[UK] O5-4 'The Hollow'

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Jul 30, 2023

Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

I have been playing since May/June 2023 and I have around 1700 hours



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

Foundation: Dennid / 'Juliet'

UNGOC: Sam 'External' Carter

Civilian name:

Dennid Dennid

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Ethics Committee Assistant
MTF Alpha-1 SGT
General Security Sergeant


Director of External Affairs
Overseer's Assistant
Omega-1 LCPL
Chaos Insurgency Gamma
MTF Epsilon-11 SGT

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Yes I have although they are all expired, they are all listed in my staff application here if you would like to see them.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

I am applying for the role of O5-4, there are a few reasons for this, the first being like many others my goal has always been reaching a position within Site Command whether that ended up being as an Ethics Committee Member or as an O5 Council Member. In recent months especially after joining MTF Alpha-1 and during a short period as an Overseer's Assistant I have immersed myself with the roleplay surrounding the roles within Floor 3 and building a rapport with current Alpha-1, OSA's and O5 council members, due to this applying for the position of O5-4 is more fitting for my recent experiences and really the characters I have played as. Another reason that I am applying for the position of O5-4 is to assist and oversee departmental/regimental management particularly MTF Alpha-1 and The Research Department but also assistant Site Administration as much. I want to help others with improving the current state of some aspects of the server and supporting everyone I can during this process.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

Departmental Management and Leadership

I think one of my greatest strengths is my experience and ability within departmental management, I had spent 8/9 months within a senior clearance level 4 position within The Department of External Affairs before resigning recently. Whilst yes during this time I did go through many 'hiccups' but I learnt a lot from my mistakes which I believe made me far more competent as I was able to learn what did and didn't work. As well during this time I believe I have shown good leadership in both passive roleplay scenario and combative situations I have been able to remain calm in tense situations and have coordinated many code 1's and code 5's (although code 5's have mainly been during low pop). This hasn't been restricted to just The Department of External Affairs due to my roles such as being an NCO in different MTF's I have had to lead different situations when no CO's were available further adding to my experience within different situations.


Throughout my time on the server I have tried to be active in all aspects not just in game, during this time I have built a good rapport with many people whether that is in SA/SC or Departmental/Regimental Leadership. This has worked well for me during my time as a Departmental Leader of The Department of External Affairs as this rapport I have built allows me to more easily work with many different people and implement changes faster as I can work quickly with the people that are required. Activity is very important for a member of Site Command as it positively impacts server health as things can be done faster and with far less hassle, this could include activating The Alpha Warhead for a particularly bad breach or allowing roleplay to happen more naturally as if a member of Site Command is needed they are there.


Whilst yes I don't have experience within Site Administration or Site Command, I think my experience through all my roles notably Director of External Affairs, OSA, ECA, A-1 and also O-1 has allowed me to have a lot of experience on how everything in site works and have had a lot of insight into really how every regiment or department is ran by both SA/SC and their respective departmental/regimental leads. On top of this experience teaching me how everything is managed it has also allowed me to be exposed to a plethora of different roleplay situations which I have either observed, had a minor role in or led the situation itself. Having exposure to so many areas has taught me how to handle different situations and I have of course made some mistakes but like with my management or leadership mistakes I have learnt from them and continued to improve these abilities.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

A big responsibility of the O5 Council is Departmental/Regimental management this can either be done by direct oversite or through using Site Administration or Assistants as 'proxies'. On top of this O5 Council Members must strive to create and improve roleplay on the server as a whole, this can be done through many different means such as creating orders for different departments/regiments, working with department/regimental leads to institute new policies and duties. They may sometimes work with GOI's for different things, recently Site Command and Site Administration conducted Operation Lock and Key to test SOP and E-11's security against raids and deep covers, working with different groups as an O5 council members in situations similar to this is crucial and will help create unique roleplay whilst also in cases such as Operation Lock and Key help with departmental/regimental management as The Director of External Affairs it was useful from a managemental standpoint and at times fun from an RP stand point as well.

The O5 Council will often give orders to both Overseer Assistants and MTF Alpha-1, these can include many things such as oversight of a department/regiment, trying to judge their effectiveness at their duties such as observing E-11 and making sure that they are actively guarding Heavy Containment Zone checkpoints. They can also be conducting loyalty tests particularly on Clearance Level 4 personnel in order to create a database or network of people they can trust. With relation to the orders The O5 Council will deploy both Overseer Assistants and MTF Alpha-1 to carry out the will of the council no matter what that may be.

Another responsibility of the O5 Council within RP is to work closely with the other branch of Site Command The Ethics Committee and encouraging the cooperation between both ISD regiments by giving join operations and RP scenarios. On top of this any RP that is to against The Ethics Committee and potentially cause conflict will be planned in advance with both parties.

Furthermore during code blacks it is a responsibility of the O5 Council to lead and handle the situation along with Site Administration and The Ethics Committee, they will also take a big part in making the final call which is detonating The Alpha Warhead when a breach is unsalvageable.

Additionally The O5 Council must manage and use tools such as The Foundation Legal Codex (mainly the conduct half of it), this helps The Council ensure that site staff follow guidelines when conducting duties, they will work closely with The Ethics Committee and Internal Affairs in regards to this. Having an in depth knowledge of this is crucial for members of The O5 Council and will allow for the creation of roleplay situations such as hearings etc.​

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

The Main Responsibility of the O5 Council out of RP:​

- Decide on Director of Research Applications
- Decide on Site Director Applications
- Decide on Overseer Assistant Applications
- Vote on applications for O5 Council positions
- Appoint the commander of MTF Alpha-1
- Creation of story lines or assisting others with theirs

- Working with SA/EC and Departmental/Regimental leads to help improve both departments and regiments from management or roleplay quality standpoints
- On top of appointing positions The O5 Council can also be involved in both disciplinary actions and removal of primarily Clearance level 4 staff whether it is a direct intervention or working with either SA/EC or Departmental/regimental leads. Whilst this can be handled partly in character from experience I have really only seen this handled ooc.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

>> Biometric Scan Complete

>> Known Biometric Signature...

>> Welcome O5-█ The ███████

>> Opening Personnel File Patrick McClean
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Aug 25, 2023
- Your tenure as DEA Director is evident of your experience, I do honestly believe you will make a good O5, A lot of the Ideas and projects you brought as Director brought a lot to the department and with that experience you'll hopefully bring the same creativity to both A-1 and the whole site.
  • Love
Reactions: Dennid
Aug 13, 2023
+Major Support
  • Love
Reactions: Dennid
+/- Neutral leaning +support

Hi Dennid,

I think you have what it takes to be a good Overseer, you're active, friendly, approachable and during your time in DEA it's clear that you have grown in your management skills and personal ability as a CL4, since your removal and reinstatement. You can clearly take on challenges and overcome stagnation. One thing i would say is i am not fully sure of the RP projects you have/could dish out and how engaging they are to warrant being an overseer. However I would love to be proven wrong.

Best of luck!
  • Like
Reactions: Dennid
Neutral, leaning +Support
+Very active
+Has a good amount of senior position experience
+Generally has a very good reputation (has learned from past mistakes)
+Very friendly, approachable, and helpful
~Has experience as A-1, which could go both ways - familiar with current workings, but also may find it difficult to be harsh against A-1 members where necessary
-Not personally familiar with Dennid's work as part of RP projects
-Not sure on experience with RP project leadership

-Didn't call himself "The Dennid"
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