Here we are
For anyone wondering, this is what this is about:

1. Assistants lost IA comms
This does not make sense because Assistants are mediators to all departments for their respective Site Command. They have access to all other department comms as well as E-11 and Nu-7 to properly function in their positions. Why exclude IA from that?
Supposedly, someone on UK abused this. Guess what, it has not happened on US and from what I know is an isolated case. So deal with the perpetrator instead of needlessly crippling a role
2. Remove Assistant and ISD ability to use the arrest NPC
I can't comment for UK, but there has not been a problem with US ISD arresting anyone (from what I know of). As it stands, at least on US, the Ethics Committee is in charge of the Code of Ethics and the O5 Council are in charge of the Code of Conduct, and their respective ISD (internal security department) enforce it if they see violations. This duty is literally outlined in both ISD's documents which were approved by Site Command. It intended design for them, based on proper roleplay.
It is not like this will stop us from doing it either. If we see someone break Foundation laws, we will still arrest them.
What changes is that we now need to call our Site Command or an IA to come to interrogation and type whatever reason and duration we tell them.
It does not create rp, it just creates extra work for IA and ISD with no good incentive.
Now if we were told to simply ignore foundation laws being broken and make an AOS instead then... that would make no sense in rp? Why would we let someone just get away with their crimes and give them the chance to escape?
If there were some sort of issues with ISD arresting people on UK, because afaik there weren't any on US, then that should be handled appropriately instead of restricting it on both servers.
If it's an actual problem on UK, speak to their Site Command and find solutions with them. Don't just go over everyone's heads and make bad decisions. Please.