Steam ID:
Discord name: Luke332 : Kufie "rogue" Kilack
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: America
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Jacob "bant" Suric, Kufie "rogue" Kilack
Civilian name: Jack Oogway
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: I do! I have a good mic!
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Captain (holding), CI-B (held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes 2, both expired One for RDM over a year ago and combat jumping at the beginning of the year
Why are you applying for Site Advisor? I am applying for Site Advisor because i want to increase my foundation skills. I also want to help make positive changes around the site Ashwell as wanting to become more knowledgeable in the site!
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?: What makes me suitable for SA is my determination to the site. I have CL4 Experience (as i am a captain) and i have good leadership abilities. (as i run d-block) I have done a lot in my time as captain i have also watched from a distance. I know the duties and responsibilities of SA as well as what they do on a daily basis. I have also started to get my name out there (as i am being recognized more and more) so i have a good reputation among the community.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?: Their responsibilities are to work with different departments around the site to ensure the site is running smoothly. They are also in charge of creating new policies which benefit the site and the personnel. They also approve AA when it is needed for MTF and SCU (when need be) Part of their job is to pick new department leaders and commanders who will be of help and assitantance to the branch in question. They also deal with site issues so Site Command doesn't need to. We also try to keep each department in check and ensure it is being run to the best of its abilities
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in: When * it means someone is talking.
Discord name: Luke332 : Kufie "rogue" Kilack
For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Age: 15
In what country are you located?: America
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Jacob "bant" Suric, Kufie "rogue" Kilack
Civilian name: Jack Oogway
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: I do! I have a good mic!
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Captain (holding), CI-B (held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes 2, both expired One for RDM over a year ago and combat jumping at the beginning of the year
Why are you applying for Site Advisor? I am applying for Site Advisor because i want to increase my foundation skills. I also want to help make positive changes around the site Ashwell as wanting to become more knowledgeable in the site!
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?: What makes me suitable for SA is my determination to the site. I have CL4 Experience (as i am a captain) and i have good leadership abilities. (as i run d-block) I have done a lot in my time as captain i have also watched from a distance. I know the duties and responsibilities of SA as well as what they do on a daily basis. I have also started to get my name out there (as i am being recognized more and more) so i have a good reputation among the community.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?: Their responsibilities are to work with different departments around the site to ensure the site is running smoothly. They are also in charge of creating new policies which benefit the site and the personnel. They also approve AA when it is needed for MTF and SCU (when need be) Part of their job is to pick new department leaders and commanders who will be of help and assitantance to the branch in question. They also deal with site issues so Site Command doesn't need to. We also try to keep each department in check and ensure it is being run to the best of its abilities
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in: When * it means someone is talking.
> Access.File/Kufie.K/site-65
> Accessing File/Kufie.K/site-65
> Loading...
*can this damn thing hurry up
> Welcome. please input username and password for file...
> User Password **************
> Welcome {Data Expunged}
File loaded: File for "KUFIE "ROGUE" KILACK" loaded
> Born in {redacted} with his small family consisting of Himself, His father and his sister. He grew up with a Military's veteran. He learned his father’s skills at a very young age. He later like his father joined the military, He served over seas for 12 years coming home after his last redeployment left him with a piece of shrapnel in his chest. Kufie was hospitalized for 3 days. He made a perfect recovery, when he got to his house later that day, he found a sealed letter with what he assumed to be a new government stamp. It was the SCP foundation. The letter read "Dear Kufie, You have been selected for a top secret government mission at {redacted} foundation site. Your new job will include free health care, protection against cognit hazards *Cognito hazard?* and any other work place injury's that may happen. Please meet us at 231 {redacted} at 8:30 PM. -Ethics Chairman Randal."*I wonder what the fuck an SCP is. Im gonna do it and i realize im talking to myself again.* He went to 231 {redacted at 8:30 and saw 2 armed guards. They knocked Kufie out and put him in a truck. they then drove to site-65. When they arrived he started to wake up and put 2 NU-7 on a LC and the other the Commander for Nu-7 in a head lock. He knocked out the LC and was just about to try to knock out the Commander when he heard a voice *Kufie.* The voice said *You were chosen to come here for a reason. Don't make me regret it by having you knock out a Commander.* He didn't know what to do. *Kufie this is going to be your new home for 25 years. You better get comfortable. * They went inside and started talking. Kufie finally found out what he was there for. He was there to guard prisoners. After 1 year on the job he was promoted to Officer. Gaining the nickname "rogue" After handling some things... "differently". It was a nickname the suited Kufie. it was 3 years till he got his captain opertunity. After about 2.1 years of being a captain Kufie was called into the Site Directors office. *Rogue, thats what their calling you right?* *Yes sir.* * You have something special. I want to offer you a very special position as a Site Advisor* Kufie was stunned. He had only a couple interactions with any Site Advisors. He happily took it. *Rogue, with this comes alot of new and different responsibility's. I know your background is a lot of combat but thats about to change. You are about to be in charge of alot of people. People who will rely on you, departments who will need help and your gonna have to be the one there to help. *Sir, are you sure im ready.* *More than anything.
> Close file.
> Terminal closed
> Fil.redact/c4
> File redacted
> Access.File/Kufie.K/site-65
> Accessing File/Kufie.K/site-65
> Loading...
*can this damn thing hurry up
> Welcome. please input username and password for file...
> User Password **************
> Welcome {Data Expunged}
File loaded: File for "KUFIE "ROGUE" KILACK" loaded
> Born in {redacted} with his small family consisting of Himself, His father and his sister. He grew up with a Military's veteran. He learned his father’s skills at a very young age. He later like his father joined the military, He served over seas for 12 years coming home after his last redeployment left him with a piece of shrapnel in his chest. Kufie was hospitalized for 3 days. He made a perfect recovery, when he got to his house later that day, he found a sealed letter with what he assumed to be a new government stamp. It was the SCP foundation. The letter read "Dear Kufie, You have been selected for a top secret government mission at {redacted} foundation site. Your new job will include free health care, protection against cognit hazards *Cognito hazard?* and any other work place injury's that may happen. Please meet us at 231 {redacted} at 8:30 PM. -Ethics Chairman Randal."*I wonder what the fuck an SCP is. Im gonna do it and i realize im talking to myself again.* He went to 231 {redacted at 8:30 and saw 2 armed guards. They knocked Kufie out and put him in a truck. they then drove to site-65. When they arrived he started to wake up and put 2 NU-7 on a LC and the other the Commander for Nu-7 in a head lock. He knocked out the LC and was just about to try to knock out the Commander when he heard a voice *Kufie.* The voice said *You were chosen to come here for a reason. Don't make me regret it by having you knock out a Commander.* He didn't know what to do. *Kufie this is going to be your new home for 25 years. You better get comfortable. * They went inside and started talking. Kufie finally found out what he was there for. He was there to guard prisoners. After 1 year on the job he was promoted to Officer. Gaining the nickname "rogue" After handling some things... "differently". It was a nickname the suited Kufie. it was 3 years till he got his captain opertunity. After about 2.1 years of being a captain Kufie was called into the Site Directors office. *Rogue, thats what their calling you right?* *Yes sir.* * You have something special. I want to offer you a very special position as a Site Advisor* Kufie was stunned. He had only a couple interactions with any Site Advisors. He happily took it. *Rogue, with this comes alot of new and different responsibility's. I know your background is a lot of combat but thats about to change. You are about to be in charge of alot of people. People who will rely on you, departments who will need help and your gonna have to be the one there to help. *Sir, are you sure im ready.* *More than anything.
> Close file.
> Terminal closed
> Fil.redact/c4
> File redacted
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