Bye-bye, thank you for everything!

I love the community, I love the servers, and I love the people within them. Unfortunately, through the last months, I have lost all my motivation due to certain factors. I do not wish to blame anyone, since me losing motivation cannot really be blamed on a specific event or person, I just want to share the nebula of circumstances that have led me to make this very difficult decision. Generally, there are two spheres which I like to separate: GM and IC.

In the GM sphere, I rejoined the team almost immediately after I came back from a couple of months' break. I was eager and excited to start again, and so I did. I am no PAC3 master (and my potato processor can't really deal with much), nor do I know lore like it's the bible, but all of my events had thought, research, and care put behind them, and every event that I either hosted (90%) or participated in (10%) got 9s and 10s, as well as very positive feedback in-game.

Whenever the Admin in charge of the event team would ask me for help in any case, even if I was in the middle of writing documents as SD or in a roleplay situation, I would say yes without hesitating, and spend as many hours as necessary cooperating (trust me, it was a lot of hours doing extra unrecognized work that wasn't even helping towards my monthly minimums). I liked it, I enjoyed it, and I felt like I was being helpful to the community, even if it was extremely tiring. However, as time advanced, I came to realize that no matter what I did, all my hard work, even if it wasn't spectacular, was not recognized, and even the slightest mistakes I made were harshly dealt with, completely ignoring everything that I tried to do in the past to help beyond just hosting events. Under these conditions, how is one meant to stay motivated? My activity began to drop and, of course, I have now decided to quit. My official resignation is on the 21st of this month.

In the IC sphere, I applied for SA as soon as I saw an open position. After spending 6-7 months as DoIA, I felt like this was the natural step to make. When I joined, I had an extremely tight work schedule, but I did my absolute best to be as active as possible. On the worst days, I would wake up at 7 AM, go to work for five hours, then university, and would get home at 10 PM, shower, have dinner, and start playing at around 11 PM my time for a couple of hours, to then go to sleep and repeat the process the next day. I did it because I loved being a Site Advisor, it was fun, it allowed me to help the community, and it let me improve the overall RP situation on the server. Naturally, I eventually managed to become SD, which was amazing. I was having a blast in the position, and I was pushing for some real changes. However, I needed a LOA that was three weeks and two days long for a trip, and sadly it was deemed too long for an SD, so I was forced to step down from the position, therefore losing pretty much the last motivation I had to stay in the server.

Some of you may find these reasons to be dumb, which would be understandable. Sadly, I cannot choose what motivates me and what demotivates me, and right now I truly do not feel like playing in Civil Networks anymore. I wholeheartedly hope that one day I'll find the will to play again since this is the community I love and I feel a part of. I love you all, from the staff to the GM team, from CI to GOC, from DEA to Research. Best of luck, and hopefully see you soon.

@Yeke - The first buddy I made on the server, probably the best times I ever spent in the community were with you. Best of luck mate.

@Big Mike - OG Ambassador, a very cool person too.

@ionboy64 , @Naffen , @Scotsman , @Serrt , @RedBubble55 , and @Jack Kincaid - I will never get tired of thanking you guys for everything you did to jointly rebuild SA as a team. (P.S. Cade Vale is one hell of a goofy name, Serrt. Learn to crop images, Connor).

@John Dear - You're an amazing DoIA, please do keep it up, you're the best and I hope that whatever your objectives within the server are, you fulfil them.

@chad4j - Canaria de corazón, leyenda de la tierra de los volcanes.

@Bush von Mann - "Para hacer una ensalada de fruta necesitamos..." You're the best mate.

@Simon "Kitton" A. - I don't know if I can live without getting my daily dose of Hungarian propaganda you keep sending me.

@Reco - Knight of the DarkRP, Mayor of the city. Best of luck to you and I hope DarkRP opens soon so you can become its boss once again.

@Cheddar - My favourite Albanian, one of the best people in the community without a doubt.

@Broda Kagen - You and I go a long way back, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours mate.

@Nukegoboom - We've had a fair share of funny moments through the last year and a half, best of luck.

@'Moshi' Danin Brooks - Burek sa Sirom Croatian, stepper of the landmines. Unfortunately for you, I will keep harassing you on Discord.

@Igorski - I don't even know if he will read this, but I could not leave without at least trying to say bye to Igorski.

@Skittles - Panteri, panteri, vi ste hrabri momci, najhrabriji naši, srpski dobrovoljci!

@Karol 'Negotiator' W. - It's a shame that I have to leave, I just found out you joined A-1!

@Julien White - Another legend that I think is gone, but deserves my warmest goodbyes.

@Moon - Best Flamingo ever. Try not to get banned this time around (come think of it, I think you're still banned).

@RedMann - Ed Sheeran, I am glad you got your COM, extremely well deserved.

@Toddy - Cataluña es España.

@Toni - Portugal es España.

@Otters - Certified Dollar Store Mr Beast, best of luck, you're the best.

@ThatOneSaltyGerman - Make this man SGM already, for the love of God.

@MrSiens - Called me Department Director of Morons once, but I forgive you because you're great.

@Anthony "Pilot" - Best Commander that O-1 could wish for. Best of luck to you, keep up the amazing work.

@Shadow - Not my fault if you're Romanian.

@Daniel Hammer - Such bald. Very bald.

@Aedius (Gregory McCain) - One of the best ambassadors I could count on in IA, also helped end racism in the IA external Discord back in the day. Too bad he's a Walloon.

@Archaon @Thorgrim - When is the wedding? Thank you for letting me become an ambassador back in the day.

@Shino Aeschylion - Unironically one of the most capable people in the history of GSD and CI.

@Shane "E.G.G.M" Bacon - Te echaré de menos, peruano peruano peruano peruano peruano peruano.

@claire - Can't even mention you because you're an idiot and you're banned.

@Jericho - Please stay civil, otherwise you will be sent to the reeducation camp.

@Demi - Mohammed Demi, epic IA Agent who never ran for ambassador.

There's a big chance I forgot some of the most important people, for which I do apologize. It's hard to keep track of everyone I've shared good moments with in such a long period of time.

Hope to be back soon!
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 4, 2023
It really is a shame to see you go bro. I was honestly sorta hyped on that plan you had about a spanish GOI event but ig we only left it as an idea. To be honest, im pretty sure this is the only IC interaction (link) we’ve ever had and i still find it funny to this day lmao

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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Wish you the best in whatever you do mate, i shall remember Operation Growing Tomatoes and having O5 and Ethics get annoyed at our operation names and summoning us to our office to explain each time, our IA days were great though we seriously couldnt find a way to get Gustav and Harold from having their "smoke breaks" for 4 hours lmao, but i wish you the best, and was great having fun with you.

Operation Growing Tomatoes is now over.
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