People arent used to having to actually fight breaches anymore and it shows

Recently ive noticed a trend where people barely even bother to fight breaches anymore, simply waiting for ERT and Nuke if they think the situation is too dificult to deal with on foot.Back in ye olden days, before ERT was a thing, people fought much much harder to contain the SCPs than they do now.

Quite a few breaches are kinda just left to fester while ERT countdown happens, which inevitably allows them to get up to F2/Garage more often than not. Even a few months ago the whole site would mobalise for C5s, but now you can have one going in HCZ with almost everyone just miling around outside medbay, and when the SCPs reach LCZ they die 5-6 times then either log off or call for nuke

Even the efforts to stop SCPs reaching LCZ are getting less and less followed. Blast doors are never closed, Teslas and turrets just get left offline, and firing lines/shields just dont really get set up at the choke points (HCZ Primary, D Block Double Doors). Obviously ERT was added for a reason, but I just wish there was a way to incentivise actually fighting to keep the SCPs in check even before ERT arrive, such as delaying the arrival if the SCPs reach certain areas or break certain doors
Jan 6, 2023
breaches are easier to deal with when the lag isnt throwing you around

back then the lag was acceptable, tolerable even

now it makes it impossible to properly deal with humanoid scps, like 076, 8837 and the rest. Not to mention reality benders which in of themselves are discouraging to deal with
Aug 13, 2023
breaches are easier to deal with when the lag isnt throwing you around

back then the lag was acceptable, tolerable even

now it makes it impossible to properly deal with humanoid scps, like 076, 8837 and the rest. Not to mention reality benders which in of themselves are discouraging to deal with
Right. You'll have to take the immense lag into account when regarding breaches. It was way easier to communicate in VC when people were around you and you could get a firing line set up.

Now you'll just be stuttering for other people when you try to give orders and whatnot.
played foundation for like 3 days

tg and 8837 are so unfun to fight, they get breached all the time and are just so annoying. you can claim scrantons are a counter and the reality bending nerf exists but its still unbearable to get headpopped 5 times in a row.
i do generally enjoy fighting most of the other scps, but when breaches are most of the time outside of the breach que from 035 breaches or ci raiding and you burn through chems like anything it gets boring after the first / second time. and also each breach is like 5 breaches its annoying lol


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Apr 11, 2022
With this discussion popping up, would you say this is a quality in players or departments slacking, and not caring for when breaches occur, or is there a gameplay mechanic which inhibits their ability to deal with breaches?
If you could provide clarity in your own opinions on this matter that'd be great
With this discussion popping up, would you say this is a quality in players or departments slacking, and not caring for when breaches occur, or is there a gameplay mechanic which inhibits their ability to deal with breaches?
If you could provide clarity in your own opinions on this matter that'd be great
During Mass breaches outside medbay, it can be quite painful to Die -> Walk alll the way to the breach loc -> Shoot the SCP's and deal like 5 damage -> Get murked.

Its not a very fun loop, and although I do think players could coordinate better, during high action breaches where you have to get to places quickly, its hard to and results in a unfun time.
Apr 1, 2023
The main problem is that there is usually combat with 1-2 hours of C1s/C5, and then you get about 30 minutes of actual non-combative RP. And when the combat is happening, the lag is horrendous, and you keep rubberbanding around, dying to SCPs while doing barely any damage to them because of the lag. And let’s not get into the reality benders’ one-shot abilities; they should never be a thing, no one enjoys them, and at some point, you just get discouraged from dealing with them. The reason I like fighting C1s/C5 only early in the morning or late at night is because there is no lag to deal with and the combat is not RNG-based.
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Jan 6, 2023
With this discussion popping up, would you say this is a quality in players or departments slacking, and not caring for when breaches occur, or is there a gameplay mechanic which inhibits their ability to deal with breaches?
If you could provide clarity in your own opinions on this matter that'd be great
its almost like nobody likes the fact that reality benders can pop you instantly out of nowhere with a short cooldown
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Breaches feel like "here we go again" at this point. I think it's more of "players not caring anymore" due to high frequency and severity rather than structural issues. (Plus everything said above like TBs)

edit: I forgot to add that, although the new HCZ is cool it is absolutely impossible to defend properly. With the previous HCZ you had a change and as SCP you actually had to fight your way out of it while now you can just sneak past everybody without E-11 even noticing until you've reached medbay.
Last edited:
Dec 25, 2023
With this discussion popping up, would you say this is a quality in players or departments slacking, and not caring for when breaches occur, or is there a gameplay mechanic which inhibits their ability to deal with breaches?
If you could provide clarity in your own opinions on this matter that'd be great
Gonna throw my own opinion in here:

I think that players (non-SCPs) just dont have any real agency in breaches - they cannot do anything solo because SCPs are so much stronger than them, and even in situations where 8+ people set up firing lines they still all normally end up dead because shooting a full magazine into an SCP reduces its HP by barely anything.

I also think breaches 'snowball' way harsher than the should, which leads to a normal 2 SCP breach turning into a 3 SCP breach quickly (and often going way above that fairly quickly) - it is basically impossible to do anything reasonable in a breach when you're being attacked by 3 SCPs at once (one or more of which can instantly kill you - 173/TG/Astronaut).

Basically SCPs very strong and humans are basically just meat shields that slowly lower an SCPs health death after death instead of doing any big plan in 1 life - because the big plans dont really work.

small note: Foundation should auth GOC QRF more as it adds more people just to fight the breach.
Gonna throw my own opinion in here:

I think that players (non-SCPs) just dont have any real agency in breaches - they cannot do anything solo because SCPs are so much stronger than them, and even in situations where 8+ people set up firing lines they still all normally end up dead because shooting a full magazine into an SCP reduces its HP by barely anything.

I also think breaches 'snowball' way harsher than the should, which leads to a normal 2 SCP breach turning into a 3 SCP breach quickly (and often going way above that fairly quickly) - it is basically impossible to do anything reasonable in a breach when you're being attacked by 3 SCPs at once (one or more of which can instantly kill you - 173/TG/Astronaut).

Basically SCPs very strong and humans are basically just meat shields that slowly lower an SCPs health death after death instead of doing any big plan in 1 life - because the big plans dont really work.

small note: Foundation should auth GOC QRF more as it adds more people just to fight the breach.
i remember when firing lines were a main tactic against scps but its impossible to do them in new hcz lol, you see tg for .1s and die instantly. life.
This seems to be a combination of two aspects within the server currently:

The first being the pure inability to combat SCPs with the amount of lag on the server during breaches, Currently on the server when it is full pop and there's an SCP breached or there's a CI raid the quality drops to the point where it's unplayable. The servers got to the point where there's been too many content updates and map updates to the point in which the server cannot hold itself together with this amount of people on it, the constant lag spikes and rubber banding puts you in a position where you could easily sit inside garage and wait for a code black and ERT to be called or simply log off and wait until it's over to actually RP.

Secondly the reality bending SCPs, conjoint with the lag it becomes nearly impossible to combat these SCPs, the most you have is a area in which the SCP cannot use its abilities, which they can simply walk away from or destroy. There needs to be some serious considerations when it comes to the quality of gameplay as it's significantly dropped.

If it means taking away content that drives server performance to the ground then I'd honestly consider it. But one way or another it needs to be looked into, we've been told time and time before that hardware to improve the server is not obtainable, yet the server continues to receive updates that have clearly increased lag overtime. It also doesn't help that when a simple screenshot of my net graph gets deleted by staff in scp-art when the server is shitting itself for the 15th time in a day, just goes to show there's some negligence in regards to the server performance.

When you have half the server complaining, telling staff to restart the server due to the slide show occurring, there needs to be consideration into how we can combat this without improving hardware.
Server runs like dogshit so your combative players just can't be bothered. Majority of the player base doesn't wish to roleplay anymore. Wonder why people leaving in droves.

Lets not forget the insta-gib SCPs that vaporise you without a second thought then have to run back (In the lag) to get slapped about again. Thats only if you weren't hit with a power failure and the keypads just fizzle out. Maximum inconvenience.
Dec 3, 2023
or is there a gameplay mechanic which inhibits their ability to deal with breaches?
Insta kill abilities are no fun and require 2 clicks to kill you. Built in with the lag its horrible - 2 clicks compared to RNG in combat is no fun. Take a look at this for example:

On the UK server Code blacks are daily. The CL5's are in nuke room for hours at a time daily. It's basically a FivemRZ server (If you get the reference) Compared to a serious server.

Combined with the lag and CI flagging on SCP's which increases spawn timer as they are another faction it's really unappealing for us to fight breaches. As O-1 we try not infringe on other departments RP/Core duties but almost EVERY breach we and the entirety of Nu7, DEA, A-1, Combat medics, GSD has to fight the breach to contain it.

It's not E11's fault what so ever. The main problem is lag (Yes ik there isn't much you can do its the host but still)

Linking into this, 076 is too fast for the lag and with a small hitbox it requires: Teslas/Turrets/Nerve gas to deal the damage its like fighting a person on God drugs, speed chems in a average of 2-6 tick server its not fun.

break certain doors
Could be a keypad in E11 bunks with a CL4 access to shut all BD's in HCZ 🤷 It would be something they would have (Might make this suggestion) Or giving access to some quarantine doors in LCZ to slow breaches to Medbay/Dblock/PW where core RP does happen.