Denied Removal of Nu7 Medic and replace it with combat medics

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Removal of Nu7 Medics and adding two combat medic slots to replace the jobs

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

I have not seen a similar suggestion provided from this year. What makes this suggestion different is that it fixes the biggest issue for the medical department and Nu7 regiment.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

  1. Combat medics will be capable of providing aid to every sector of the foundation
  2. Nu7 will gain proper medical treatment and efficient aid
  3. Both Nu7 and the medical department Combat medics will be able to work together
  4. Improvement of Quality of Life
  5. Combat Medics will be capable of going to surface
  6. Nu7 will have a medical team capable of doing more than revival and healing
  7. Nu7 will have more connections to the internal departments
  8. Nu7 will have say in policy changes with medical department
  9. Nu7 will be able to gain more RP opportunities
  10. Nu7 will not have to gain a medical license for a single job slot
  11. DEA will be able to gain proper medical aid
  12. SOP will not need to go to the medbay for a medic
  13. SOP will have more people capable of providing medical aid
  14. SOP will be more Efficient than ever before

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  1. Nu7 will not have medics in their regiment
  2. SOP will have difficulty with combat medics in beginning, but it should iron out after a week
  3. Combat medics will have to face the difficulties of surface dilemmas
  4. CI, and GOC could deal with a squad of only combat medics (Policies will need to be worked for this to not happen)
  5. Nu7 will not be self sufficient

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

The issue of Nu7 medics are severe and their purpose is very limited, This will provide efficient aid and improve their combat efficiency. The desire for medical aid and for that desire to be fulfilled should be efficient and inclusive.

Efficiency is a major aspect of work, it is the value of the job done, but Nu7 Medics are incapable of doing a combat medic or doctors job, but require more than both jobs to become a Nu7 Medic. According to Nu7 CPL Karl Blackwood,”Every surface faction has a medic that is directly integrated into itself, then why should SOP (DEA and Nu7) not have it?”. Nu7 and DEA should be allowed to combat opponents and experience medical role-play without the cost of waiting for either SA/DOM permission or one of their two Nu7 Medics to get on the job. Considering opportunity cost, the cost of Keeping Nu7 Medics and keeping Combat medics away from the surface is more than the cost of removing the job and allowing combat medics to go assist SOP on surface.

Combat efficiency is a good asset. When providing assistance to Surface, it also include de-escalating a situation too. Specifically with civilians, and GOC. Nu7 and DEA have several policies and protocols to attend to during hot zones and casual interactions. SOP operations will be able to be ran smoother than before due to the inclusion of combat medics in garage or on the field. According to CI-C MCOM Niox, “they have Defibs and first aid kits, that’s basically it.” The inclusion of Combat medics will include a better value of medical aid in firefights, operations, and standard security.

In conclusion, Nu7 medics are inefficient and impractical to the medics already introduced in the medical department. The Efficient aid in medicine and combat will provide and easier time for both Nu7 and DEA. The role of a combat medic is to support, and this is what it should have been doing what Nu7 medics have done from the start.


Welsh Pride
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Group Moderator
Dec 20, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Jon dingleshmerg ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Nu-7 medic and Combat medic are two different jobs intended for two different purposes, the only thing they share is that they are combative medical jobs and as such it would not be conducive for RP to have a job removed and replaced because there is a similar one.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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