Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94165728
Discord name: daszker
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 1.2-1.5k hours.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Poland
Time zone: GMT+2
Character name(s): Dave Frontownic
Civilian name: "Colourful"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Discord name: daszker
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 1.2-1.5k hours.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Poland
Time zone: GMT+2
Character name(s): Dave Frontownic
Civilian name: "Colourful"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Dpt. Director of Medicine - Held
Consultant of Medicine - Held
UNGOC Major - Held
Consultant of Medicine - Held
UNGOC Major - Held
I have received a ban a long time ago, due to a old moderator misunderstanding a way to punish me for AFK'ing. I had received a 7 day ban for that violation, apart from that I have not received any warnings.
I am applying for Medical Consultant, because I feel like I want to get some of my knowledge that I had received while being in medical lead way back, back into the medical.
I understand that this reasoning might sound bleak, but I have always loved this department for what it is and what it could be and I want to always see it improve. Since a lot of people are leaving and coming in, I want to be a person that stays for longer.
I understand that this reasoning might sound bleak, but I have always loved this department for what it is and what it could be and I want to always see it improve. Since a lot of people are leaving and coming in, I want to be a person that stays for longer.
I have 3 reasons why I am suitable for Medical Consultant:
- I am honest and transparent with my work. I never want to do anything that would harm the department or make it more unbearable. I always talk to everyone before making a decisive decision that would impact the department.
- I am always punctual with the things I do. When I set a goal for myself to do something, I always do it before the deadline.
- I have past and extensive experience as Medical Leads. Picked up a lot of important skills while being those and found what is good and what is definitely bad for it. I have good understanding of what might be a problem in a certain situation and I am always looking hard to fiding a solution to that problem.
For this application, I will explain how to cure a illness, the correct way that the God intended.

- First of all, we are informed in Medbay about a possible illness
- We check the person for the possible illness or we look for any abnormalities with his body (limbs are enlarged, coughing yellow liquid, dry coughing)
- After we get informed of the illness, we contact the chemists back in deep medbay or core sector to order a cure for that illness.
- If we receive that cure or we get a cure from the storage units back in the deep medbay, we administer that cure into that person via injection gun or we ask the patient to drink the cure.
- We tell him to come back if the symptoms of the illness come back and send him back to do his job.

The Medical Consultant's job is simple in the extent of it being short and to the point.
First of all his job is to oversee the department when the DOM (Director of Medicine) is not around to oversee it. He has the second highest voice in the department so he is able to punish or award any medical department personel for their actions.
Second is create ways for medical personel to interact and prove their worth in the medical department by encouraging RP scenarios
(such as and not limited to:
- Surgeries
- Medical profession application where they get trained
- Combat medic escorting and training duties)
Third of all is to be the face of the Medical Department, since we are the Junior CL4s. We are showing the standards that are in the Medical and if we perform or behave horribly as that CL4, we are prone to have a bad image in the Foundation.
First of all his job is to oversee the department when the DOM (Director of Medicine) is not around to oversee it. He has the second highest voice in the department so he is able to punish or award any medical department personel for their actions.
Second is create ways for medical personel to interact and prove their worth in the medical department by encouraging RP scenarios
(such as and not limited to:
- Surgeries
- Medical profession application where they get trained
- Combat medic escorting and training duties)
Third of all is to be the face of the Medical Department, since we are the Junior CL4s. We are showing the standards that are in the Medical and if we perform or behave horribly as that CL4, we are prone to have a bad image in the Foundation.
- Alright, is this on..? - A figure is looking hastily into the camera and down on the monitor, realising it is on.
The man is visibly seen visibly in distress. He is wearing an old black suit, with a shirt that is wrinkled and has droplets of blood on it. He has a beaten up face and is seen looking around the room a lot.
- Oh..! Great, it is. *Ekhem* Hello! I am Department Director of Medicine Dave Frontownic from Site 40. I have been working here for.. um.. too long to count and remember hah.. - He pauses for a longer time to check his surroundings.
- Ah.. yes almost forgot why I was recording this. I am here to record this to keep my memories on this flash drive. I have been witness to so many horrible things that the world and the Foundation shouldn't have been witness. The importance of thi.. - He stops when he sees a man walking by in medbay, visibly shocked by this he hides with the laptop beneath the table. All we can hear is heavy breathing and footsteps. The footsteps get quieter and after sometime they stop. Dave gets up from beneath the desk.
- They almost found me, the bastards. Where was I..? Ah yes, the importance of this video is enormous. To me, at least. Site 40 is hiding something, I knew it all along. Ever since I started working here everyone here has been off.. I feel like they are not, human..? They start to talk slower and feel more metallic than human. They don't sound like humans or look like ones either. I am probably the only person that is sane enough to say it. - He looks around to see if the next words he says won't get interrupted.
- I need to get out of here and report this to someone, these people are infected and mentally unstable. Nothing here makes sense, I need to get out! - After he shouts the last words, he visibly changes from anger to nothing and then.. to fear from what he just said.
The video feed then shows 1 hour of Dave Frontownic sitting in his chair sobbing, laughing and screaming at the same time. Someone comes into the room, where they see the Director sitting in a embryonic position.
- Hey.. Dave? You haven't been around for the past 7 days..? Are you alright? - The mysterious person in Consultant attire talks after walking closer to the director.
- STAY BACK YOU FILTHY MACHINE! - Dave screams with all his energy in lungs after pulling out a .45 ACP pistol he had stashed in his drawer and shoots the Consultant dead.
Realising the gravity of his situation, he runs out of the room. Leaving the video feed at the blank room with only screams and laughter coming from the halls while others are panicking and desperately trying to escape the evil maniac with a gun.
Afterwards, Dave has been killed in a shoot out with General Security forces, but his remains were tested on for potential way of cloning. He was the first successful test subject to get cloned, but his memories from that incident were nonexistant and jumbled. The only thing left was for the Foundation staff responsible for this cloning to decide his fate.
- ARE YOU INSANE? He just murdered 3 people from the last site he was in, why send him to a different site to the same department?! - General Manager of the site is talking to a man standing infront of him. He has a cheeky smile and is smoking taking out a flask with a liquid in it, afterwards he takes a swig and clears his throat.
- Well, are you forgetting that he has done for the Foundation? We need his expertise and skill set in that Site. Besides, he has forgotten everything involving that incident.
- Alright.. but what if he has another mental breakdown?
- Oh, don't worry. - He pulls out a flash drive -
I have studied him for long enough.

The man is visibly seen visibly in distress. He is wearing an old black suit, with a shirt that is wrinkled and has droplets of blood on it. He has a beaten up face and is seen looking around the room a lot.
- Oh..! Great, it is. *Ekhem* Hello! I am Department Director of Medicine Dave Frontownic from Site 40. I have been working here for.. um.. too long to count and remember hah.. - He pauses for a longer time to check his surroundings.
- Ah.. yes almost forgot why I was recording this. I am here to record this to keep my memories on this flash drive. I have been witness to so many horrible things that the world and the Foundation shouldn't have been witness. The importance of thi.. - He stops when he sees a man walking by in medbay, visibly shocked by this he hides with the laptop beneath the table. All we can hear is heavy breathing and footsteps. The footsteps get quieter and after sometime they stop. Dave gets up from beneath the desk.
- They almost found me, the bastards. Where was I..? Ah yes, the importance of this video is enormous. To me, at least. Site 40 is hiding something, I knew it all along. Ever since I started working here everyone here has been off.. I feel like they are not, human..? They start to talk slower and feel more metallic than human. They don't sound like humans or look like ones either. I am probably the only person that is sane enough to say it. - He looks around to see if the next words he says won't get interrupted.
- I need to get out of here and report this to someone, these people are infected and mentally unstable. Nothing here makes sense, I need to get out! - After he shouts the last words, he visibly changes from anger to nothing and then.. to fear from what he just said.
The video feed then shows 1 hour of Dave Frontownic sitting in his chair sobbing, laughing and screaming at the same time. Someone comes into the room, where they see the Director sitting in a embryonic position.
- Hey.. Dave? You haven't been around for the past 7 days..? Are you alright? - The mysterious person in Consultant attire talks after walking closer to the director.
- STAY BACK YOU FILTHY MACHINE! - Dave screams with all his energy in lungs after pulling out a .45 ACP pistol he had stashed in his drawer and shoots the Consultant dead.
Realising the gravity of his situation, he runs out of the room. Leaving the video feed at the blank room with only screams and laughter coming from the halls while others are panicking and desperately trying to escape the evil maniac with a gun.
Afterwards, Dave has been killed in a shoot out with General Security forces, but his remains were tested on for potential way of cloning. He was the first successful test subject to get cloned, but his memories from that incident were nonexistant and jumbled. The only thing left was for the Foundation staff responsible for this cloning to decide his fate.
- ARE YOU INSANE? He just murdered 3 people from the last site he was in, why send him to a different site to the same department?! - General Manager of the site is talking to a man standing infront of him. He has a cheeky smile and is smoking taking out a flask with a liquid in it, afterwards he takes a swig and clears his throat.
- Well, are you forgetting that he has done for the Foundation? We need his expertise and skill set in that Site. Besides, he has forgotten everything involving that incident.
- Alright.. but what if he has another mental breakdown?
- Oh, don't worry. - He pulls out a flash drive -
I have studied him for long enough.