Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120076905
Discord name: thisis_jack
For how long have you played on CG SCP: A year and a half, since the start of June 2022, 1537 hours as of writing.
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Daniel 'Jack' Hammer
Civilian name:'Nail'
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Ethics Committee Assistant, Site Manager, Site Advisor, E-11 SPC, DEA Senior Agent, IA Ambassador, SCP-096, CI-B
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Member.
The reason I am applying for Ethics Committee Member is that I have vast CL4 Experience as stated above, and would like to further that into CL5 experience to allow a potential new way of being able to aid the site, not only with Roleplay purposes, but with aiding more closely, such as approval of SCP-008 tests for upcoming Research Staff.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
I am the best candidate for the Ethics Committee for various reasons. Firstly, my experience on site. I have been on site for a significant amount of time, and within my time on site I have learned many things about the Site, researched all different departmental duties, held various high positions within the site as well as ensured the site's health is maintained to the best of my ability, advising people on various tasks they should/shouldn't do, or to do them in certain ways.
Another reason I am the best candidate is due to my more recent on-site tasks, outperforming standard duties which will follow in this new role, including holding meetings for colleagues/higher-up colleagues not present on site or who may be otherwise preoccupied, performing audits for colleagues when they are away from the site for no additional gain for myself, as well as ensuring at all times that the site is at its top standard of Health, Ethical Ability, and well being.
The final reason I am the best candidate is the fact I am decently well known on site, I am respected by Site personnel and am more recently regarded as quite trustworthy, which is most certainly needed for a CL5 position with the power it holds. Adding to this point, I am very active on-site, one of the more active members of the Ethics Committee Assistant team.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
Discord name: thisis_jack
For how long have you played on CG SCP: A year and a half, since the start of June 2022, 1537 hours as of writing.
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Daniel 'Jack' Hammer
Civilian name:'Nail'
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Ethics Committee Assistant, Site Manager, Site Advisor, E-11 SPC, DEA Senior Agent, IA Ambassador, SCP-096, CI-B
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Member.
The reason I am applying for Ethics Committee Member is that I have vast CL4 Experience as stated above, and would like to further that into CL5 experience to allow a potential new way of being able to aid the site, not only with Roleplay purposes, but with aiding more closely, such as approval of SCP-008 tests for upcoming Research Staff.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
I am the best candidate for the Ethics Committee for various reasons. Firstly, my experience on site. I have been on site for a significant amount of time, and within my time on site I have learned many things about the Site, researched all different departmental duties, held various high positions within the site as well as ensured the site's health is maintained to the best of my ability, advising people on various tasks they should/shouldn't do, or to do them in certain ways.
Another reason I am the best candidate is due to my more recent on-site tasks, outperforming standard duties which will follow in this new role, including holding meetings for colleagues/higher-up colleagues not present on site or who may be otherwise preoccupied, performing audits for colleagues when they are away from the site for no additional gain for myself, as well as ensuring at all times that the site is at its top standard of Health, Ethical Ability, and well being.
The final reason I am the best candidate is the fact I am decently well known on site, I am respected by Site personnel and am more recently regarded as quite trustworthy, which is most certainly needed for a CL5 position with the power it holds. Adding to this point, I am very active on-site, one of the more active members of the Ethics Committee Assistant team.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
- To Authorise certain tests to happen, such as SCP-914 with Biological objects (Most of the time D-Class units) as well as approval of SCP-008 tests to be done by either Senior Researchers, with an Executive overseeing it, or higher clearance Research Personnel such as Executives or the Director. This can also include Cross Tests which would require Ethics Committee Approval (Random examples being SCP-079 and SCP-682 cross-tests)
- Organise and authorise Code Black situations, if the situation needs it.
- Activation of Alpha Warhead (with SL+ approval) If the Site is beyond saving, ERT has failed and another wave would not be worth waiting for due to the chaos caused by the SCP breach.
- Ensuring all Site Staff remain Ethical, and perform their duties to their procedures as well as tasking Ethics Committee Assistants to perhaps closely inspect certain departments/personnel in case of reports of Unethical Behaviour.
- Performing Departmental Audits on all appropriate Departments such as MTF units (Excluding Alpha-1), Medical, Research, Internal Affairs, External Affairs and Gensec.
- Authorising certain needed protocols for departments such as the agreement of Mass Termination of D-Class units outside of the Class D Checkpoint, and ensuring that this is followed correctly, in case certain site personnel were to attempt to bend this procedure to their own will. They can also authorise the task of MTF NCO+ Personnel to acquire Advanced Armoury, ensuring the door is manned, and used appropriately and then at the end of the situation, all Advanced Armoury weapons/items are returned if un-used.
- Holding various types of meetings with many departments regarding potential issues, checkups, and investigations as well as being able to assist and answer questions needed, GOIs (UNGOC Mainly) as well as potentially dealing with situations of the CI, only if needed.
- Distributing Ethics Committee Assistants various tasks, such as Sampling, Information Gathering, Auditing etc.
- To create valid, healthy and noticeable Roleplay scenarios/situations for the server.
- Creating, Organising, Hosting and Running tribunals for CL4 Personnel (Can also be performed for CL3 and below personnel, though the task is usually handed to Ethics Committee Assistants).
- Charging O-1 with various duties, and orders as well as working closely with them and ensuring their role is utilised fully within RP.
- Approval/Denial of Ethics Committee Assistant applications.
- Hosting interviews for the accepted applications of Ethics Committee Assistant.
- Approval/Denial of Internal Affairs Director applications.
- Hosting interviews for the accepted applications of Internal Affairs Director.
- In rare cases, organising and sorting situations out of RP Demotion Appeals, sorting personally out L1 Appeals and giving insight/facts regarding L1/L2/L3 Demotion AppealsApproval/Denial of Internal Affairs Director applications.
Personnel Dossier: Daniel Hammer
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