Denied Adding Weapon Checkers to all ISD jobs

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds the new Weapon Checker swep to the MTF O-1 and MTF A-1 Operative, Enforcement, and Commander jobs

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes, but since then certain rulings as well as a whole new Weapon Checker swep have come out.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Will allow ISDs to properly strip weapons off of individuals, or check people for weapons.
+ Makes sense in RP, as ISDs handle Internal Security, so it'd make sense that they can take peoples weapons off of people
+ QoL Update for O-1 and A-1, since as is they have to ask a Specialist or Officer to do weapon checking.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- None that I can think of, outside of "something something power imbalance because of weapon checker swep"?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
With rulings coming out recently surrounding "/me strip weapons" binds, as well as the new weapon checker swep, I think it would be a good idea to add the Weapon Checker to the ISD jobs that don't have it to better their ability to perform at their duties no matter what job they choose to play.

Emilia Foddg

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 15, 2023
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes, but since then certain rulings as well as a whole new Weapon Checker swep have come out.
last suggestion of this was
which yes, does say just O-1, but the author does later say they meant to include A-1 despite never updating the OP.

denied for "loadout reworks are already in progress"

may already be a thing
last suggestion of this was
which yes, does say just O-1, but the author does later say they meant to include A-1 despite never updating the OP.

denied for "loadout reworks are already in progress"

may already be a thing
This specifies all ISD jobs and goes into a lot more details why it would work/be a good idea than "I wanna check people for weapons".
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Dec 7, 2022

Bro beyond the name, both A1 and O1 don't got shit on DEA when it comes to anything. Say for like... COs of A1 with the rapid fire lazer beam that is the EBR. Least let us get a D-Class without having to yap at GSD or IA.
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