Fuze's GM app UK

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Original Steam login name (your account first ever name):
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
since SPT 2023
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
+3 GMT
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
A-1 LCPL "Fuze"
Special Agent "Schizo"
Chaos name (include your rank):
CI-D Muffin
Civilian name:
Steam ID:
Discord ID (name#0000):
the uptake
Do you have a mic?:
What server are you applying for?:
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
-Staff App (no longer interested and yes I told Luft), OSA, Special agent, GM, Exec, 22415, 096
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- I've gotten a ban for 2 weeks (MRDM) And a FailRP warn
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- No but I have a whole bunch of ideas, and I know how to build good dupes/maps
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
-before CN no, but now I've got a few hrs under my belt
How many hours can you be on every day?:
- at least 2/3

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:

-Having the ability to make RP for everyone and see them have fun is such an amazing feeling, I've seen the smiles broda and require put on people's faces and I want to be a part of that team of similes.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

If you ask anyone who has seen anything I built not only is it lag-friendly but it looks very good, all the dupes are low prop sizes and could take up a whole room. make it feel like it was something else.

But if we put the building aside, what makes me special is the creative and out-of-the-box thinking mindset that I have, if we run into a problem/roadblock I could find a way to get around it. most people who have interacted with me would see and understand what I mean by this. if we have a problem I can fix it (or try to at the very least)

Not to mention how when I make a story the people in it would be able to feel like the storyline is being shaped around them as they RP it out. each action they do the outcome of it would affect the RP

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

1- The Syringe Hist:

The idea of the event is to have the MC&D Shipment come through Pinewood and for the lorry delivering it to tip over, spilling anonymous syringes of unknown matter. each syringe having a different effect on the person using it. but it only has 3 uses, if the syringe does empty itself or gets injected the moment it gets filled up with any liquid it would return to its original state. but after the 3rd injection, it would lose its anomalous properties and just become a standard syringe until filled up with another liquid where it would latch on to that liquid for 3 more uses.

Each Syringe would have a different use some would heal, some would set you on fire, some would just kill you straight up, and some would give you unholy amounts of HP Depending on what they put in it. While they are doing that MC&D Reps would come in and try and talk this out diplomatically trying to buy it back from SA... or find some other way.

MC&D would be armed to the teeth 2-3 are in para tech in case they can't take it back with words and fight their way out.


MC&D-CL4 Site 65: Hello gents. One of our shipments seems to of got lost around your FOB. Could we have it back?

(the person playing as the MC&D would respond according to the CL4 personnel speaks to them)

2- The Silly Old Man

An old reality bender has found his way into the foundation, he has somehow managed to make wormholes that would bring the closest person with him to another area of the site. but causing their legs to be broken and half of their health to be missing on arrival Almost as if he was using them as crashmats. While E-11 are trying to figure out what's going on Researchers send a few D-class with the old man to find out what's going on.

The idea of this event is kind of like what 106 has where he can take people to his "pocket dimension" where he torches them. but instead of pain, this SCP is using people as crash mats to warp around the site. causing people to panic since they don't know when they will be taken and end up with broken legs. and half of their starting HP.

3- SCP 131 (The Eye pods)

On one quiet day at Site-19 a researcher has had enough of everything stealing SCP-131 "The eyepods" and trying to make a run to hide and sell them to the highest bidder. but he was called out before anything could happen. Site-19 has informed Site-65 about this rouge researcher and is assumed to be hostile. The last GPS record of SCP-131 was just outside of Pinewood.

While Site-19 is getting people out to Pinewood. Site-65 has SCP-131 in their site to help out with tasks and objectives they need to do around the site. We would try to get every DPT a chance with this SCP but since it's going to be a short event it would be hard to get everyone to have a shot at it. but Research would have prior and medical after them. once they are done with their RP it's first come first serve.


Please List a Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Frist them, Then us:

The idea behind this event is to have SCP-1548 breach containment and cause world wide solar flares resulting in a world wide containment breach. many ERT waves have been called in. all have failed. All the CL5s agree the world needs a reboot, a 2nd chance. after nuking every site. 90% of the worlds population has died the lucky ones from the nuke. the unlucky from 682 getting a little hungry around them.

92%. . .

96%. . .

98%. . .

100%... of the world has died. all humans, animals, plants. Everything that is, got turned to was.

SCP-2000's screen has turned on and started to warm up, the world truly was quiet. 5 days later SCP-2000 was printing out critical foundation personnel giving them reports on what happened around the world. they found out all the SCPs have been fighting each other, killing each other. Causing them to shrink in numbers.

The O5 council and Ethics Committee have done the unthinkable they put down their mission objectives to save humanity and make it prosper once more. printing everyone from D-Class personnel to Civis that couldn't tell what's going on. Hell they even Printed O5-1 Twice. They send a team of engineers out to build them a new site while everyone is still getting printed out.






(The map)

The new map would look a lot like Site-19 having cells and long hallways. built in the GM plain and the top of the world. there would be TP points blocking the Spawn points of everyone's bunks so no one could run around the empty site.

I know this is probably a bad map change event, but I've never seen one done and broda said there was only ever 1 done so not a lot of room to draw references from

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: Gaming time

The ECC has been talking to Research Site-79 due to them testing out video games and logic puzzles. unethically using foundation staff instead of D-Class personnel. Due to them not only ignoring the ECC but also being rude to them Omega-1 "The Laws Left Hand" has been deployed to go undercover and figure out what is going on with them and find out why they aren't responding to direct orders from ethics.

(After arriving at the custom-built map of site-79 in a modern Japanese map inspired by Tokyo's layout. Omega-1 Get to disguise as members of the site and try and figure out what's going on. they will have the option to talk to the researchers or go to the Site Admins and figure out what's going on. There will be many SCPs that could affect them mentally and distract them from the mission that they have been given, they will have a chance to explore the site and write their own story. They will meet up with an IA Agent from Site-79 Who will debrief them on everything going on site and the names of people)

They will see Research staff Playing with SCP-6722-07 (In-game location: Super Mario World (1990, SNES), Level 1-Castle (#1 Iggy's Castle)) SCP-6722-16 (In-game location: New Super Mario Bros. (2006, DS), World 2-2) SCP-6722-32 In-game location: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (2010, Wii), World 1-6 (Right-side Down Galaxy) And many more popular 90's games from Nintendo. Ignoring the notice from the department of gaming that says to not play with anything that's contained in the safe class Dark building of Nintendo. Once Omega-1 has confirmed that they are actively ignoring the ECC's orders and their department leaders' orders they will be cuffed and brought in front of the ECC to be taken care of and SCP-6722 to be Neutralized.
ECC: Site-79, Respond.

Site-79: Yes. what is it now...

ECC: I recommend you watch your tone.

Site-79: Yeah yeah. what is it that you want? we have stuff to do.

ECC: You have been doing very unethical things

Site-79: You have no proof of that. and even if you did what are you going to do about it?

ECC: Final chance Site-79 watch your tone.

Site-79: okay this is going nowhere. go write a doc and complain to SA *Closes comms*

A-1: Custom order:

The Overseers have been getting reports that the logistics group has been performing a little too well. So they send out a privet custom order to help out with a few projects that only the O5s know about. Alpha-1 has gotten a briefing about this project then sent to the logistics factory/HQ to watch them build Spare parts for IOTA-11, the chems that they have injected in the test subjects have caused the D-Class to suffer from weak bones, and causing their muscles to to crush their bones to fine dust making it so they can move in a room colder than 1 C or warmer than 30 C or at altitudes higher than 100m from sea levels

A1: Logistics we are coming in. I'm sure they... briefed on you on what's going on right?

Logistics: Yes. and welcome. your order is almost ready

A1: Good. Very good.

Logistics: While we have you here would you like anything to be ordered?

The idea behind this event is to have A-1 go collect Parts for MTF Iota-11 and maybe even order some new parts for them to use. (A-1 has gotten a lot of good events lately thanks to Broda so TBH my brain can't think of anything to top that)

Nu-7/E-11: The Unknown Gift

MTF NU7 and E-11 have teamed up with MTF Pi-1 The city slickers after hearing that 682 has breached containment and is heading to the big populated town near Pinewood with 096 following him they would breach containment and make a run to the surface 096 being inraged and forced to chase 682. SCP-682 thought it would be a good idea to use SCP-096 as a tool to kill all foundation staff in his way to save his strength for the long road ahead while 096 is trying to kill him.

Once the MTF units subdue 682 and 096 they roam around to look for any parts of both scps that could cause an info breach. but find a bunch of bottles that could never be emptied no matter what. the moment they tried to pick it up they fell into the ground ending up in a different part of the GM plane where there were rivers of unknown substances. they are tasked with figuring out how to get the bottle up and in foundation custody and get the researchers to test it and find out what this thing is.

CI: Counter raid

Deep covers in Site-45 Reported that the site has suffered a massive containment breach and that it would be an easy raid to go in and steal SCPs that could easily be weaponized. E-11s have been deployed at this site and they are in a really low number running light on ammo. CI sweep in to steal as many SCPs and kills any survivors. Pinewood's CI would be teaming up with other sister cells to go in and raid the Foundation stealing as many SCPs as they can.in hopes of weaponising them and turning them into tools of distractions. then they would raid the foundation using their new toys (only once per captured SCP)


CI: Copy, we are on route.

UNGOC: He Who Reads

The Goc has figured out a way how to get to the wanders' library Capturing one of the Wanderers inside they return to their base and question him. After figuring out who he is and what that place is they would all go in saying they have been invited by (name of the captured Wanderer) to educate them selves on everything. but things take a sour turn what's they find they are the GOC and that they have stolen one of the black queen's books and taught a few of their men traumatology war breaks out in the library causing a lot of books to get damaged and a lot of men on both sides lose their lives. one of them manages to shut the portal to the library causing whoever was inside to be trapped there till another door opens or they find out how to open one.

There will be books on the shelf each one of them doing special things such as allowing the holder to teleport around the site or go wherever they need to be. or granting them Type green reality bending. or even infinite knowledge and wisdom.

Foundation Staff: Franks Fresh Food

Chef Frank has found his way into the foundation by selling tickets to his cooking class. it starts normally when he explains how to make bread and pasta. but then boils down to how to make Annoying food and everyone that is in the room feels compelled to make the food forced by standers to cook for Frank. Only for the final dish called "the Ikea meatball" eating or touching the food would take you to SCP 3008 "The Infinite Ikea" Leaving all the foundation staff that have taken inside to survive the horrors inside the massive super store that seems to have no exit until an MTF unit (first one to get there) Shuts it down causing everyone that was left inside the ikea to be assumed dead. every rescue mission has been a failure due to the nature of the SCP in question.

Frank: Why do we cook? who wants to learn how to make bread and free your soul?
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Hello @TheKupKake

I'm going to be leaving a Neutral for now until the Map Change section is addressed.

A map change is a completely new map being temporarily swapped onto the main server and the Game Master team runs a 2-3 Hour massive event on it for the entire playerbase.

The reason I am being critical on this point is in the coming weeks we wish to start planning one.

The other ideas are good and would entertain the playerbase at large. I believe you can grow whilst you are a Trial Game Master so I am not too worried about that.

Focus on the map change event and I'll revisit my verdict.


Well-known Member
Feb 2, 2023
+ Support
he is active the community aswell as being really easy to speak to, his even ideas in the application are interesting.
best of luck!
May 7, 2022
Hello Fuze, I will be giving you a +Neutral on your application.

The reason for this is because your application is a bit hard to read in my opinion, not because the ideas are bad or anything, its just that it was hard for me to read when an idea changes to a new one, but its probably just me. Other than that your ideas are solid but need a bit more expanding on as there is parts to your ideas that did not make sense to me.
Good luck on your application!
Hello Fuze, I will be giving you a +Neutral on your application.

The reason for this is because your application is a bit hard to read in my opinion, not because the ideas are bad or anything, its just that it was hard for me to read when an idea changes to a new one, but its probably just me. Other than that your ideas are solid but need a bit more expanding on as there is parts to your ideas that did not make sense to me.
Good luck on your application!
Heyo bruce, ive changed the formating a little.

But over all the format that i did (with the help of broda o7) is as such:

Event name:

Starting Lore:

Event Idea:

And the rest would be up to the players to chose, i would give them many different paths to go down along side a map and side characters that would increase the RP in the areas they go to. if you want i could explain every even in like 1 sentence

Any who Thanks for taking the time to reply!!
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