Fool's Site Inspector Assistant Application (Overseer Assistant Application)

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Active member
Oct 18, 2023
100% fr gonna be accused of AI generated again womp womp, I am not Zeta that plays on IA and DEA

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:240476062

Discord name: OldSport__

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

- As long as dalton, maybe a little later like a month earlier. I'm such an oldsport,

Age: 20

In what country are you located?:


Time zone:

- HTC 10, sometimes

Character name(s): Foundation "Fool", Chaos Viridana Escribar,

Civilian name: "Ten Piedad"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

- U.S.A

Do you have a mic?:

- Yes, but there are times I like to do the chatting by text.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Held: Site Advisor, GOC SGT, Consultant,

-Holding: 096, nu7 SGT, CI-G, IA/DEA, TECHINALLY 22415 but we dont have them in the game yet

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- None, Cuz I'm simply him

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

- Honestly, I'm not the best Overseer Assistants there are probably better picks, cuz they be holding on cl4 job rn. Then ya got me ya homie, sitting on cl3 jobs but moving up the ladder extremely slowly. Since I don't feel like I be belonging in any of the departments rn, for me its just not really fun. Its the same loop over and over again, but each repeat and new leadership comes tighter the chains of obedience. Like I get it nu7 gotta be on surface but please relax there is no one on the server on the surface, what I'm saying I like to be lax. I'm not here to move up the ranks I'm here because I want a new experience then the same slog, I want to give an fun experience to the server. You can have leadership, good ethics, and such but people will just do what you say for the rank, but they don't actually respect you. Applications for the server are mostly campaigns on broken promises, cuz you know the moment someone gets a role they either follow the status quo or do nothing. What will I do, is being honest I wont hide behind the fabricated flower words people use for applications. For the sake of the application know this, I consider myself a fool, for what I thought I could achieve in the past, such foolish dreams. This means a couple of things, I'll respect others, I wont be serious because being serious all the time really hinders the mood, and I'll do the job as its expected from me. If this is agreeable then I look forwards to the position. Might also still linger some of that crazy?

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

- The Responsibility of OSA/SIA is that they are the eyes and ears of the Site inspectors (Overseer Council). Meaning that they will act on the behalf of the council whether they are on the site or off the site. OSA can be responsible with authorizing AA, when there is no one else on the site that has the ability to auth according to the structure. These guys also monitor the site, writing documents, and making sure the site is in healthy condition. Some other things they can do is arrest people and uphold the code of conduct, authorize authority with tests. Being the middleman between Site Inspectors and people.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Two guards watch as they see foundation member bite off the arm off D class, thinking to themselves where the hell did this guy come from. There is blood everywhere before "Fool" gets tased by IA, and tossed into the looney bin. "So where did thus guy come from?" asked one of the guards walking up to the two guards, looking over at him. "Honestly, he showed up one day, there are rumors they found him in a Factory, others say he was found in the mines, where this fool was eatting rocks." The second guard shakes his head "You've got it all wrong, I've heard this is what happens when you accidentally do too much augmentable experiments on one person without making sure they can actually deal with it." The third guard that just appeared would speak up "What if he just manifested like an SCP and appeared here." The two look at him at scoff* "Look at him he's deranged as hell he wouldnt harm a fly."

Pondering from a camera "Wow we really makin this Fool an assistant No way." Some other people around the table agree with him, before a voice chimes in behind them "It would be really funny to become an assistnt you should agree" Radio goes slient
Aug 8, 2022

Records and Information Security Administration

A message has been received from the office of ██-3 ██████████████

To: "Gwee"

Hello. We appreciate the time and effort you invested in the application process for the position of █████████ Assistant. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we have chosen not to move forward with your application at this time. We want to express our gratitude for your interest in applying.

Please contact me (via discord @bogitos) with any further questions or concerns regarding your denial. If you would like to re-apply you may do so in no less than two weeks.

-From ██-3 ██████████████

Application Denied
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