[UK] Anna "Dragnet" Mirian OSA Application

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Emilia Foddg

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 15, 2023

Steam ID:


Discord Name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Coming up on a year, I joined in May 2023 (total level 150-something)
Here's a VTime screenshot (taken 10/01/2024) that shows the past month, to get a general idea of how active I can be - Not really my most active time period, but bear in mind that during some of the purely red periods, I was still contributing to the E-11 roster:



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

F - Emilia Foddg (/ Anna "Dragnet" Mirian (provisional, as this application is not accepted))
CI - Cheebos

Civilian name:

Unbin Dallin Consol

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

Yes, but I have my reasons for not using it atm.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

  • MTF E-11 LT (Holding, in E-11 since 17/07/2023, been LT since 12/12/2023 - Active, decorated & highly valued in the regiment)
  • CI Gamma (Holding, in CI since 27/10/2023)
  • SCP-22415 (Holding)
  • SCP-096 (Holding)
  • IA Agent (Holding)
  • DEA Agent (Holding)
  • SRU/SCU (Riot & Heavy Weapons License) (Holding)
  • Sr. Doctor, Combat Medic (Medical License) (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Here is a screenshot of my warnings:
  1. July 13 - Hacking out 076 as a Senior Researcher
  2. September 23 - Leaving fake 096 pictures in FL3 elevator for people to find, as Senior Researcher

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

I'm not. I'm an awful candidate. Probably the worst. But I mostly do documentation and general paperwork kinda stuff as an E-11 LT (I almost play my combative Jr CL4 role like it's a non-combative one, so why not have an actual non-combative Jr CL4 role, too?), especially as the current supervisor of the E-11 Roster (and likely the future manager of the CI Rosters), having put a lot of work into making E-11 run as smoothly as it does right now, always coming up with ways to improve on it. I mean, if you want some of that for yourselves, then you're welcome to come and get it, I wanna make the server overall a better place to be. It's why I do what I do. I wanna have fun here. I want everyone else to have fun here. I wanna do cool, fun and interesting things. I wanna help everyone else do cool, fun and interesting things. I'm also active within the community so I can probably also meet whatever requirements you have on that front.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

  • Authority - In the Chain of Command, Assistants (when not under direct orders) are above every other junior CL4 position with the sole exceptions of Agency Managers and MTF Majors+ (and pretty much every senior CL4 position is above assistants who are not under direct orders - Additionally, they are also subject to Zone Jurisdiction Policy when not under direct orders). And Overseer Assistants under direct orders from the O5 council have the second-highest authority on the site, for the express purpose of executing those orders. In the absence of Overseers, this authority is to be wielded responsibly and for the following (non-exhaustive) list of situations:
    • Ensuring that departments are in line with Foundation interests and values - To investigate, interrogate and observe the Site's departments, assuring their loyalty to the O5 Council remains intact.
    • Issuing Orders to MTF Operatives - This is not the primary duty of an Assistant, however it is one of them; As one of the lowest-ranking agents of Site Command (again, when not under direct orders, Assistants are overrulable by Site Admin, among others), you can give orders to an MTF regiment from outside of their internal ranking structure. This could be in relation to A-1 duties (securing an area for VIPs, creating ISD business, potentially having them assist with Site Codes), Nu-7 duties (SOPs (also for DEA, which can include interaction with GOIs)), Assistants can also request Nu-7 escorts for their business if there's no A-1 available and what they need to do isn't too high clearance), general on-site security, having them assist with Site Codes), E-11 duties (SCP testing, authing/ending passive breaches), Assistants may also be responsible for authorising AA if necessary, if they are the highest ranking person (as per CoC) onsite. Additionally, Assistants would be involved in the bureaucracy of each of these MTFs.
      • Similarly for all the other departments, DEA, IA, RsD, GenSec & Medical - OSAs are generally Foundation Staff's first point of contact with the O5 council, but also Assistants are primary instruments through which the O5 council exert their authority over the Site - Expected to communicate with both them and the rest of the Site (and on the Overseers' behalf) to maintain Site operationality.
  • Document Signing - Where any form of written authorisation is needed from an Overseer, Assistants are expected to do so on their behalf, so as to retain informational secrecy and operational security.
  • FLC, Code of Conduct & Policy Knowledge - Assistants are expected to know the rules and articles of conduct by which the Site operates. They don't necessary directly enforce these on a ground-level unless related to their work or otherwise under orders to do so (Although I'm not sure what situation could possibly have an O5 order an Assistant to go and personally apprehend someone - Maybe someone of high standing, such as an MTF Commander or Department Director), but can do things like order arrests and hold people to account if and where necessary.
  • Maintaining FL3 - Assistants are expected to know their way around Floor 3, contribute in keeping all important systems undamaged and fully operational - As well as ensuring A-1 are doing their jobs, especially in the event that no Overseers are on-site.
  • Professionalism - As the front for Overseers & a VIP of A-1, OSAs need to not show either of them up; Representing them properly in front of other departments when engaging with them.
  • RP Creation - Assistants are expected to contribute to the living RP environment of the Site. Within reason and the scope of their authority, they may perform tests or engage in other bespoke activities with other Site Departments.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

From a young age, Anna has always found herself neck-deep in paperwork. And it just... Became her element - She takes her work very seriously, a trait that stuck with her for her entire life -




Always looking for some documents to process, combined with the sense of curiosity she had in her late teenage years, Anna one day stumbled upon the results of a then-ongoing SCP-689 infobreach, caused by the Chaos Insurgency. From there, things led to other things and at some point, she ended up actually in CI ranks as a paper pusher, working directly beneath Delta Command. Turns out you need more than just trigger-happy muscleheads to make a properly functioning Insurgency.
As it turns out, her personality would not be conducive to her staying in her CI position;

<DATE: ██/██/████ - Classified Airwaves, Pinewood, ████████████, Canada>
<CI - F> **Attempting to establish secure Cheebos... Establish secure Cheebos?** **C/C**

███████ █. ████████: Okay, I know exactly who made that our default outbound message, you're getting fucking PT'd.

Site-65 DEA Agent: **C** Uhhh, hello? Can I help you?

███████ █. ████████: Gas station. 10 minutes. Be there or don't, I don't particularly care either way.

Site-65 DEA Agent: Hold on, wh-

███████ █. ████████: **CLOSES COMMS**

<Pinewood Main Road Gas Station - 10 Minutes After>

**A hastily-scrambled detachment consisting of 7 DEA Agents, 5 Senior Agents, 3 Special Agents, 1 Agency Manager, 15 Nu-7 Operatives & 3 "DEA Agents" arrive at the Gas Station.**
**The scene before them, a single CI operative in worn fatigues, knelt on the floor just outside the actual building itself, blindfolded, gagged and bound. On the floor near her, a single, deteriorated booklet. When establishing a perimeter, present personnel spotted glimpses of retreating CI, but due to weather conditions, could not get clear enough visual to determine intent or obtain necessary sightlines for engagement. Formation stayed defensive.**

<F - CI> **Attempting to establish secure communications... Y/N**

███ "██████": **Y** Yes? What is it.

Agency Manager ██████: You left one of yours behind.

███ "██████": No, we didn't.

Agency Manager ██████: ...Uhhhh...? You think we're going to fall for such blatant bait? That we'd just walk into a deliberate trap or take an obvious plant?

███ "██████": This was made clear to you before, we don't care what you do.

Agency Manager ██████: Listen, stop with the mind games. You tell us your intentions righ-

███ "██████": **CLOSES COMMS**

**Following this exchange, several minutes were spent assessing the situation and appropriately checking the lone CI operative for anything else of interest or concern. And all they found were the clothes on her back. They eventually leave with the now-captive in tow and return to the Site, taking her to the interrogation room in compound.**

<Surface Interrogation, Site-65>

PERSONNEL PRESENT: 2 Senior DEA Agents, Agency Manager ██████
INTEROGATED: 1 Captured CI(?) Operative
CAPTURED MATERIAL: 1 Personnel Dossier

Agency Manager ██████: Hey there, Anna. I had a read through this little book, can't help but notice that some of the stuff is missing. I've been told that the agents that processed you initially found no traces of any injection - Yet you've been unable to provide us with some of the more important missing details. Why are you withholding this information?

Anna: I'm not. I've told you everything I know. Why would I have a reason to lie at this point?

Agency Manager ██████: *Sigh* Okay, let's start at the beginning. Why did your comrades leave you behind? Tell me the details of this operation you're on.

Anna: No operation. I simply didn't mesh well with the rest of CI.

Agency Manager ██████: But that makes no sense. Why do this, why wouldn't they just Class A you and let you go somewhere? Why wouldn't they just transfer you to a different cell? Why not Class F you and have you go for some specific objective? What exactly are CI hoping to do by letting go of you in this manner?

Anna: Maybe they just wanted to specifically make things harder for me. Maybe they just wanted to specifically make things harder for you. There's always a different perspective. Some graspable, others not. That's part of the point when it comes to the Insurgency.

**Agency Manager ██████ spends another several minutes attempting to almost-fruitlessly yield any usable intel from the captive before ultimately giving up out of frustration - Redacted for brevity. At this time, the situation is evaluated to be safe enough to bring the captive into the site for further processing, which is authorised by Site Advisor █████.**
<FL3 Interrogation>
**Anna sits alone in the interrogation room. Inside the observation room, stands Agency Manager ██████ and a singular A-1 operative, with more posted just outside. Site Advisor █████ enters.**

Site Advisor █████: Why here, why not LCZ Interro?

Agency Manager ██████: Wanted the extra security - Besides, we can't really learn any more from this one, anyway. I'm just mostly convinced that she's fucking with us.

Site Advisor █████: How?

Agency Manager ██████: It's just not like CI to just... Give us someone that they're letting go from their ranks. What could they possibly hope to gain otherwise?

Site Advisor █████: ...Unusually alarmed DEA, Nu-7 and A-1? An opening for them to exploit? People tend to forget that it's the Chaos Insurgency; Sometimes reading too hard into what they do is just what they want, to give them an advantage.

Agency Manager ██████: And what do we do otherwise? Just pretend like everything's okay? Like she's just some random civilian? Class A, throw her out into Pinewood, see what happens?

Site Advisor █████: Well, I agree that the circumstances are unusual.

**The room falls silent for a full three minutes - Occasionally interrupted by an attempt by either one of the two to put forward some kind of idea, but always stopping themselves short - Presumably upon realisation of any major issues with the idea in question; Redacted for brevity.**

Site Advisor █████: ...Let's give her a position in the Site. Low-level, somewhere where we can keep tabs on her.

Agency Manager ██████: You're talking about recruiting a former CI.

Site Advisor █████: *Shrug* Sometimes when you think it's a trap, the right move is to bite. Meet an unusual situation with another unusual situation. Although off the top of my head, it's not like similar situations haven't occurred before.

**No further conversation is had for approximately ten minutes.**

Agency Manager ██████: Okay, fine, fuck it. Let's see what she says. Maybe it'll yield something usable.

**Site Advisor █████ exits the observation room and enters the room with the captive. They sit opposite them.**

Site Advisor █████: You want a job?

Anna: *Slowly perking up* Like, in Pinewood? What, you gonna make me a baker out in the middle of snowy nowhere? I guess I don't mind.

Site Advisor █████: ...No, like in the Site.

Anna: *Blink* ...Huh?

Site Advisor █████: Huh?

Anna: Huh?

**Three further repetitions redacted for brevity.**

Site Advisor █████: I'm serious. Which department would you pick? You should know what departments we have, being former CI.

**Anna spends a solid 3 minutes of seeming dumbfounded at the prospect.**

Anna: Internal Affairs?

Site Advisor █████: That could be arranged. Why IA specifically? I'm curious.

Anna: ...It's where I'd be most comfortable.

Site Advisor █████: Alright, we'll get that sorted then.


No usable information was learned as a result. Following this, Anna was... Somewhat hesitantly and cautiously recruited? Into Site-65, starting out on a trial period before becoming a fully-fledged IA agent; Progressing comparably to anyone else who entered Foundation employ in more conventional ways.
...Which brings us to the present day, maybe a few years or so down the line.

<DATE: ██/██/████ - Overseer Assistant Offices, Floor 3, Site-65, Pinewood, ████████████, Canada>
**An Overseer Assistant sifted through paperwork and noticed something of interest. They call on O5-█ and ask to discuss it, who enters a few moments later.**

Assistant: *Offering them the document* Take a look.

O5-█ '███ █████████': Hm. Spend a significant amount of time in lower clearances, climbing the ladder from their highly unusual entry point... Then suddenly, apply for an Assistant position. Why?

Assistant: First question that entered my mind. You think it has something to do with...?

O5-█ '███ █████████': Can't ignore the possibility. It's a little ironic, at the very least.

Assistant: Hm? How so?

O5-█ '███ █████████': You know. How it all started with them. And now she's applying to be a busybody for the Overseers. You don't see it?

Assistant: Oh, I see it. What are we doing about this, anyway? What does she know? What doesn't she know?

O5-█ '███ █████████': ...What about how we can use her? What's her track record like, where she is now? Actually, over her entire time in the Foundation. It's exceedingly rare that'd you get circumstances occurring this way around. Can't afford to have any snags.

Assistant: *Looking through related documents* By the book - Performing above average in her field, biggest strength is in documentation. As far as any concerns regarding her loyalty, her record is spuriously spotless - But we can always arrange loyalty tests if we suspect something. I've read into this situation with her thoroughly, a while ago - And have always been on the lookout for recent developments since. Still can't shake that feeling...

O5-█ '███ █████████': *Looking through the application* Well, their application's pretty standard stuff. But I don't think either of us need to state the hesitancy here regarding having someone with this history gaining access to Floor 3.

Assistant: On the topic of their history, I also found this.

*The Assistant offers a different document to O5-█, who takes it. Increasingly as they peruse it, they seem surprised and confused all at once.*

O5-█ '███ █████████': ...Who else knows about this? What you just handed me?

Assistant: ...The personnel file? I mean, it's a legitimate Clearance Level 2 document, all checks out. Strangest part about it is that it dates to since long before the... I guess we call that an acquisition? Not much of a 'capture', to be frank.

O5-█ '███ █████████': Redact it immediately. Raise it to Clearance Level 4 and archive it.

Assistant: Understood. And what are we going to do about the application?

O5-█ '███ █████████': It will be discussed.

Several days before the events of 'Wolf, Thrown to Wolves':

<Personal Log of Anna "Dragnet" Mirian - DATE: ██/██/████>
Things have been somewhat nominal for the past little while, now.

Though something has me a little hung up. Sometimes, Delta Command say one thing, then the complete opposite. Like for example - That all the time we have any access to the Foundation network wherever and whenever possible, we should be looking through their files, finding anything of use to the Insurgency.
But then in the same breath, they tell us that we shouldn't be looking at every file - Well, it was worded more like... That there are some of their files that we shouldn't be looking at? But they never really specified which ones or why. So we just have these standing, conflicting orders to look at files and not look at files. Classic Delta Command.

Anyway, you can guess which one I ignored - I figured that I'd take the risk of whatever punishment they have in mind for "looking at the wrong files" if it meant potential progress somewhere - Maybe at the very least, some intel we could forward to another cell, since Foundation hold all their objects across multiple different facilities. So, next time I was able to access SCIPnet, I just browsed for as long as I reasonably could. Wasn't really that productive of a session in my opinion, though. Just read up on a bunch of mundane artefacts, some kind of bad and picky storm, some that are just their own little dimensions... Apparently there's a bag of 'therapeutic cheese' in one of the Sites.

But among all the odd knick-knacks and monsters, one thing that unusually caught my attention was a document on some funny little squiggles. Of course, everyone knows I'm no lingual expert and there's dozens of linguistic-based or otherwise related anomalies. But documents seldom actually have the thing itself present, though. Especially considering it's supposed to be a cognito. Which is weird, because I don't feel like a Clearance Level 2 Foundation Staff... And to my knowledge, I've never really been... I've not... I haven't...

...Uh... I...

So that's why we shouldn't look at specific files. Or I guess, without SCRAMBLEs...

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Jonas Enry

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Mar 4, 2023
+ Support Emilia here is one of the best COs I had the pleasure of promoting to LT. Very good in RP and with documents / Ideas.
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Reactions: Emilia Foddg


Well-known Member
Dec 4, 2022
+Massive Support
- Amazing lore
- Knows his stuff
- Very active

Emilia Foddg

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 15, 2023
Can I get the BB code for this lore segment pretty please
eh? it's nothing particularly special, just spoilers, font changes, colour changes, size changes, horizontal lines - there's no special specific BBcode here that isn't normally accessible in the post editor
just stuff like

[SPOILER="The secure Cheebos are are it again"][/SPOILER]


[FONT=courier new][/FONT]


that kinda stuff. if you can't find the font dropdown, it's in the three dots next to the colour selector

unless you mean like, you want the whole lore? like what i wrote, as i wrote it?
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Active member
Dec 30, 2022
Only thing is this:
As well as ensuring A-1 are doing their jobs, especially in the event that no Overseers are on-site.
It seems like your saying that OSAs can order A-1 which is not really the case unless you yourself are under orders from O5. Could just be me but that's about the only issue I see.

Emilia Foddg

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 15, 2023
Only thing is this:

It seems like your saying that OSAs can order A-1 which is not really the case unless you yourself are under orders from O5. Could just be me but that's about the only issue I see.
I mean, I'm pretty sure it's a weird case, since OSAs can be escorted by A-1 as a VIP; So I mean, you can sorta give orders to your security escorts - And i think like especially in the case of apprehending someone if necessary, you would need to; But most circumstances that cover that, you'd be under O5 orders anyway. There's probably some weird edge casing there.

But with this, I wasn't referring to kind of rank-and-file orders within the regiment - More specifically meaning just keeping them manning FL3, preventing anyone without the proper clearance and/or permissions from being up there, making sure they're not misrepresenting the O5 council. that sort of thing? Am i wrong?


Active member
Dec 30, 2022
But with this, I wasn't referring to kind of rank-and-file orders within the regiment - More specifically meaning just keeping them manning FL3, preventing anyone without the proper clearance and/or permissions from being up there, making sure they're not misrepresenting the O5 council. that sort of thing? Am i wrong?
Would be more down to the COs to ensure that is happening, there's nothing strictly against OSAs doing this but it would be frowned upon by A-1 most likely and O5. But more recently or at least before I left we were trying to not have A-1 on Floor 3 too much.

Emilia Foddg

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 15, 2023
Would be more down to the COs to ensure that is happening, there's nothing strictly against OSAs doing this but it would be frowned upon by A-1 most likely and O5. But more recently or at least before I left we were trying to not have A-1 on Floor 3 too much.
ah ok, so that's me just not having a proper grasp on how A-1 works, fair enough.

Gregory McCain

Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 29, 2021
Harelbeke, Belgium


The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████.

Hello @Emilia Foddg,

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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