Toriwarior's Second Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 25, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Killtowin21
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: I have been playing on the server for about three weeks now
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: Eastern Timezone (New York)
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): E-11 Private Alexander Christof | Alexander Christof
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A
Civilian name: Abramovich Verenich
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68635369
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have four failrp warnings. One of them was for talking as SCP-049, the other one was for using a matador against humans. I don't know the details of my two other warnings. I mistakenly stated I had a metagame warning in my previous application, I asked an admin to list me my warnings ingame and it turns out I only had failrp warnings. I haven't received any new warnings since my last application.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:

I used to be event manager on a popular SCP-RP server before. I organized mini-events daily to provide roleplay for players and created large-scale events as well. I was mostly interested in events centered around the CotBG and Sarkic Cults due to my knowledge of their lores

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

Yes, most of my time spent roleplaying on Garrysmod has been on serious roleplay servers, Half-life 2 RP mostly.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

I'm on about 4 to 5 hours every day. It varies every week due to work and school.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:

I'm really invested in SCP lore, I'd like to believe that I'm very creative/imaginative when it comes to the SCP Universe. I often find myself thinking about scenarios around obscure SCPs or GOIs that can play out really well on the server. I've always loved hosting events, I prefer curating a good player experience rather than being a player and that's why I always find myself as a curator/event staff on the servers I used to play on. I'm a relatively new player to the community, however, I instantly fell in love with it and I'd like to contribute to its future success, and I believe that I'd be able to do that through enhancing other players' roleplay experiences.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

I'd like to think of myself as a good builder, I can create set pieces for future events that'll add to the aesthetic of the server. I have over ten thousand hours in the game, I've pretty much experienced everything there is about it and I know what serious roleplayers generally want, believable scenarios that enrich their roleplay experience to the fullest. I believe my intricate knowledge of the SCP lore gives me an advantage over other applicants. I'm heavily vested in SCP lore, I know most of the intricacies surrounding it as well. I've read up on a lot of documents and tales that will help me with creating plotlines for future events.

I think I'd be able to help the server by generally enhancing the player experience with cleverly created events that allow most or everyone to enjoy their roleplay experiences, hopefully contributing to the servers' success.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

United Nations Annual Anomalous ReviewRepresentatives of the GOC will visit the facility for an "Annual checkup" to discuss matters of the anomalous with Site Command. The GOC delegation will attempt to negotiate trading anomalies and possible treaties between the two groups.

This will be purely dynamic, depending on how the negotiations go between the GOC and Foundation, a period of hostility or extended peace will occur.

At the same time, embedded agents of the GOC within the facility begin covertly documenting the SCP objects within, looking for ways to destroy or possibly steal them; using the distraction of the negotiations for their advantage. They might be caught, or not.

The event will involve Site Command, Alpha-1, Omega-1, Nu-7, Epsilon-11, and possibly the research staff and security personnel.
Forever BrokenThe local Cogwork Orthodoxy sect has established itself within the village. Their smiths have converted the local population to their religion and tickers have been deployed to pacify the Ranger station.

The site has been marked for excavation by the church, a piece of their broken god lies dormant nearby. The sect has already brought pieces of Mekhane to the village, acting as their protector and enhancing them with its anomalous properties. Its gears ever turning and metals constantly stretching and expanding in response to the missing piece being ever closer to extraction.

As a result, hume meters installed on the surface alert the facility to a massive decrease in hume levels. The facility must destroy the Mekhanite construct and its followers before they extract the broken piece, lest the Church get closer to rebuilding their God.

The event will involve MTF units and Site Administration.
Doppleganger syndromeReplicas of the current O5 Council have arrived at Site-65, with valid identification. Both sets of O5 council members are utterly convinced that they are in fact who they claim to be. An internal conflict erupts as Alpha-1 members and the facility as a whole has to pick a side, decide who the real members of the Council are, and what anomalous entity could have caused this to happen.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
I've created a google document for an event proposal. I've created a small piece of lore surrounding it and the steps detailing how the event will proceed.

>>Document Link<<

>Map Link<

SCPs will be unavailable for the event part taking place on the other map. The other map will be switched to during the last stage of the event, the final confrontation.

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1A foundation researcher too curious for their own good has discovered the true nature of the Ethics committee and Omega-1, triggering an alert. Omega-1 has to locate this researcher and administer amnestics, every second counts.
A-1MTF Alpha-1 has received a tip from an unknown entity of a mole within their ranks. Alpha-1 operatives will have to figure out who the compromised agent is before they get to an O5 council member.
NU-7Chaos Insurgents have acquired a sample of SCP-008 and have captured some villagers to experiment with. NU-7 must attempt to either retrieve or destroy the 008 samples with the help of MTF E-11 before the insurgents can finalize their research.
E-11A low-level reality bender has been set loose within the facility. E-11 must use their Scranton reality anchors to try and catch the reality bender as he shifts around, spreading chaos and confusion around the facility. The reality bender will be impervious to firearms, requiring E-11 to think tactfully about how to corner and eventually catch him.
CIAn agent within the Foundation has informed the local Chaos Insurgency cell of a convoy heading towards Site-65. The convoy will be transporting anomalous items away from Site-65. Chaos Insurgents will be tasked with ambushing the trucks as they're being loaded at the facility entrance and stealing the anomalies.
Foundation StaffIt's another regular day within the facility until SCP-049 imprisons a researcher within his containment cell. Facility staff must negotiate terms with SCP-049 to return the researcher safely, and must decide between appeasing SCP-049 or using brute force with consequences.

Deleted member 1291

Has detailed knowledge of the SCP universe
Excellent roleplayer and a very cool guy
Great event ideas too​


Well-known Member
Dec 7, 2021
Confirming the message above
lad knows how everything works
creative roleplay
events are a lovely thing to read on and sound like fun


Civil Gamers Expert
May 25, 2021
-Map/idea choice is particularly interesting and sticks out the most to me
-Capable of creating interesting stories behind the ideas and fleshing them out


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 25, 2022
Has detailed knowledge of the SCP universe
Excellent roleplayer and a very cool guy
Great event ideas too​
Confirming the message above
lad knows how everything works
creative roleplay
events are a lovely thing to read on and sound like fun
Second times a charm
Promising qualities
Trying again shows dedication and persistence!
-Map/idea choice is particularly interesting and sticks out the most to me
-Capable of creating interesting stories behind the ideas and fleshing them out
Thanks for the support!

Deleted member 1285

Well Written Application
Great knowledge of SCP's
Good luck!
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