Denied Giving IA more keycards

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Feb 22, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[basically giving IA agent all the keycards below their clearence, so an ambassador will have CL1,2,3 and 4, agent CL1,2,3 and so on so on]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[not that I've seen]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[allowing agent to blend in while disguised and making observations much more efficient ]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[none that I can see]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[Response here]
Here are some major issues with this

1. We don't need to have 3 more items in our inventory to scroll through

2. If you're being ID checked, you should show your actual ID anyway.

3. Getting 3-4 keycards won't actually help in disguising since they won't have the name of the job you're disguising as, making it pointless. Even if it did, there's no reason to use a keycard to enhance your disguise

4. Just go to D-Block, wait for a GSD or Techie to die and take their card and disguise if you want a matching card that bad.

5. This would get IA into more trouble since it opens opportunities for Agents and Operatives to just lie about their identity to DEA/MTF.

Overall just not needed. There are plenty of ways to make your disguise believeable and having 3-4 copies of lower clearance level cards just isn't needed to be good at blending in. If someone asks for your ID during a code 1, you should be undisguising and showing your actual ID, not still pretending to be someone else. The only time you do that is if you're investigating the department or regiment the person checking you belongs to, or it's a minge who has no right to ID check you to begin with.

But at that point, you'd be prepared anyway, and it's a niche situation that doesn't happen all that often so lugging around 3 more keycards for a very situational event just alone isn't great.

The amount of free keycards I've gotten just sitting in D-Block is insane. Hell even just going into 1162 and seeing them on the floor. If you need a lower clearance card, you can get one easily.

As an Ambassador, I would find it even more difficult to pursue an agent or operative who's minging if he's being ID checked under a false identity and using a matching card. Headcams are great if they aren't disabled :/ .
I know yo "I don't know how to hug a keypad and use a quick swap bind" lookin self did not just say "skill issue" pull up your controls and quit your yappin
bruh what does this have to do with your assertion of IA not trying to blend in, which is uniquely a US problem and not anything that happens on UK, tell me i yap and you can't even make some sense, get outta here :skull:


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Dec 20, 2023
Seems pointless when site affairs id or whatever exists. Your card would still say Operative or agent on it so it's not fooling anyone and if you're really desperate get a keycard off a dead guy or from 1162 etc. Lots of effort for something that isn't really needed nor effective. This would create more issues than it solves imo
In the event they do extra coding and make the keycards match your disguise, you then have a completely infallible disguise that would allow IA to get away with minging completely unless they're meta gamed. Get caught? Change disguise your keycard changes and your identity is gone. This could be solved by just taking keycards off dead people, ISD do it any any ambassador who wants a foolproof disguise
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bruh what does this have to do with your assertion of IA not trying to blend in, which is uniquely a US problem and not anything that happens on UK, tell me i yap and you can't even make some sense, get outta here :skull:
How does "Erm US issue!!!" Add anything to ANY suggestion? It don't. So I ain't gonna take the time to even take your goofy argument seriously.

Giving them 3-4 keycards is pretty much worthless cause they're ALL gonna say "Agent Dibblefuck" on it, it'll just make it more confusing why they had that card at all if not just making them DC target number 1. Again, you're better off just stealing a CL1 or whatever.

As for why they don't blend in, it ain't hard to figure out the guy carrying a worthless gun (p90>mp5) they don't spawn with, is a agent. That or a cadet carrying a ARX or VHS with a expensive skin on it.

Tldr, hug the door and use quick swap goofy.
How does "Erm US issue!!!" Add anything to ANY suggestion? It don't.
because you haven't answered "Erm UK issue!!!" to suggestions in the past :rolleyes:

Giving them 3-4 keycards is pretty much worthless cause they're ALL gonna say "Agent Dibblefuck" on it, it'll just make it more confusing why they had that card at all if not just making them DC target number 1. Again, you're better off just stealing a CL1 or whatever.
i mean, only the person checking needs to know they're an agent. it makes sense that if you see 'agent' on a card, they're disguised. not much else you need to know, really?

As for why they don't blend in, it ain't hard to figure out the guy carrying a worthless gun (p90>mp5) they don't spawn with, is a agent. That or a cadet carrying a ARX or VHS with a expensive skin on it.
that is just metagaming :skull:
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because you haven't answered "Erm UK issue!!!" to suggestions in the past :rolleyes:
Looked through all my post. No, I haven't. The only time I even mentioned EU or UK was a joke post about NU7 camping vents, and it wasn't "UK issue". So I standby what I said, and will go further as to say it's a brain dead argument often used in stand-in for lack of any valid criticism in said area, this isn't just towards US or UK either because both do it. Luckily the site saves up to 200 post (maybe more or less) so you can check that yourself with ctrl-f. I will say you have only used it once in the last 200 post, but it is a common bad faith argument.

i mean, only the person checking needs to know they're an agent. it makes sense that if you see 'agent' on a card, they're disguised. not much else you need to know, really?
When you pull a card out of the hole in the wall it copies the current name on you, so if you use 914 then the hole you get the card to match that 914 class name. That's why you can find Cadet (name) CL4. So someone could say "oh I'm disguised" and really be a D-Class, or DC. There's also the fact a DC could kidnap a agent then get 3-4 cards valid to match any disguise with what you're supporting.

that is just metgaming :skull:
No, it's called pattern recognition it came with your brain. Proceeding to use that information in character is metagaming.
Looked through all my post. No, I haven't. The only time I even mentioned EU or UK was a joke post about NU7 camping vents, and it wasn't "UK issue". So I standby what I said, and will go further as to say it's a brain dead argument often used in stand-in for lack of any valid criticism in said area, this isn't just towards US or UK either because both do it. Luckily the site saves up to 200 post (maybe more or less) so you can check that yourself with ctrl-f. I will say you have only used it once in the last 200 post, but it is a common bad faith argument.
ok fair
When you pull a card out of the hole in the wall it copies the current name on you, so if you use 914 then the hole you get the card to match that 914 class name. That's why you can find Cadet (name) CL4. So someone could say "oh I'm disguised" and really be a D-Class, or DC.
sure, i don't mind that happening. would create some RP. you have to understand that not everything should be running like a well-oiled machine. i think this could reasonably open up fun RP opportunities for people that know how to use them
There's also the fact a DC could kidnap a agent then get 3-4 cards valid to match any disguise with what you're supporting.
DCs gets it rough anyway, they could use a buff. this feels like a sensible DC buff
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Harold :D ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

To give you an example, adding several keycards to a single job would allow them to all be obtained via interrogating the individual meaning CI could obtain levels 1-4 or 1-3 from a single target. Alongside this, as in theory the job and name on the cards would still identify the person so not be particularly effective.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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