Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:580887168
Discord name: eraven
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since March 2023, with roughly 49 days of server play time
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Uk
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Ella “Rose” Rayman (previously used Evie "Raven" Steel and Eren Raven)
Civilian name: Evie Steel
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
IA Ambassador (Held 26/3/23 - 8/8/23)
Ethics Committee Assistant (held 30/4/2023 - 21/2/2024 )
IA Ambassador (held 15/1/2024 - 20/3/2024 )
Overseer Assistant (held 1/2/2024 - 18/04/2024 )
Site Advisor (holding since 16/3/2024)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
All of these warnings are long expired
Discord name: eraven
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since March 2023, with roughly 49 days of server play time
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Uk
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Ella “Rose” Rayman (previously used Evie "Raven" Steel and Eren Raven)
Civilian name: Evie Steel
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
IA Ambassador (Held 26/3/23 - 8/8/23)
Ethics Committee Assistant (held 30/4/2023 - 21/2/2024 )
IA Ambassador (held 15/1/2024 - 20/3/2024 )
Overseer Assistant (held 1/2/2024 - 18/04/2024 )
Site Advisor (holding since 16/3/2024)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 2 RDM Warnings on my first day on the server, however these were falsely reported to be me in the wrong and the correct person did get punished however mine were never removed and at the time i wasnt aware of the appeals/complaints system.
- 1 combat cuffing warn however this was due to a misinterpretation of the rules on my behalf before they were further clarified by staff. This was an issue I accept responsibility for and have ensured that I am fully up to date with rule clarifications and ensure I know in what situations a rule would and wouldn’t apply.
All of these warnings are long expired
- I also have a large number of AFK kicks from writing documentation as I try to ensure all of my documentation work is to the highest possible standard.
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for the currently open position of O5-2. I am applying for a couple of reasons, the first being that I want to prove to myself and others that I have what it takes to hold a CL5 position as well as a role that has a large responsibility for creating RP. I feel like at this time I am ready to take on that high level of responsibility.
I feel like now is a good time for my application as with my combined roughly year of experience of SC assistant experience combined with my few months of Site Administration.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I feel like I am an appropriate candidate for O5 council due to the sheer amount of experience that I have with working alongside Site command through just under a year holding the position of Assistant.This position has put me into nearly every situation I could think of in regards to ISD and Site command. Some examples of this have been:
- Recording high level Tribunals
- Prosecution of a Tribunal
- Acting as a member of the jury at a high level tribunal
- Acting as a judge in multiple CL3 tribunals
- Assisting with high profile SC orders
- Assisting with the observation of departments and MTF regiments that are on special measures
- Assisted in cross Site Command audits on departments.
- Assisted SC in GOI roleplay varying from assisting them to interrogations with high ranking GoI members
- Assisted SC with the arrest of senior foundation personnel for Major FLC Breaches.
Outside of Assistant I have shown many of the necessary skills for becoming a member of the O5 council. This has been through the roles of ambassador and site advisor.
With the role of ambassador I showed my initiative and leadership skills. This was through the creation of the AIA. This was an idea that I created. Made the documentation for and carried out with approval from all both sides of site command and the cooperation of both sides of the Internal Security Department. Whilst this subdivision never managed to take off on either attempt due to events out of my control the limited number of investigations it was able to run were extremely effective and lead to some changes in regards to the person/group under investigation.
I also showed my leadership skills with the management of agents, for example during one code black where I was responsible for organising the evacuation efforts of non-combative personnel I recorded a 90% evacuation within the first 5 minutes of the code black.
Site Advisor:
With the role of site advisor i have proven my bureaucracy and documentation skills, this is notably shown through the two major pieces of documentation I have created/reworked. The first (which was my creation) was a system for Site Administration to formally hand out fines alongside conduct citations. Whilst this has scarcely been used due to IA taking up more power with allowing the arrest of Cl4 staff I feel that my system was well thought out and a good first step into creating major policies.
The second document was my complete rework of the Zone Jurisdiction policy. Whilst this wasn't my original idea I re-wrote the document in a new, far more efficient format that added some new jurisdictions as well as made the document far more detailed than it originally was. This was a major document change that I hope will make the rp of many other players much nicer as it will be far more easy to refer to and charge any members of site staff with the appropriate violation.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The O5 Council hold a wide number of responsibilities including but not limited to:
- Overseeing the running of the site as a whole via the face of the Site Administration group. They are responsible for having the big picture of the foundation operations in their mind whilst making policy changes to ensure that the site runs as smoothly as possible.
- Assigning orders to Overseer Assistant. These orders are carried out on behalf of the council using their ability to act in a more subtle way as well as their less high profile appearance. These orders can be anything varying from chemical collection for assisting with SC and ISD operations to investigations on specific departments/ people
- Arranging hearings in regards to conduct violations or negligence of duties. This is vital to the site for important reasons each, In regards to conduct violations, this is vital to uphold the behavior standards among senior site personnel. In regards to negligence of duties these hearings are vital as they ensure that both on an individual and departmental level the site runs as cleanly as possible, some recent examples of this was for both the medical department and the AMTF unit Nu7. After being put on special measures both groups greatly improved their duties and have as such become pillars of the site as examples of how to operate.
- Assigning orders to MTF Alpha-1. Alpha-1 much like Overseer Assistants carry out the orders of the council, In contrast to OSA orders the orders given to A-1 are more of the combative and more violent side of operations, this may include actions such as the kidnapping and torture of site personnel for violentions they may or may not have committed.
- The Calling of Code-Black scenarios. As a member of the council you are given the responsibility of monitoring server health via the ability to call a code black. The usage of a Code Black is that it removes non-combative personnel out of the way to allow for combative personnel to quickly and efficiently deal with a situation that has majorly disrupted site rp. This is a serious choice to make and should only be done when it is the correct decision in regards to server health.
- Activation of the Alpha Warhead. Much like calling a Code Black this is a responsibility that the council have in regards to server health. The warhead detonation triggers the containment of all SCP entities and a full rp reset. This is only to be used as a last resort in the case of a breach when all other options like ERT and a code black have failed, or if there are circumstances such as if a breach has lasted for a period of time to the extent it is heavily impacting server health.
- Roleplay creation. As a member of the O5 Council you are responsible for generating rp. This is done by using the senior position to interact with the departmental leaders to assign rp tasks and activities outside of their normal duties. In the case of the O5 council this is heavily focused on the research department as they are directly overseen by the council, this ties into the fact that the research department is one of if not the most rp intensive groups on the server and assigning new tasks and projects for the department is an important part of the job of the council.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Overseer Assistant applications. The Assistants carry out tasks on request of the council that require a more low profile or subtle touch that the council are unable to do themselves with their high profile status.
- Advising O5-1 on the appointment of new council members. This is an incredibly important role as the decision to bring someone into the council gives them a great deal of responsibility. For this reason each person needs to be properly discussed to ensure that their addition to the council will not negatively impact the server at all.
- Advising on Site Director applications. The position of Site Director is the most influential clearance 4 role within the foundation. For this reason it is vital that the right person is chosen. The Site Director is also responsible for ensuring that the the Site Administration group are acting effectively and carrying out all duties that are requested of them
- Appointment of the A-1 commander. MTF Alpha-1 act as a bodyguard and personal armed force for the council and should a new commander then the council shall be responsible for choosing a new one. The correct appointment of the commander is vital as without a well chosen commander the effectiveness of the unit falls and leaves the council vulnerable.
- The review of roles that they are responsible for appointing. After appointing a person to a role such as site director the council is responsible for reviewing their conduct and behavior is up to the required standard and if they are found not to be then they will be removed from the role.
- Handling demotion appeals. As a side of site command the council is responsible for reviewing and deciding on the result of a demotion appeal. This is important as it gives people a chance to reason their actions or lack of actions in the position they were demoted from.
- Advising A-1 on good regimental recruitment choices. Due to the close nature of A-1 and O5 the council recommends people for A-1 to look into recruiting into the regiment.
- Collaborating with other departments to create RP and informing the other important groups, Site admin and the ethics committee for example, on everything that is happening in an ooc sense. This means that everyone that could potentially be involved is aware of everything that is happening and happy with it.
- Good OOC communication with all departments and GOIs, This allows for all rp to happen freely and avoid issues with ooc relations impacting the ability for the server to run and rp to happen.
- Creation, review and management of documentation such as the FLC or other site-wide policies. As a branch of site-command the council hold responsibility for creating and maintaining the conduct side of the Foundation Legal codex, This document is vital to the way that the site is run and how most rp is controlled. It also allows for all investigation, tribunal and arrest rp to happen.
- Document management and creation for the council, its assistants and MTF Alpha-1. With all of these groups being busy and handling large numbers of orders at any time keeping documentation well maintained and up to date is vital to ensure that all groups run themselves and their operations as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Delta.AIC: "Welcome, Please enter SCIPNET Login"
Site Advisor Rayman: "Site Advisor 'Rose'."
Delta.AIC: "Welcome Advisor, Please enter your passphrase."
Site Advisor Rayman: "The day of the dark comes after the death of the sun"
Delta.AI: "Verification Complete!. Welcome Site Advisor Rayman.
You have 1 unread message"
Site Advisor Rayman: "Display Message"
Message of Invitation
Site Advisor Rayman: "Site Advisor 'Rose'."
Delta.AIC: "Welcome Advisor, Please enter your passphrase."
Site Advisor Rayman: "The day of the dark comes after the death of the sun"
Delta.AI: "Verification Complete!. Welcome Site Advisor Rayman.
You have 1 unread message"
Site Advisor Rayman: "Display Message"
Message of Invitation
Lore links if embed fails
E.R.R Personnel File Unredacted
Personnel File: Site Advisor Ella Rayman Contents: Personnel File: 1 Site Advisor Ella Rayman 1 Contents: 2 Basic Information: 3 Physical Descriptors: 3 Familial relations: 3 Pre-Foundation History: 4 Foundation history 4 Move to Site 65: 5 AIA: 5 Promotion to Site