Denied Give ISD Enforcements Extra Armor

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jan 10, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Give A-1 and O-1 Enforcement 20-50 extra armor on spawn. (Totaling 120-150)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
This Suggestion is Similar.
I suggest only adding a small amount of armor to ISD enforcement jobs.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Extra use for Enforcements as the "body-shields" of EC/O5
-Right now most people play on the Specialist ISD jobs just because it is more useful, with grenades, QBZ, and a disguise kit. I think this would make enforcement more used.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Imbalanced against CI. (The amount of armor can be adjusted.)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Visually the ISD enforcement jobs are tanks and I think it would make sense if the armor reflected this. Enforcement jobs are also not used nearly as much as other roles simply because their only utility is a shield, enforcements are supposed to be the main role in charge of protecting CL5 but this is usually not the case because they bring minimal benefit compared to the Specialist job.
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Oct 7, 2023
-Imbalanced against CI. (The amount of armor can be adjusted.)
not imbalanced to ci when ci have the most powerful kits on the server + a juggernaut with 500 HP + 500 Armor and a reality bender with 500 hp and 100 armor that can headpop anyone, giving ISD enforcement more hp is literally the slightest buff compared to what ci already have

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I just said for the enforcement jobs because they visually have more armor, I haven’t noticed much on the E-11 or Nu-7 jobs. But if Content team wants to extend it to those jobs they are welcome to.
i mean, i can't speak for nu-7, but a little more armour for breacher on-spawn might make sense, sure.

it's not like you can recover this armour anyway
Apr 1, 2023

Honestly, ISDs are currently balanced and perfect. I don't see any reasons for them to undergo any additions or changes. We also have shields, which are the perfect way for tanking. On the UK server, we utilize the enforcer job all the time, and on top of that, A1 and O1 get 4 shields respectively. I don't see any reason for more armor.
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Oct 7, 2023

Honestly, ISDs are currently balanced and perfect. I don't see any reasons for them to undergo any additions or changes. We also have shields, which are the perfect way for tanking. On the UK server, we utilize the enforcer job all the time, and on top of that, A1 and O1 get 4 shields respectively. I don't see any reason for more armor.
4 shields like every other regiment on the server!?! omg so op dont buff!!++!
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Apr 1, 2023
4 shields like every other regiment on the server!?! omg so op dont buff!!++!
So, from your reply, I will take it that you want ISDs to feel special, and that's really about it. There is a repeating habit where people aren't satisfied with what they get, and it's mainly because they want to feel special and better than the other regiments, even though the regiment doesn't need any changing.

Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
+/- support
Idk how i schould fell about this suggestion, an part is saying it makes sense and another part just says it doesnt make sense.
Of course an little bit of an buff to the job would be great for most A1/O1 but you might need to atleast add an part that just blance stuff out example are just like 5% slower walking its not much but just for overall balance its most likey gonna be fine. (if you really wanna pull ci type blue and juggernaut into this, remember Type blue can be counterd by an reality anchor and the CI juggernaut just by the speed he walks adding he cant run)
Overall yes this suggestions is good but if you can play good with an m249 para and the shield you will be fine even without the extra armor.
(This suggestions is probly gonna get denied soo yeah)
So, from your reply, I will take it that you want ISDs to feel special, and that's really about it. There is a repeating habit where people aren't satisfied with what they get, and it's mainly because they want to feel special and better than the other regiments, even though the regiment doesn't need any changing.
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