Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:164211367
Discord name: Sethydethy
For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Age: 22
In what country are you located?: Rather not say here
Time zone: UTC +2
Character name(s):
James "Royal" Archer [UNGOC]
Alexus "Graves" Priest / "Wintekowa" [Chaos Insurgency]
Seth "Archangel" Krueger / Gabriel "Azrael" Knight / Alexei "Knight" Winters[Foundation]
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yep!
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Overseer Assistant
Ethics Assistant x2
Site Advisor
DEA SP Agent x2
DEA Senior Agent
DEA Dpt Manager (Held for around 3 Months)
DEA Director
MTF Alpha-1 LCPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I Have recieved 1 ban in the past for reasons i wont state here but happily with the folks responsible with this App Process
One warn for Metagame (Inactive)
One warn for FailRP (Active)
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
O5-4, "The Second Horseman"
"Once a young Director of External Affairs, Now a Warmonger who is hell-bent on the idea of Evolution via Warfare and Conflict."
i am applying for -4 cause it is currently the only open spot within the Council additionally it is my next and perhaps final stepping stone within the Community, in a role where i can fully give my passion and ideas to improve and to keep the Foundation as a Non-combative where my abilities to create RP and lead are in their finest state and lastly -4 would fit with my O5 Character's chosen personality that of being the Biblical Second Horseman of the Apocalypse, Aka War.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
Knowledge and Experience
Ever since my entry into the server Up until now i have accumulated a very large wealth of knowledge and experience in terms of Site Affairs and Management, ranging from my time as an OSA to ECA, to SP Agent, to SA, and now in Agency Manager ontop of that i had taken the time to observe Site Command and hear about how they perform and what they do and since then i had learned from them.
My experience in both Management and Leadership is vast where i have been a ECA, OSA, NU7 CSG And UNGOC 1SGT and now currently DEA Manager so as such i believe i have the most amount of experience that would render me Very Qualified for the Position
Improving on Mistakes and my Past
No one is truly perfect, i took those words to heart and made sure to constantly try to improve on any and all mistakes i ever do while at the same time i seek the advice of others in higher positions aswell as those who especially critique me for answers on how i can improve on myself and my conduct though i am currently with a ban and two warns on my record i had regretted all three more especially the ban and so i have to try and must improve on every individual mistake.
Dedication and Activity
I Am active every single-day on the server and try to be active on the server when i have outside sources influencing my ability to be active, and when i am on the server i am seen for multiple hours at a time always performing my duties as Manager to the utmost extent while still involving myself with others giving them my time.
Roleplay & Skillset
I Believe myself to have a unique way with RP, I Always dedicate myself to the most intricate details of each interaction in the best way possible, all the way from Voice acting certain SCPs, to doing /me's that fit the current situation at hand, i always also try to involve everyone in a nice RP And to give them something to enjoy and additionally i am quite flexible and able to respond quickly and fittingly to changing situations in the RP's, to adapt so to speak
Management & Leadership
As an Agency Manager, Managing and Leading the Department is an obvious given and that involves being there for those under and around you leading them in the most stressful of situations so they can come out relatively unscathed, additionally there is the creation of rules, policies, hosting meetings and more importantly recruiting for your Department, giving advice and mentoring them while being a role-model for them
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The Council or known by other names such as “Overwatch” are most likely the most powerful beings in the world with complete control and vast resources aswell as unlimited knowledge, they manipulate and control the SCP Foundation from the shadows barely involving themselves or showing themselves to others, often relying on couriers and body doubles.
The Council has duties which involve but are not limited to:
Maintenance and Creation of Policies with Cooperation of Site Administration & Ethics Committee
(This is done in meetings with SA, EC, And other GOIs as to make sure each individual policy is made to be clear and understandable)
Management & Maintenance of the FLC's Conduct Part While Ethics handles the Ethics Side
(As mentioned above, the FLC Being the Foundation Legal Codex is the better-part of two seperate rule guidelines, those being the Code of Conduct & Code of Ethics, Conduct generally covers all expected rules and guidelines of the Foundation while Ethics covers morality and down to the indiviual person, the O5 Have the duty of handling the Conduct version.)
Maintaining the FLC and updating it with the collaborative effort with the Ethics Committee
(As mentioned prior, the FLC is maintained by both EC & O5, Both work together in order to maintain the FLC Which acts as the Rules of the Foundation, this is of course done by reports of the FLC, Observations, recommendations and general consultation.)
Appointment/Dismissal of High Ranking Personnel in times of need
(Usually via rank-skipping people to take over Departments or MTFs when they lack leadership, or oppositely dismissing Departmental Heads & MTF Unit Commanders when they've fallen out of favor by breaking the rules constantly or other reasons.)
Commanding and directing the Foundation from the Shadows
(As said prior, the O5 Are the Shadowy-Heads of the Foundation as such they do not take a complete direct role in Command & Control of the Foundation Instead leaving such to their subordinates, SR CL4, OSAs, etc, they only take direct control in emergencies or when it is necessary.)
Meeting with Department Heads, MTF Commanders, Group of Interests
(This is done on a regular basis to stay updated on their performance and activities, this is also to stay up to date with the general goings of the Site and recent Operations done by other GOIs since the O5 Would be busy elsewhere but still need to be kept up to date on Important information)
Supervision and Oversight of Departments
(Overseers are often put in charge/oversight of Departments to make sure they perform up to expectations while also acting as an Advisory body and the Ultimate Deciding Factor in times of Indecisive Argument, for example an O5 Could be Overseeing RSD And it's Projects, or GSD With it's Security of the Site.)
Authorization of Advanced Armory, Mass D-Class Termination, SCP Cross Tests, Code Blacks or even the Alpha Warhead (This is done only in times of complete necessitiy,
(Times of necessity for example would be Multiple SCP Breaches, Catastrophic CI Raids, meanwhile the activation of the Alpha Warhead would only be in times when the Site is in critical condition and previous attempts to control the situation had failed and when roleplay had been completely stopped and needs an RP-Reset so players can enjoy the server)
Hosting Private Hearings behind closed doors when the situation calls for it
(for example, A department in which an Overseer had oversight/supervision over, is failing in every aspect despite constant attempts of advise, improvement to save the Department/MTF From Failure, the Hearing would then be both an IC & OOC RP Opportunity.)
Assigning orders and tasks to Overseer Assistants & Alpha-1 aswell as other Departments
(This goes hand in hand with the "Commanding & Directing" the Site from the shadows, With Overseers often tasking The Research Department with Projects which would be mainly for the Foundation's benefit or rarely for an Overseer's often selfish agenda, additionally Meetings are included and interviews.)
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
They appoint members of the following positions
-MTF Alpha-1 Commander
-Site Director
-Directors of Research.
Fellow Overseers too but that comes down to strong review and voting.
O5 Council Member is additionally a very important RP Leader Position which means they have the biggest duty of creating and giving RP To others around them and not just themselves, if there is an event the O5 Must try to assist and cooperate with the GM/Event Team members in charge of the event and spread that RP To others so that they may experience it and enjoy it and if there is no event/RP The O5 MUST Create the RP For others via planning of the event, getting help to pull off the event with each event requiring good planning and execution.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, "Come and see.". And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from The Earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him."
— Revelation 6:3–4 (NASB)
* [Alexei stood within Garage after a defeated Chaos Insurgency Raid, Bodies strewn about.. a Smoking BTR Behind him... It has been a long night for him and most recently his Mental State has been ever more decreasing with the Amount of Stress and Horror he sees every single day, Normally a man like him with 19 years of Service under his record would be Hardened and be fearless... But he shakily took a cigarette out of his packet and put it in-between his lips, His hand frantically took out a lighter and ignited the Cigarette! Ahhh... Sweet Release.. almost Heaven..]*
"That was a shitshow."
* [Alexei moves to the Garage Keypad and took out his Keycard putting it against the Scanner.. BEEP BEEP! He stepped outside to the Cold Outside World... a Breeze hitting his face as he went up to one of the Watchtowers on the right hand side, on his left side was the other watchtower with a Nu7 Marksman glancing at him.. Hm.] *
"If looks could kill, he'd kill me right then and here."
* [Alexei leans forward on the Metal Bars that kept people from falling Over the Sides.. He stood there alone looking out to the Surface... a Butterfly suddenly flew towards him gracefully and landed in his hand! He looked down and sheltered the Little Buddy with his two hands smiling down at them.. Hey, it made him smile! Rare thing to see, Not even Cade could pull off such stunts.] *
"Hey little guy, you cold? You can stay here if you want."
* [The Butterfly slowly moved it's wings to open, to closed, open, closed... Slowly as he looked down at it... and then the Butterfly flew away.. He chuckled waving it goodbye.*
"See you later."
* [He chuckled and went back down the Ladder of the Watchtower, across the Compound and back inside the Garage and to the Blastdoor leading towards Floor 2, There he was grabbed by several Alpha-1.] *
"H-Hey! Guys, Relax! The Raid is ov-"
* [He was knocked out cold by the ruthless strike of a Rifle's stock going right into his Head from the side... He went limp as he was dragged away.. Him coming to and going out again every 10 seconds... Voices distant.. He heard his heartbeat..] *
*Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump, thump thump....*
* [There was the sound of an Elevator going down... and then going up.. This place was unfamiliar.. He was somewhere else.. Four Tall Podiums with a Foundation Symbol on each one.. Alpha-1 Surrounding him... There was someone at the Middle Podium, Someone he remembered but couldnt put his finger on it... He was looking over a Dossier.. Before he dropped it infront of him and then spoke.] *
"So, Mr Winters, Let's talk about your Career."
* [ No one knows what happened to Winters on that Night, or even where he'd gone.. The last thing left behind by him was that Cigarette he lit, it was back at the Garage Floor burning softly.. It was stepped on by a Passing Nu-7 and grinded into the Ground...] *
Winters Died that Night.
The Second Horseman was Born in his place.
My O5 Character would be most involved with storylines involving other GOIs aswell as storylines involving SOP.
Discord name: Sethydethy
For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Age: 22
In what country are you located?: Rather not say here
Time zone: UTC +2
Character name(s):
James "Royal" Archer [UNGOC]
Alexus "Graves" Priest / "Wintekowa" [Chaos Insurgency]
Seth "Archangel" Krueger / Gabriel "Azrael" Knight / Alexei "Knight" Winters[Foundation]
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yep!
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Overseer Assistant
Ethics Assistant x2
Site Advisor
DEA SP Agent x2
DEA Senior Agent
DEA Dpt Manager (Held for around 3 Months)
DEA Director
MTF Alpha-1 LCPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I Have recieved 1 ban in the past for reasons i wont state here but happily with the folks responsible with this App Process
One warn for Metagame (Inactive)
One warn for FailRP (Active)
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

O5-4, "The Second Horseman"
"Once a young Director of External Affairs, Now a Warmonger who is hell-bent on the idea of Evolution via Warfare and Conflict."
i am applying for -4 cause it is currently the only open spot within the Council additionally it is my next and perhaps final stepping stone within the Community, in a role where i can fully give my passion and ideas to improve and to keep the Foundation as a Non-combative where my abilities to create RP and lead are in their finest state and lastly -4 would fit with my O5 Character's chosen personality that of being the Biblical Second Horseman of the Apocalypse, Aka War.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
Knowledge and Experience
Ever since my entry into the server Up until now i have accumulated a very large wealth of knowledge and experience in terms of Site Affairs and Management, ranging from my time as an OSA to ECA, to SP Agent, to SA, and now in Agency Manager ontop of that i had taken the time to observe Site Command and hear about how they perform and what they do and since then i had learned from them.
My experience in both Management and Leadership is vast where i have been a ECA, OSA, NU7 CSG And UNGOC 1SGT and now currently DEA Manager so as such i believe i have the most amount of experience that would render me Very Qualified for the Position
Improving on Mistakes and my Past
No one is truly perfect, i took those words to heart and made sure to constantly try to improve on any and all mistakes i ever do while at the same time i seek the advice of others in higher positions aswell as those who especially critique me for answers on how i can improve on myself and my conduct though i am currently with a ban and two warns on my record i had regretted all three more especially the ban and so i have to try and must improve on every individual mistake.
Dedication and Activity
I Am active every single-day on the server and try to be active on the server when i have outside sources influencing my ability to be active, and when i am on the server i am seen for multiple hours at a time always performing my duties as Manager to the utmost extent while still involving myself with others giving them my time.
Roleplay & Skillset
I Believe myself to have a unique way with RP, I Always dedicate myself to the most intricate details of each interaction in the best way possible, all the way from Voice acting certain SCPs, to doing /me's that fit the current situation at hand, i always also try to involve everyone in a nice RP And to give them something to enjoy and additionally i am quite flexible and able to respond quickly and fittingly to changing situations in the RP's, to adapt so to speak
Management & Leadership
As an Agency Manager, Managing and Leading the Department is an obvious given and that involves being there for those under and around you leading them in the most stressful of situations so they can come out relatively unscathed, additionally there is the creation of rules, policies, hosting meetings and more importantly recruiting for your Department, giving advice and mentoring them while being a role-model for them
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The Council or known by other names such as “Overwatch” are most likely the most powerful beings in the world with complete control and vast resources aswell as unlimited knowledge, they manipulate and control the SCP Foundation from the shadows barely involving themselves or showing themselves to others, often relying on couriers and body doubles.
The Council has duties which involve but are not limited to:
Maintenance and Creation of Policies with Cooperation of Site Administration & Ethics Committee
(This is done in meetings with SA, EC, And other GOIs as to make sure each individual policy is made to be clear and understandable)
Management & Maintenance of the FLC's Conduct Part While Ethics handles the Ethics Side
(As mentioned above, the FLC Being the Foundation Legal Codex is the better-part of two seperate rule guidelines, those being the Code of Conduct & Code of Ethics, Conduct generally covers all expected rules and guidelines of the Foundation while Ethics covers morality and down to the indiviual person, the O5 Have the duty of handling the Conduct version.)
Maintaining the FLC and updating it with the collaborative effort with the Ethics Committee
(As mentioned prior, the FLC is maintained by both EC & O5, Both work together in order to maintain the FLC Which acts as the Rules of the Foundation, this is of course done by reports of the FLC, Observations, recommendations and general consultation.)
Appointment/Dismissal of High Ranking Personnel in times of need
(Usually via rank-skipping people to take over Departments or MTFs when they lack leadership, or oppositely dismissing Departmental Heads & MTF Unit Commanders when they've fallen out of favor by breaking the rules constantly or other reasons.)
Commanding and directing the Foundation from the Shadows
(As said prior, the O5 Are the Shadowy-Heads of the Foundation as such they do not take a complete direct role in Command & Control of the Foundation Instead leaving such to their subordinates, SR CL4, OSAs, etc, they only take direct control in emergencies or when it is necessary.)
Meeting with Department Heads, MTF Commanders, Group of Interests
(This is done on a regular basis to stay updated on their performance and activities, this is also to stay up to date with the general goings of the Site and recent Operations done by other GOIs since the O5 Would be busy elsewhere but still need to be kept up to date on Important information)
Supervision and Oversight of Departments
(Overseers are often put in charge/oversight of Departments to make sure they perform up to expectations while also acting as an Advisory body and the Ultimate Deciding Factor in times of Indecisive Argument, for example an O5 Could be Overseeing RSD And it's Projects, or GSD With it's Security of the Site.)
Authorization of Advanced Armory, Mass D-Class Termination, SCP Cross Tests, Code Blacks or even the Alpha Warhead (This is done only in times of complete necessitiy,
(Times of necessity for example would be Multiple SCP Breaches, Catastrophic CI Raids, meanwhile the activation of the Alpha Warhead would only be in times when the Site is in critical condition and previous attempts to control the situation had failed and when roleplay had been completely stopped and needs an RP-Reset so players can enjoy the server)
Hosting Private Hearings behind closed doors when the situation calls for it
(for example, A department in which an Overseer had oversight/supervision over, is failing in every aspect despite constant attempts of advise, improvement to save the Department/MTF From Failure, the Hearing would then be both an IC & OOC RP Opportunity.)
Assigning orders and tasks to Overseer Assistants & Alpha-1 aswell as other Departments
(This goes hand in hand with the "Commanding & Directing" the Site from the shadows, With Overseers often tasking The Research Department with Projects which would be mainly for the Foundation's benefit or rarely for an Overseer's often selfish agenda, additionally Meetings are included and interviews.)
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
They appoint members of the following positions
-MTF Alpha-1 Commander
-Site Director
-Directors of Research.
Fellow Overseers too but that comes down to strong review and voting.
O5 Council Member is additionally a very important RP Leader Position which means they have the biggest duty of creating and giving RP To others around them and not just themselves, if there is an event the O5 Must try to assist and cooperate with the GM/Event Team members in charge of the event and spread that RP To others so that they may experience it and enjoy it and if there is no event/RP The O5 MUST Create the RP For others via planning of the event, getting help to pull off the event with each event requiring good planning and execution.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, "Come and see.". And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from The Earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him."
— Revelation 6:3–4 (NASB)
* [Alexei stood within Garage after a defeated Chaos Insurgency Raid, Bodies strewn about.. a Smoking BTR Behind him... It has been a long night for him and most recently his Mental State has been ever more decreasing with the Amount of Stress and Horror he sees every single day, Normally a man like him with 19 years of Service under his record would be Hardened and be fearless... But he shakily took a cigarette out of his packet and put it in-between his lips, His hand frantically took out a lighter and ignited the Cigarette! Ahhh... Sweet Release.. almost Heaven..]*

"That was a shitshow."
* [Alexei moves to the Garage Keypad and took out his Keycard putting it against the Scanner.. BEEP BEEP! He stepped outside to the Cold Outside World... a Breeze hitting his face as he went up to one of the Watchtowers on the right hand side, on his left side was the other watchtower with a Nu7 Marksman glancing at him.. Hm.] *
"If looks could kill, he'd kill me right then and here."
* [Alexei leans forward on the Metal Bars that kept people from falling Over the Sides.. He stood there alone looking out to the Surface... a Butterfly suddenly flew towards him gracefully and landed in his hand! He looked down and sheltered the Little Buddy with his two hands smiling down at them.. Hey, it made him smile! Rare thing to see, Not even Cade could pull off such stunts.] *
"Hey little guy, you cold? You can stay here if you want."
* [The Butterfly slowly moved it's wings to open, to closed, open, closed... Slowly as he looked down at it... and then the Butterfly flew away.. He chuckled waving it goodbye.*

"See you later."
* [He chuckled and went back down the Ladder of the Watchtower, across the Compound and back inside the Garage and to the Blastdoor leading towards Floor 2, There he was grabbed by several Alpha-1.] *
"H-Hey! Guys, Relax! The Raid is ov-"
* [He was knocked out cold by the ruthless strike of a Rifle's stock going right into his Head from the side... He went limp as he was dragged away.. Him coming to and going out again every 10 seconds... Voices distant.. He heard his heartbeat..] *
*Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump, thump thump....*
* [There was the sound of an Elevator going down... and then going up.. This place was unfamiliar.. He was somewhere else.. Four Tall Podiums with a Foundation Symbol on each one.. Alpha-1 Surrounding him... There was someone at the Middle Podium, Someone he remembered but couldnt put his finger on it... He was looking over a Dossier.. Before he dropped it infront of him and then spoke.] *
"So, Mr Winters, Let's talk about your Career."
* [ No one knows what happened to Winters on that Night, or even where he'd gone.. The last thing left behind by him was that Cigarette he lit, it was back at the Garage Floor burning softly.. It was stepped on by a Passing Nu-7 and grinded into the Ground...] *
Winters Died that Night.
The Second Horseman was Born in his place.
My O5 Character would be most involved with storylines involving other GOIs aswell as storylines involving SOP.