Regimental Commissioned Officers spawning with proper clearance

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes how MTF/CI/GOC loadouts work to allow for certain ranks to spawn with the proper keycard levels regardless of jobs. The restrictions would be as follows

LT+ - CL4

Delta+ - CL4 (Reason for this is the Delta Operative job, and Delta being labelled as a "Jr. CL4" by most of US RP and Server Leadership, though I don't know how UK sees it. UK LTCOM gave the idea in the comments below.)

1SGT+ - CL4 (Reason is due the Attache, like the above I feel it is safe to call 1SGT a "Jr. CL4" due to the Attache whitelist.)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I can vividly remember this being accepted, but I find no proof of it existing on dev tracker or the forums. Maybe I missed it?

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Allows for COs to play more than just Officer/Commander jobs.
+ Makes sense, as the Commander of a regiment wouldn't be stripped of their authority for playing Medic (example).

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- A complete rework of either the VWar battalion system, job loadout system, or Keycard system, which would be a huge amount of dev time.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall, I think this would be a massive quality of life improvement for COs of any regiment besides O-1 or A-1. As Nu-7 LTCOM, if I want to play Marksman, Medic, or Specialist, I forfeit my Clearance Level 4 comms access and door access, which can be quite annoying especially given that bulkheads are CL4 and certain things are only discussed on CL4 comms, meaning I miss out on vital information.

This suggestion would improve the quality of anyone in E-11, Nu-7, GOC, or CI drastically, and I feel like it would be worth the dev time to implement.
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