundation is and what his task would be from here on out, Yukiri was given a job as a researcher. Yukiri swiftly moved up through the ranks after working there for 7 years.
Yukiri decided he wanted to be a higher ranking person just like the person who brought him in. He decided it was time to apply himself into other positions around the foundation. He applied for Ethics Committee Assistance and awaits for his application to either be accepted or denied

[Sorry if this is poorly written or doesn't make sense but I'm really bad at coming up with lore and this is the best I could do]
-Yukiri thank you for taking the time to look at my application.



Active member
Aug 5, 2022
Yukiri has been an amazing mentor and think he would fit the position perfectly
and good app


Well-known Member
Sep 30, 2022
+Has a lot of leadership experience, especially within the medical department
+Great at listening to others and helping when he can

+Been around for a very long time, has a lot of experience with the site and how it operates

Dan McCarthy

Well-known Member
Sep 27, 2022
+Experienced CL4
+Did wonders for the medical department
+Very mature and great in roleplay

Deleted member 3849

+Great leader
+Fun to talk too
+lots of experience with Cl4


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Ethics Assistant. Following your contributions and efforts in medical, we believe that you are highly capable of this position. Your behavior, your dedication to the Department and the way you uphold the expectations we have instated for the Department has not gone unnoticed.

Congratulations, Yukiri.

Contact me Jewel Jenkins for more details, and be sure to contact an Admin+ to get your whitelist.

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