[UK] O5-2 "The Thorn"

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Feb 13, 2022

There currently is a better applicant in my opinion on and ontop of that your VTIME is also quite concerning, I know you may have just come off LOA but I didn't really see you before that and I'd rather someone which a much more stable VTIME to ensure your activity as a council member is good not just for the benefit of Alpha-1 but for RP creation within the whole server.
-/+ Neutral

That vtime is striking but taking a step back from that, your work in SA, from what I have read through is pretty good and it is clear to me you really immersed yourself into SA and can work great with a team. However, that vtime, and not being too sure about your history of RP creation would lead me to wonder how applicable you would be to an O5 position.

Nonetheless, best of luck!

VTime is dead and never seen much from you in terms of RP from when I was around. If you could add some big-ish RP that you created off your own back during your time on the server to your app that would make it easier for people to judge you more effectively.

Advising A-1 on good regimental recruitment choices. Due to the close nature of A-1 and O5 the council recommends people for A-1 to look into recruiting into the regiment.
This isn't really that true from my memory, O5 can chose to veto someone getting in but this literally happened once when I was A1 (Might have changed however)
Document management and creation for the council, its assistants and MTF Alpha-1. With all of these groups being busy and handling large numbers of orders at any time keeping documentation well maintained and up to date is vital to ensure that all groups run themselves and their operations as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
A-1 should be creating and maintaining their own documents, OSAs don't/didn't have any documentation barring an introduction and guide.
The review of roles that they are responsible for appointing.
This is pretty much the same as the following 2
Advising on Site Director applications.
Overseer Assistant applications
These 2 don't really seem needed based on the first one?

Lore is pretty decent tho but you need a bit more experience


Well-known Member
Mar 7, 2023

VTime is dead and never seen much from you in terms of RP from when I was around. If you could add some big-ish RP that you created off your own back during your time on the server to your app that would make it easier for people to judge you more effectively.
Hi Grong, thanks for the feedback. Unfortunatly i have had quite a few strokes of badluck which have shot down most of the rp i attempted to create, ranging from people i was working with being removed from their position and the inactivity and quick progression issues that IA faced whilst attempting to create and run AIA. Also in terms of my experience I feel that i am uniquely suited due to my sheer time spent working with SC with over a year between both Assistant positions. I also have not included certain attempts at creation of rp within my lore due to the fact that they were on a different character.

+/- support
You're pretty inactive as of recent. While I don't see any reason you wouldn't do well in the role, I really don't see you online much and so activity is a big concern
Thanks both for the concern about my activity, for context I have just finished a college course for working in the theatre industry where I had to work on a run of 3 shows back to back whilst also completing my coursework so alongside working for 13-15 hours a day at college i was also coming home to do paperwork for a period of about 6 weeks. However during this time i remained active within the community on discord and assisting with different aspects of Site Admin work, including the complete re-writing of a fairly substantial piece of Site policy whilst in college. As of Thursday evening I have officially finished college so my time will substantially increase.


Well-known Member
Mar 7, 2023
- Support

. No past experience in managing departments / RP creation positions / creation of site-wide policy
. Playtime is dismally lower than required.
. Application incorrectly specifies what a member of the O5 Council does in RP creation
Hi Eidolon, thank you for the feedback however i believe you didnt read my application in the slightest.

To start off:
"Experience managing departments:"
This was something that i gained during my time as Internal Affairs ambassador. Whilst I never directly got experience being a "department Director" I was doing a lot more day to day management of the actual people within the department rather than the overview. Whilst the example shown below is only one example this was the kind of day to day leadership that i was showing.
I also showed my leadership skills with the management of agents, for example during one code black where I was responsible for organising the evacuation efforts of non-combative personnel I recorded a 90% evacuation within the first 5 minutes of the code black.
Secondly, "RP creation positions", If you could cast your mind back to whilst you were in the position of ECC in roughly august last year you might remember something that I came to you with called AIA. This subdivision was an attempt to really get agents involved into the rp loop of Internal affairs it was also there to get them experience and responsibility to see how they could handle a clearance level 4 position should they apply. If i also remember correctly this was a subdivision that i also directly worked with you to create and run as it had a closer link between Ethics operations and IA Cl4 operations. Unfortunately on that occasion AIA was disbanded due to the fact that the operatives were being accepted to the role of ambassador before they could get stuck into work, before the 2/3 planned investigations that I was speaking to a member of the gm team about.

"Creation of sitewide policy":
So this statement is inherently false and within my short time in Site Administration I have created one piece of documentation to allow an organised fines system to be created which i worked on myself from no previous documentation and relied on the feedback of other members of Site Administration to improve it. The second piece of documentation is my complete re-write of the Zone Juristiction policy which i remade to the point it isnt really the same document other than the fact it does the same thing and has the same title. This was something that I undertook completely myself whilst on LOA. I am also currently working on porting this document into more ingame friendly ways.

Playtime is dismally lower than required.
Whilst I agree to this and i would have liked to have had increased play times it just wasnt possible with 15 hour college days and a job. However as of when i finished college on friday i have put roughly 7 hours into the role including ooc work.

Some more specific details of your final point would also be appreciated.
Aug 13, 2023
Most points have already been mentioned and I have to agree that your presence is hardly felt as you are SA. Your vtime definetely doesn't support your case either so i would suggest pushing yourself more out their so people notice you and create something that puts you on the map. Frankly the only time i've met you given your position is once and it was probably a week or two ago where you were chilling on F3.

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████.

Hello, @ERaven

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​
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