Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name) : atomicenergy2020/nattay2018/Dr.ShadyDave
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP : Around 2 years now Half a Year Playthrough Lvl125 Overhall
Age : 30
In what country are you located? : uk
Time zone : uk
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable ) : Dr.MD.ShadyDave
Chao:s name (include your rank) : n/a
Civilian name : Currently Mysterio
Steam ID : 76561198035138857
Do you have a mic? : Yes always active, always working
What server are you applying for? : SCP-RP UK GameMaster Application
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications :
-No this will be my Third, Hope to make an impression for my coming back GM Application. (https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-uk-gamemaster-application-dr-md-shadydave.12050/) the first one i cant seem to find.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- yes i ban a long time ago and i never had a warning or anything since i fully enjoyed this server and what it has to offer.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- Yes Actually i was a GM before for around 6 months, And i Made Many Fun and Unique Events With my GM Personal, engaging well with everyone i talk with, also From my ADHD its hard to process information however im great at adapting to situations given to me.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- of course lots of other servers for years now xD, i really enjoy Gmod its a fun game to let your hair down, all being in high ranking roles and all being super imaginative and super into doing everything. your imagination is only limited to what you can think.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- too many again im on around 6-8 hours some days could be absent because my RL life, children and stuff.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- why not ive got an amazing imagination i love learning and creating new and interesting things, giving me this with the roles i currently have as Dpt.Director will allow me to make and create new SCP's and fun short and long event all based heavy around SCP lore and LORE in general, i want to learn to help staff when i can and also happy to create amazing, fun and balanced events, this can get me to help with my ability s to learn more in any situation.
-My balanced nature and willingness to change is what gives me more passion to make this my given role, constantly thinking of people and making them "test" for what there learning IE a researcher just learnt chemistry, great lets test that by making an elemental monster based around that research..., im thinking outside the box and making sure other people are enjoying my content and excitement just as much as i am
-My interactions as SCPs more is giving people a ligit RP chance at decent testing stuff, and learning which people like specific things, ive be talking a lot now to a lot of people you guy come up with some crazy ideas, im here to help and assist where ever needed even cause some chaos when needed
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
my imagination and on the spot thinking allows me to get much deeper and wider views on SCP's often asking and designing SCP, im extremely upto date with all things SCP and know how to semi intimate voices for stuff, i did acting in my early years and enjoyed doing that on my later years. the reason really i loved Gmod so much, and again i was a Head of Research Department, im still hyper commited to the research department and playing SCPs as a whole i love keeping everyone upto date with fun SCP's.
my focus and drive to everyone in this community as a whole, i like everyone flows and ways, clearly there a lot of combat based RP here, however i feel my splash of Real RP, might bring some inspiration into other people aswell, making for a more Friendly based around specific roles in the foundation and much more, i likke bringing character and new narrative into the server overtime i play with you guys, constantly changing and refining myself as a person, i have only you guys to thank for some of that amazing RP that has developed me as a person
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
"The Patchwork Teddy killer" - Using the Patchwork Teddy Bear Making him a Serial Killer his been possessed by SCP-035 influencing him to kill as many people as possible before hes figured out - Bear Turns Serial Killer.... A dark force has took over are beloved Patch Work Bear and he must Eliminate a head of command and kill them 1 by 1, who can figure out the murders and Someone Must Solve this Mystery!! - using staff admins and game masters keeping control of both SCP's and guiding them if needed to, using some to be a detective solving the crimes and finding out the killer.
"Mysterio" - MC&D have employed Many Agent over the past years, only building to the most Famous of them all "Mysterio", selling totally unique and Custom SCPs, that can be bought for the highest Payment of Course, His Elaborate Record and Talented Personally Brings all Fun and Danger To any Situation Hess Regarding With, Often Leaving Great Review for his Work in Finding Amazing and Talented SCP Anomaly's. But Beware Dont Strike a Deal Unless your Ready to Deal With the Repercussions !!!.
"Whats the Secret Sauce
" - Using reference from https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2484 im doing my own takes on this lovely number, i say number no (SCP-2484-3), a New Pizza and sandwich shop will open in pinewood, and lets say its Secret Sause .... is killer ALL unbeknown to the shop owners horror, This is a fun GM influenced short horror, obviously watching infecting people with some chemical that kills them slowly overtime, with only stopping it by reclaiming the Item interests.
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
"The Dollhouse" - This map will utilize the idea form SCP-184 Also Known as the Architect, With my own spin on a case File listed on the website of the SCP Wiki,
(When inside an enclosed structure, SCP-184 expands the structure's inner dimensions without altering its outer dimensions. SCP-184 will increase the inner dimensions of any enclosed structure by several hundred meters each day, beginning one hour after entry into the structure. Initially, SCP-184 only extends the walls out, causing rooms to become much larger without adjusting the height of the room. This expansion continues until the original dimensions of the room have been tripled.
At this point, SCP-184 starts creating wholly new rooms. SCP-184 is apparently able to copy items from inside the structure, creating furnished rooms consistent with the rest of the structure. After a period of time, however, the expansion process appears to break down. For example, items will be made from inappropriate materials (glass books, a wooden microwave), rooms will be oddly-shaped, doors will open into blank walls, and hallways will be tiny or twist back around in long mazes. The new inside structures continue to be more and more odd, while the outside remains unchanged.
This behavior is most dramatically illustrated in homes; however, it has been observed in other instances, including a cardboard box. The changes do not go away with the removal of SCP-184, but no additional structures are created).
Mission Objective Is as follows for Civilians, MTF, Research & Agents, to retrieve SCP-184 from what is to be presumed An Ordinary Residential Neighborhood that has been twisted in a way that retrieval is of the upmost concern, Civilians will be living inside this never ending space Stopping all MTF or Foundation Operatives From Gaining SCP-184, Agents will do there best to assist in Mapping and Detaining all Civilian Personal, While Research Personal will document and record all happening inside and outside the Containment Area, GMS & other staff will help in keeping RP flowing and moving Between all RP Situations to make the event fun and Lasting as long as needed before completion of stated mission
List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: SCP-507 Has Come to Site XX For a couple of day While His current CC is under going Refurbishments, 0-1 are to Keep and eye on and escort SCP-507 to whereever and whatever he needs, (using GMS avaiable, or just 1 admin or mod, Change name into SCP-507, then allow his to walk freely with MTF escort, avoiding not to touch him,)
Step 1 : Do an introduction with O-1 / Research Sector, that 507 will be temperate placed here again because of other site renovations
Step 2 : Allow 507 to do his first jump, at random, for a random amount of time, then allow for RP interactions
step 3 : after a couple of good interactions with research and personal, we do a longer Jump, RP the response then Place inside a Temp CC, so restricting movement during a breach
step 4 : after some time allow safe passage out of the facility and onwards back to his originals site and CC
A-1: Site Command Find some Rather interesting looking Material while examining it with fellow researchers it suddenly radiates a bright light and then nothing..... or so they think without there knowledge the unfortunate members experience a curse placed on them by ancient technology, 1 by 1 Visions start plaguing each member showing visions of fire and destruction, its down to them to try to remove it before they all parish...(using GMS to attempt to recreate the demon core experiment however with an SCP anomalous spin on it, can use the bell, or the 3d glasses monster model to scare people, and attempt to make a cure or make there time left pleasant)
Step 1 : Allow first movement of object, it could be an anomalous tear in reality or an object/metal that appears in storage rooms
step 2 : wait till High ranking or a lot of people are around it (as many as possible), then RP explode the device
Step 3 : Nothing at first seems to happen, till specific people who where exposed to the objects blast, start dying 1 by 1
step 4 : if they cant make a sure or figure out how to stop the curse everyone will die who saw the bomb or object.
Nu-7: something is stalking them from the shadows, talking & taking control taking over like a worm in the brain beware if your not to careful you might Let slip the thing we fear most, the thing we dont need, its the THING!!! (this one could be difficult however with the right person who knows PAC, and using a Good GM, A ROUGE DNA splice from 682,it mixes Normal civilian into the formula and makes a shapeshifting, body splitting, killing machine which can only be stopped with death and destruction )
Step 1 : It runs out of the night as a dog and stalks out the local area, looking for people to impersonate, it targets locals a first, splitting into different parts if needed
Step 2 : Allow sometime for news to quiet down and try to out settle the winter, keeping warm laying low, under the radar
Step 3 : Feast on as many people as possible, if caught try act normal, being fully normal till time you get to attacks
step 4 : try to pass through or escape the local area, moving on somewhere else
E-11: SCP-538, While doing Routine Checks into HCZ, 1 Member of E-11 Stumbled Across an instance of SCP-538, its there job to Detain or exterminate these sources of issues Before they Spread Accross all of HCZ. (these are known as quite passive SCPS, can be used can be used by staff or crew, mainly 3 in a group, cause a bit of chaos and either allow capture/testing allowed onto them)
Step 1 : 538 react well in shadows or no light areas, so naturally they will gather in groups of 3 or more and move around keeping to them selfs
step 2 : some will start to create traps out of webs and using areas to lure people into biting areas, People infected get Flu like symptom's but no death
Step 3 : its down to E-11 to either kill/Contain all instances, if kill then story ends right here, and finish after all instances are destroyed
Step 4 : or contain them and use them for study purposes then afterwards terminate them all
CI: Aliens Come to earth for the first time and crash CI, exhausted and out of options they start to track the whole area, detaining humans as he goes, always looking for metal and fuel, at some point CI will either Attempt to detain or acquire Advanced Weapons in help in Getting the Alien Home and free.(using GMS create a simple alien Looking character with PAC, then can be used in 2-3 GMS or Staff, how a simple story to play out with tue aliens trying to leave)
Step 1 : Allow and are in pinewood around the back mounting areas for a spaceship crash landing, open with large explosion and titles
step 2 : allow are little alien friend to stumble around getting his bearings, (understanding what language, planet space local area IE)
Step 3 : Try to either Fix/Help the alien get home, or Contain and Contain SHip, for future study
Step 4 : Alien Either gets sapience to fix ship, and fly's away, or in containment kills everyone and everything and runs away into the night
Foundation Staff: A Sudden Virus Starts to spread in the Facility, it turns people Crazy, Unbeknownst to All a rare instance of SCP-610 is starting to spread, it will take the whole of the foundation and staff to stop this spread and exterminate all sources of this Rouge SCP-610, (this starts of with a patient zero, use GMS or staff for that, and its a genetic version of 008 but with no mobility and 100%agression & no real way to cure it, either contain or destroyed samples or people infected with SCP-610)
Step 1 : Using people deep within HCZ / Some random Chosen D-class, start a virus infection that slowly spreads and mimetics 610 anomalous activities
Step 2 : EIther contain this quickly or lock up HCZ immediately, failure to do this will breach into LCZ
step 3 : if containment or failures to contain this hasten worked push back to EZ/CS and kill everything related to this infection
Step 4 : if everything fails and cant contain it any longer, code black and kill everything, its the only way
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP : Around 2 years now Half a Year Playthrough Lvl125 Overhall
Age : 30
In what country are you located? : uk
Time zone : uk
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable ) : Dr.MD.ShadyDave
Chao:s name (include your rank) : n/a
Civilian name : Currently Mysterio
Steam ID : 76561198035138857
Do you have a mic? : Yes always active, always working
What server are you applying for? : SCP-RP UK GameMaster Application
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications :
-No this will be my Third, Hope to make an impression for my coming back GM Application. (https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-uk-gamemaster-application-dr-md-shadydave.12050/) the first one i cant seem to find.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- yes i ban a long time ago and i never had a warning or anything since i fully enjoyed this server and what it has to offer.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- Yes Actually i was a GM before for around 6 months, And i Made Many Fun and Unique Events With my GM Personal, engaging well with everyone i talk with, also From my ADHD its hard to process information however im great at adapting to situations given to me.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- of course lots of other servers for years now xD, i really enjoy Gmod its a fun game to let your hair down, all being in high ranking roles and all being super imaginative and super into doing everything. your imagination is only limited to what you can think.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- too many again im on around 6-8 hours some days could be absent because my RL life, children and stuff.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- why not ive got an amazing imagination i love learning and creating new and interesting things, giving me this with the roles i currently have as Dpt.Director will allow me to make and create new SCP's and fun short and long event all based heavy around SCP lore and LORE in general, i want to learn to help staff when i can and also happy to create amazing, fun and balanced events, this can get me to help with my ability s to learn more in any situation.
-My balanced nature and willingness to change is what gives me more passion to make this my given role, constantly thinking of people and making them "test" for what there learning IE a researcher just learnt chemistry, great lets test that by making an elemental monster based around that research..., im thinking outside the box and making sure other people are enjoying my content and excitement just as much as i am
-My interactions as SCPs more is giving people a ligit RP chance at decent testing stuff, and learning which people like specific things, ive be talking a lot now to a lot of people you guy come up with some crazy ideas, im here to help and assist where ever needed even cause some chaos when needed
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
my imagination and on the spot thinking allows me to get much deeper and wider views on SCP's often asking and designing SCP, im extremely upto date with all things SCP and know how to semi intimate voices for stuff, i did acting in my early years and enjoyed doing that on my later years. the reason really i loved Gmod so much, and again i was a Head of Research Department, im still hyper commited to the research department and playing SCPs as a whole i love keeping everyone upto date with fun SCP's.
my focus and drive to everyone in this community as a whole, i like everyone flows and ways, clearly there a lot of combat based RP here, however i feel my splash of Real RP, might bring some inspiration into other people aswell, making for a more Friendly based around specific roles in the foundation and much more, i likke bringing character and new narrative into the server overtime i play with you guys, constantly changing and refining myself as a person, i have only you guys to thank for some of that amazing RP that has developed me as a person
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
"The Patchwork Teddy killer" - Using the Patchwork Teddy Bear Making him a Serial Killer his been possessed by SCP-035 influencing him to kill as many people as possible before hes figured out - Bear Turns Serial Killer.... A dark force has took over are beloved Patch Work Bear and he must Eliminate a head of command and kill them 1 by 1, who can figure out the murders and Someone Must Solve this Mystery!! - using staff admins and game masters keeping control of both SCP's and guiding them if needed to, using some to be a detective solving the crimes and finding out the killer.
"Mysterio" - MC&D have employed Many Agent over the past years, only building to the most Famous of them all "Mysterio", selling totally unique and Custom SCPs, that can be bought for the highest Payment of Course, His Elaborate Record and Talented Personally Brings all Fun and Danger To any Situation Hess Regarding With, Often Leaving Great Review for his Work in Finding Amazing and Talented SCP Anomaly's. But Beware Dont Strike a Deal Unless your Ready to Deal With the Repercussions !!!.
"Whats the Secret Sauce
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
"The Dollhouse" - This map will utilize the idea form SCP-184 Also Known as the Architect, With my own spin on a case File listed on the website of the SCP Wiki,
(When inside an enclosed structure, SCP-184 expands the structure's inner dimensions without altering its outer dimensions. SCP-184 will increase the inner dimensions of any enclosed structure by several hundred meters each day, beginning one hour after entry into the structure. Initially, SCP-184 only extends the walls out, causing rooms to become much larger without adjusting the height of the room. This expansion continues until the original dimensions of the room have been tripled.
At this point, SCP-184 starts creating wholly new rooms. SCP-184 is apparently able to copy items from inside the structure, creating furnished rooms consistent with the rest of the structure. After a period of time, however, the expansion process appears to break down. For example, items will be made from inappropriate materials (glass books, a wooden microwave), rooms will be oddly-shaped, doors will open into blank walls, and hallways will be tiny or twist back around in long mazes. The new inside structures continue to be more and more odd, while the outside remains unchanged.
This behavior is most dramatically illustrated in homes; however, it has been observed in other instances, including a cardboard box. The changes do not go away with the removal of SCP-184, but no additional structures are created).
Mission Objective Is as follows for Civilians, MTF, Research & Agents, to retrieve SCP-184 from what is to be presumed An Ordinary Residential Neighborhood that has been twisted in a way that retrieval is of the upmost concern, Civilians will be living inside this never ending space Stopping all MTF or Foundation Operatives From Gaining SCP-184, Agents will do there best to assist in Mapping and Detaining all Civilian Personal, While Research Personal will document and record all happening inside and outside the Containment Area, GMS & other staff will help in keeping RP flowing and moving Between all RP Situations to make the event fun and Lasting as long as needed before completion of stated mission
List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: SCP-507 Has Come to Site XX For a couple of day While His current CC is under going Refurbishments, 0-1 are to Keep and eye on and escort SCP-507 to whereever and whatever he needs, (using GMS avaiable, or just 1 admin or mod, Change name into SCP-507, then allow his to walk freely with MTF escort, avoiding not to touch him,)
Step 1 : Do an introduction with O-1 / Research Sector, that 507 will be temperate placed here again because of other site renovations
Step 2 : Allow 507 to do his first jump, at random, for a random amount of time, then allow for RP interactions
step 3 : after a couple of good interactions with research and personal, we do a longer Jump, RP the response then Place inside a Temp CC, so restricting movement during a breach
step 4 : after some time allow safe passage out of the facility and onwards back to his originals site and CC
A-1: Site Command Find some Rather interesting looking Material while examining it with fellow researchers it suddenly radiates a bright light and then nothing..... or so they think without there knowledge the unfortunate members experience a curse placed on them by ancient technology, 1 by 1 Visions start plaguing each member showing visions of fire and destruction, its down to them to try to remove it before they all parish...(using GMS to attempt to recreate the demon core experiment however with an SCP anomalous spin on it, can use the bell, or the 3d glasses monster model to scare people, and attempt to make a cure or make there time left pleasant)
Step 1 : Allow first movement of object, it could be an anomalous tear in reality or an object/metal that appears in storage rooms
step 2 : wait till High ranking or a lot of people are around it (as many as possible), then RP explode the device
Step 3 : Nothing at first seems to happen, till specific people who where exposed to the objects blast, start dying 1 by 1
step 4 : if they cant make a sure or figure out how to stop the curse everyone will die who saw the bomb or object.
Nu-7: something is stalking them from the shadows, talking & taking control taking over like a worm in the brain beware if your not to careful you might Let slip the thing we fear most, the thing we dont need, its the THING!!! (this one could be difficult however with the right person who knows PAC, and using a Good GM, A ROUGE DNA splice from 682,it mixes Normal civilian into the formula and makes a shapeshifting, body splitting, killing machine which can only be stopped with death and destruction )
Step 1 : It runs out of the night as a dog and stalks out the local area, looking for people to impersonate, it targets locals a first, splitting into different parts if needed
Step 2 : Allow sometime for news to quiet down and try to out settle the winter, keeping warm laying low, under the radar
Step 3 : Feast on as many people as possible, if caught try act normal, being fully normal till time you get to attacks
step 4 : try to pass through or escape the local area, moving on somewhere else
E-11: SCP-538, While doing Routine Checks into HCZ, 1 Member of E-11 Stumbled Across an instance of SCP-538, its there job to Detain or exterminate these sources of issues Before they Spread Accross all of HCZ. (these are known as quite passive SCPS, can be used can be used by staff or crew, mainly 3 in a group, cause a bit of chaos and either allow capture/testing allowed onto them)
Step 1 : 538 react well in shadows or no light areas, so naturally they will gather in groups of 3 or more and move around keeping to them selfs
step 2 : some will start to create traps out of webs and using areas to lure people into biting areas, People infected get Flu like symptom's but no death
Step 3 : its down to E-11 to either kill/Contain all instances, if kill then story ends right here, and finish after all instances are destroyed
Step 4 : or contain them and use them for study purposes then afterwards terminate them all
CI: Aliens Come to earth for the first time and crash CI, exhausted and out of options they start to track the whole area, detaining humans as he goes, always looking for metal and fuel, at some point CI will either Attempt to detain or acquire Advanced Weapons in help in Getting the Alien Home and free.(using GMS create a simple alien Looking character with PAC, then can be used in 2-3 GMS or Staff, how a simple story to play out with tue aliens trying to leave)
Step 1 : Allow and are in pinewood around the back mounting areas for a spaceship crash landing, open with large explosion and titles
step 2 : allow are little alien friend to stumble around getting his bearings, (understanding what language, planet space local area IE)
Step 3 : Try to either Fix/Help the alien get home, or Contain and Contain SHip, for future study
Step 4 : Alien Either gets sapience to fix ship, and fly's away, or in containment kills everyone and everything and runs away into the night
Foundation Staff: A Sudden Virus Starts to spread in the Facility, it turns people Crazy, Unbeknownst to All a rare instance of SCP-610 is starting to spread, it will take the whole of the foundation and staff to stop this spread and exterminate all sources of this Rouge SCP-610, (this starts of with a patient zero, use GMS or staff for that, and its a genetic version of 008 but with no mobility and 100%agression & no real way to cure it, either contain or destroyed samples or people infected with SCP-610)
Step 1 : Using people deep within HCZ / Some random Chosen D-class, start a virus infection that slowly spreads and mimetics 610 anomalous activities
Step 2 : EIther contain this quickly or lock up HCZ immediately, failure to do this will breach into LCZ
step 3 : if containment or failures to contain this hasten worked push back to EZ/CS and kill everything related to this infection
Step 4 : if everything fails and cant contain it any longer, code black and kill everything, its the only way
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