Rule Suggestion Rule Change :: Assistants

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.
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Jul 14, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion replaces rule:
4.4 Non-Combative Personnel - The day to day duties of the person's job doesn’t require them to involve themselves in combat, these roles and/or departments may not engage in combat unless there are no options available, such as escape or hiding.
more specifically, Overseer Assistants | Ethics Assistants to being:
Non-Combative unless pursuing an arrest (Similar to what IA agents used to be)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Allows assistant's to directly interfere with personnel breaking the FLC by putting them under FearRP.~
- Assistants, although Cl4, are no where near as important to the general site safety as other personnel, being more similar to IA Agents with slightly more power who server Site-Command. This reminds me of the time someone compared the Assistant Job as a "Ambassador with direct access to SC."
- Although the "ISD Escort" scenario can be argued, ISD are not always available, and neither are IA, sometimes being 10 seconds, or even minutes away from responding.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Not any negatives I can think of.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Would allow more RP and arrests to take place, especially on high value targets, when undercover without the need for IA to move in, possibly allowing the target to run off.

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
My point is that IA Aren't always available / trustworthy enough for an arrest, if not online at all. Sometimes operations / ongoing affairs require special circumstances where a person is to be arrested.

E.g., CL4 can just say "I outrank you. Do not arrest me"

Additionally sometimes IA are just busy with their own stuff, sometimes I've even seen it take 3-4 minutes for IA to respond an SA calling them for help, with assistants (OSAs) responding faster than them running to CS.

The last week there's been normally atleast 4 IA on. as for the CL4 thing. It is against Agent/operative policy to Arrest CL4's. That's an Amb/DOIA duty.

Besides, if assistants really need an arrest. Why not call for one of the ISD members to get them? Normally that's easier.
Jul 14, 2023
The last week there's been normally atleast 4 IA on. as for the CL4 thing. It is against Agent/operative policy to Arrest CL4's. That's an Amb/DOIA duty.

Besides, if assistants really need an arrest. Why not call for one of the ISD members to get them? Normally that's easier.
As stated in previous replies, ISD are usually busy escorting P1s, and just generally sometimes take a long time to respond, especially for long distances where the person could just escape at that point.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 19, 2022
As clearly stated, from others, ISD should be there to escort assistants when they ask, it is their duty. Assistants shouldn't be running around and trying to catch 1 mingy individual, they have better tasks to do and IA is there for it, don't forget that other departments can also arrest an individual by catching them (not using the NPC) which a assistant or SA can use the NPC when IA is not available.


Junior Developer
Junior Developer
Programming Team
Feb 9, 2023
Assistants are assistants to site command they're not law enforcement, we already have IA, O-1 and A-1 who do that...
Suggestion Denied

Hi, Flare,

This is being denied, as our current SSL team does not see the need for assistants to be able to put someone under fearRP for any part of their duties. You can argue that it's for arrests, but realistically speaking that should be left up to IA. If need be there is always a way to handcuff someone assuming they have no gun out, in which case you would need more than yourself to FearRP someone anyway.​
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