[USA] Tyrone / "Skoobz" Site Advisor App

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:525691612
Discord name: skoinkskoobs
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 916 hours1696282856029.png1696282733428.png
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): F - Tyrone / "Skoobz" | CI - Bright
Civilian name: Tyrone Tiggle
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Committee Assistant
Exec. Researcher
DEA Senior Agent


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have 1X FailRP warn, and 1X MRDM ban
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I am applying for Site Advisor, as I believe this is the next step in enhancing my experiences on the the server. I have gained a lot of valuable experiences during my time on the server, and I wish to use these experiences to benefit the community as a whole. I have assisted departments in the past, such as the Research Department, with the implementation of the Chemical Research Board, and I wish to further assist department such as research, medical, IA, DEA and I feel that Site Administration would best suit me for the goals that I currently have.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I am fit for site advisor because of the experiences I have gained from my time in many departments, such as E-11, O-1, Research, DEA and from my time as a ECA. These experiences have given me time to spend with each department, notice pros, and cons for each department. I have been shown to make tough decisions at vital moments. I have experience working with researchers from my time as MTF E-11, and my time as an Exec. Researcher. During my time as an Exec. Researcher I worked with another Exec. Researcher names Ivy to create the Chemical Research Board. The creation of this Sub Division shows I am able to improvise, benefit from constructive criticism, and shows that I am able to work in a team, as I had to work with multiple people to get the subdivision Approved. I have not been a ECA for long, but from my time as a ECA I have come to a closer understand of both the Code of Ethics, as well as the Code of Conduct. Ethics Committee Assistant, as well as Exec. Researcher are two jobs that require me to show professionalism, and holding both of these roles shows that I am able to act in a professional manor in times of stress, or hardship. I currently have 1 week 2 days 19 hours on Vtime this is further demonstrating my activity on the server, and accurately shows how much time I am able to dedicate to the role of Site Advisor.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Appointment of Departmental Leads
Authorization of Advanced Armory
Authorization of a selection of tests, and cross tests.
Managing, or overseeing the various departments on site.
Creation and Implementation of new policies when needed.
Appointment of new MTF Commanders (Nu-7 / E-11)
External Relations with GOI
Authorize Sweeps of D block in the instance of a Code 2 when there is no Captain present.
Authorization of the D class work program

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Last edited:
Aug 18, 2022

Joined Nu-7 in the last 2 days of my command and immediately caused problems in regard to minging infront of Cl4 Personnel. Had 3 separate reports about his unprofessional conduct on the job. I'm fairly certain there is still ongoing issues even after my retirement.

Plus you really don't have Senior Cl4 experience.

Joined Nu-7 in the last 2 days of my command and immediately caused problems in regard to minging infront of Cl4 Personnel. Had 3 separate reports about his unprofessional conduct on the job. I'm fairly certain there is still ongoing issues even after my retirement.

Plus you really don't have Senior Cl4 experience.
wrong tiggle btw this one is in o1

Joined Nu-7 in the last 2 days of my command and immediately caused problems in regard to minging infront of Cl4 Personnel. Had 3 separate reports about his unprofessional conduct on the job. I'm fairly certain there is still ongoing issues even after my retirement.

Plus you really don't have Senior Cl4 experience.
I’ve never been in Nu-7… Not sure when i could have done this as i’ve been in O-1 for the last month
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Joined Nu-7 in the last 2 days of my command and immediately caused problems in regard to minging infront of Cl4 Personnel. Had 3 separate reports about his unprofessional conduct on the job. I'm fairly certain there is still ongoing issues even after my retirement.

Plus you really don't have Senior Cl4 experience.
Sir! thats me!
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