New profile posts

While I appreciate your efforts to improve the server experience, I must admit that I found the clicking sound to be an enjoyable and satisfying part of the server. It added a layer of feedback that made the game feel more engaging and intuitive. With its absence, I feel that the overall experience has diminished.

I understand that design choices are often made with the intent to streamline or modernize the server, but for many users like myself, certain elements can create a sense of connection and familiarity. I would love to see the option to reintroduce this sound in future updates or even as a toggle feature for those who prefer it.
New Achievement(s):
  • Become a staff member all the way to Senior Administrator
  • Best Senior Administrator
  • Best CI MCOM
  • Left us, whilst being extremely known (positivly) at CN
    • Didn't mention me in ur leaving post
You recieved a new reward!
The Too many holding/held roles reward!
The B R O D A reward!