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Jul 26, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
changed a lot can't see the first but all just different versions of V1b3rant

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
about 3 years now like late 2020
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
Chaos name (include your rank):
Civilian name:
GB-1 Mohammed Faci

Steam ID:
Discord ID (name#0000):
Do you have a mic?:
What server are you applying for?:
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
First one so long ago cant even remember
Second one dont know it just says banned
Third one was where a d-class hit me i killed him than he NLR and it was confusing it was late and the mod was tired and just gave us both RDM wanrs to be (even)
Fourth one I accidently sat on a keypad and like when I got up I glitched into the courtyard on surface by accident.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Admin in a dark rp community garnet gaming
and of course a moderator in this community
currently nothing

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes FiveM darkrps and other scp rp servers

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Currently 8 when school starts probraly 5-6

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I have many foundation roles lots of stuff to do in foundation and on CI but I enjoy playing civilian once in a while and while roleplaying events happen often i always show up the event is great and puts a twist on the normal civilian roleplay even while playing nu7 or other positions i have events tend to happen a lot i have roamed passively as a scp before have lots of pacs and ideas for pacs to conclude in events and would love to be a part of the GM team to further help out in Events, help create events, and brainstorm with the rest of the GM team be able to participate in more events rather than hoping i get picked to help with the event while i am making this application i am currently in a event as a guard to a sweetish embassy with a great event background and great interaction available during the event. While helping with the events further criticizing the events to make them even better from hearing people call the events goofy to no need while being on the other side of the event.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

I think i would be able to better events be a active GM member since at some events there are so few helps brainstorming as a younger mind to further help the team while helping to participate in events and as i do have pac3 making pacs and overall being able to have pac while working with the events. Having a Greater chance of participating in the events then hoping to be randomly chosen or asking to be apart of the events never had any problems in events when i participated on both sides and would kind of like to take just showing up to the events and participating to being an actual member of the GM team. I am special over the other applicants because of my activity my RP and other aspects of my roleplay some might read this application and think Viberant professional? While most see me play dclass and just walking around talking to people on site while in RP and most of my roles as when i play IA Captain and all my other whitelists I am professional to the best ability and while i was a moderator never had any complaints or anything not going how it should have. While i also have great communication skills great ideas and just the love to help with a event.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

1. Odd sounds from the town
In this event there is an SCP found in pinewood
SCP-2998. SCP 2998 is a scp that is a radio that has a frequency 2485 MHz That frequency connects to aliens if connected through tv signals will display aliens floating in a dark creepy room UNGOC and NU7 will work together to figure out what it is and how to get rid of it when one interacts with the radio and says the specific code taped to the back of the radio that singular person will hear a strange noise they hear it from a tree the person whispers the code again they see a alien come from behind a tree and walks up to the group interacts from then on (it says small so i keep it small)

2. A new light
In this event there is an SCP found in a house in pinewood near UNGOC Outreach Program BETA-7
SCP-122 scp 122 is a night light that appeared out of no where hiding in the back bedroom of the house near UNGOC as the UNGOC explores the room the night light goes out there confused nothing happens but the night light scp 122 people seem to see humanoid figures in the black dark while the night light is in power saving mode recharging itself mysteriously slowly they realize the humanoid figures the entities have human like Trates of themselves? Very confused it turns back on there all fine one later has horrible nightmares while sleeping and later kills themself with a sharp object..... the night light.

3. The Teddy that walks
In this event there is an scp found lingering around sites
SCP-1048 SCP-1048 will be a SCP that is being brought from site 65 to GOC Outreach Program BETA-7 for its final destination destruction. While in transit A Milisha called the Chaos Insurgency from CI Outpost - 32 will try to intervene with the transaction and kidnap scp-1048 to further weaponize this scp because they know the power it holds and why it is being destroyed. After they intervene, they will bring it back to CI Outpost - 32 and learn to like the Chaos Insurgency and hate everything else but while not knowing its full background in a second it releases a weird sound all 4 Chaos Insurgency in HCZ drop to the ground in death the rest is to be continued.... hopefully in game.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

1. Where is pinewood?
In this event there will be an scp replacing pinewood that scp is
SCP-002 SCP-002 Is a scp that is a giant red ball in the inside there is pinewood but covered in guts blood and just straight gore, civilians in pinewood are very confused on where they are and how they woke up in this blob its UNGOC job to go in there save all the civilians and get out of there with reinforcements of nu7 and DEA to re assure their safety when out. While in their civilians are covered in red substance blood and meat very confused but scared, they are saved out while all covered in blood get out UNGOC lose 4/9 of there men.

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1 The stolen document
Ethics is undergoing a change in the legal codex and CI raids and takes the official document from them its O-1s job to retrieve the document from them holding F2
A-1: The stolen member
Alpha 1 Red right hand is guarding O5 above medical bay they see the code 1 go off they hide the O5 and deal with it next thing they know the O5 is gone A1s job is to find the O5 before CI take them back to base (CI and O5 are still past EZ)
Nu-7: The final hammer
SCP 8854 is to be said that he made it into foundation and is currently in HCZ later gets dragged into 035 containment chamber and possessed by 035 made to FLOOR 3 and is near the nuke room 035-2 does not know where the nuke room is its nu7's and A1s job to make sure this isn't the last hammer thrown down.
E-11: Brothers unite.
SCP 073 Is said to be heading towards 076 unaware. It is e11s job to stop him and 076 before they reunite.
CI: Noises from the back room
Chaos Insurgency has been hearing some weird noises from there training room suspected noises of 323 it is CI's job to get him out of there safely
UNGOC: Is that the myth?
Civilians have said that they see weird bear that moves like a human seeing's in the forest of pinewood it is UNGOCs job to find out what is lurking in the forests of pinewood. They later find out its SCP-1000
Foundation Staff: Where did he come from?
A random bell appears in LCZ object storage its a bell foundation members surround it and hope it isn't like the bell they currently have they ring it in fear they stand still some shaking a butler comes out of nowhere a butler? That butler is
SCP-662 it is the foundation job to see where they will contain this scp and what they will do with this new discovery.

stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
- Small event ideas are alright but the missions are things that happen ingame regularly
- In my experience you have difficulty staying in character
I would recomend trying to amend these things and refine the event missions.


Active member
Jan 14, 2023
missions are things that happen ingame regularly
one of the most common things we do is enhancement on what would be considered "normal things" especially at the rank of Trial GM as it is one of the only things you can actually do without supervision.

My support -
+/- Neutral Support leaning +Support

stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
one of the most common things we do is enhancement on what would be considered "normal things" especially at the rank of Trial GM as it is one of the only things you can actually do without supervision.

My support -
+/- Neutral Support leaning +Support
I should have been more clear i meant in relation to things like 073 going to 076 which has a programmed response (apparently) of giving 076 speed and health
But I spoke to viberant in dms so ill change it to support


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
May 25, 2022
Application Accepted

Hi @v1b3rant ,

On behalf of the Game Master Team I like to thank you for making an application for the position of Trial Game Master, this is to let you know that you have been accepted to conduct the next step of the application process.
Please contact me for your next step.

Kind Regard,
Event Team Lead Gregory
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