Denied Justice for 106!!! (give my mans a breach tool)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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ℹ️ Context: SCP-106 is a sentient being, albeit near non-verbal and non-communicative unless he has something to gain. SCP-106 appears to be aware of several things beyond the scope of pure instinct and genetic memory. SCP-106 consistently breaches at moments where recovery and containment are most difficult. He's fully sentient, he can talk but chooses not to. This is affirmed by lore & server rules.


For simplicity sake, so far, this post has received:

19 +supports
5 -supports, two with little to no feedback or reasons why, and one with lore reasons for -support (already discussed above)

Points brought up in favor in replies:

"even though 106 may get RCed quick. It gives him a chance to inflict more chaos and destruction" - Head Mod.
"+support old hcz 106 hit hard now he is easily stopped" - Ex Nu-7 COM
"106 is extremely weak when he is not breached with other SCPs." - Super Admin
"This'd give a high risk high reward to 106, you could choose to breach another SCP, however you're at a massive risk of being RCed if you do it. Would be a good buff." - UNGOC CPT / Assistant Mercer
"+support hcz too big for 106 now either give him the ability to put a portal down and tp to it or let him have breach swep"

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

? [BUFF] Gives SCP-106 a breaching tool.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
This has not been suggested before, to the extent of my knowledge and from checking.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

(y)The ability to play SCP-106 and not get RCd in 5 minutes flat without having to get a friend to breach tool you instead.

?More breach tool variety. SCP-106 would be more encouraged to breach SCPs in LCZ such as 457 / 173 / 912 so that he can clear LCZ first and not risk being RC'd. This adds far more variety to breaches.

:coffee:More SCP variety to play when deciding who to pick to breach as. Around half of the SCP roster do not have breach tools due to lore reasons when balance wise they could really use them (939, 9000s, 173, etc). 106 is one of those SCPs, but there's no real lore reason for him not to have one. Active site crosstesting site policies are actively being balanced around 106 being able to breach SCPs using his intelligence and pocket dimension; so why not just let him?

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

? Could be frustrating if you breach as 106, try to breach an SCP, and get RC'd before the timer goes up.
? Double edged sword with more 106 breaches. MTF will have more encounters with 106.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I believe this is a good idea from a lore perspective and a balance perspective. Breaching in the breach que with an SCP that doesn't have a breach tool can be frustrating as you could have just gotten someone to breach tool them out instead, having an extra SCP added to your breach essentially. This cuts back on that a bit, adds more variety to breaches, and overall has bigger positives than negatives.

As of recent with passive breaches being allowed, low level SCPs breaching, and SCPs that don't have tools breaching, E-11 have been put into a very bad position. Without the combat aspect, it's hard to enjoy just simply guarding a choke as your main job.

While passive RP is incredibly important to the server, combat is too. 90% of MTFs are combat focused, and outside of raids SCP breaches are all they have. Breaches already only happen about every 2-3 hours, and since around 50% of them are RC'd in the first 20 minutes, that leaves an incredibly open time slot for RP. I would know as an Exec; I love passive RP.

106 gaining a breach tool would satisfy combat, but wouldn't necessarily be toxic to passive RP. Additionally; 106 could more easily breach lesser used SCPs such as SCP-9000's without having to worry about being attacked by E-11 while breaching. This could possible lead to more variety during breaches.

Even so; 106 would still have to take a huge risk even breaching an SCP due to the time required to wait after breach & the time you have to wait to actually fully use the breach tool. 106 could easily be RC'd in this time if 106 doesn't have protection and E-11 are quick.
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Jun 6, 2022

SCP-106 is not one of the weakest SCPs, and does not require a buff. If SCP-106 is played right it would quite literally be unstoppable, unnecessary change in my opinion due to those reasonings alongside the fact of if it were to breach other SCPs it would be, yet again unstoppable during that process as normally SCPs would take damage.

SCP-106 is not one of the weakest SCPs, and does not require a buff. If SCP-106 is played right it would quite literally be unstoppable, unnecessary change in my opinion due to those reasonings alongside the fact of if it were to breach other SCPs it would be, yet again unstoppable during that process as normally SCPs would take damage.

With the HCZ update, he did get significantly worse. While his CC is still a choke, there's a gated area from the 2nd story to shoot down from to keep SCPs in check if they attempt to guard his CC. It takes at least 1 SCP to stay behind in HCZ to keep him up and running, and he's still slow. Additionally, his attacks don't guarantee kills. Just small amounts of damage & you're out scott free if you play your cards right.

He just simply cannot defend himself all that well. Yes his immortality is not a small upside, it's a pretty large upside, but his downsides are also massive. He can be contained w/ a singular D-Class.


I'm against giving an immortal scp a way to breach others

You would be very vulnerable while attempting to breach any SCPs due to the constant threat of femur breaker, esp. since you still have to wait the 3-5 minute timer for breach tools. This change simply effects how well he can work in the breach que and when hacked out, which normally goes pretty poorly for 106.



Incredible feedback.


Oh lord

Incredible feedback (part 2, electric boogaloo).
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SCP-106 is not one of the weakest SCPs, and does not require a buff. If SCP-106 is played right it would quite literally be unstoppable, unnecessary change in my opinion due to those reasonings alongside the fact of if it were to breach other SCPs it would be, yet again unstoppable during that process as normally SCPs would take damage.
Are we both on the same civilnetworks SCPRP server with two HCZ entrances? or is that just me?
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Reactions: Caesar Kuznetsov
-support Does not make sense for 106 to have a breach tool, give it to 912 or 7722 instead

There's a reason 7722's tool was removed lol. Mf was busted. 912 doesn't make sense in server lore to have one due to his breaches resulting in him being in a rage state where he basically goes fully robotic just with the orders of "kill these motherfuckin' criminals." Additionally he can kinda go anywhere on site pre-breach including near 682 / 079 / TG before he breaches if he goes undetected / with a Deepcover so it'd be hard to balance around that.

106 does make sense however; in lore he breaches to cause suffering, and feeds off of that suffering. Breaching SCPs certainly causes suffering in mass. He's a manipulative / evil force to be reckoned with, similar to 035. Balance wise it's also 10x better if 106 got one than if 912 or 7722 got breach SWEPs.
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