- Jun 6, 2023
- 551
- 116
- 61
These are my opinions on the current state of the server (US) Including departments and regiments, these problems have persisted for a long time and quite frankly I'm pissed off and tired of it. I'm not trying to be rude or toxic with these complaints, these are meant to be genuine criticism.
Note that because I am quitting the server, I probably won't be responding with some paragraph of text as an argument.
UNGOC - Half baked regiment, doesn't have a proper gameplay loop so they are forced to piggyback off CI/foundation RP. Poor leadership in the regiment with big egos. Poor leadership was the main reason why I resigned from UNGOC Captain. I think they would work a lot better as a regiment if they had more proper roleplay, like the foundation always has roleplay that you can do, studying SCPs, stopping D-Class from escaping, but UNGOC? they don't have any proper roleplay inside their base, usually you can see them just rdming eachother in their base because they have nothing better to do, I even remember doing this with thato and joking that it was training. From my memory of being in UNGOC most of the real, solid proper roleplay came from events, which are cool but they need more.
^ Not trying to say that UNGOC are bad roleplayers, or anything rude like that, it's criticism of how UNGOC roleplay is built to work
Also SL ruling that entering foundation to sample SCPs is part of their gameplay loop is so stupid, I hope this is an old and now irrelevant ruling but you never know since SL don't ever write down or tell the server about their rulings
SL - Big egos and awkward to talk to, I won't say specifically who but a lot of them are really bad at their jobs and are passive aggressive or flat out toxic for literally no reason other than their dictator-type ego. A lot of people fear them, and it's fair to feel that way. Also there is no need for a roleplay health role in SL, overall it hinders proper roleplay more than it helps. There are a lot of rulings out there made by specific SL that don't make any sense, are plain dumb, or made off personal bias, which is complete bullshit, and since SL don't communicate that these rulings exist you could get in trouble for something that both doesn't make sense and isn't directly against written rules. Example: Rackarain ruled that you cannot Class-F the Mayor or the Rangers to be hostile to the UNGOC because of CI/GOC politics (confused, maybe he'll comment and clarify) Another example, me and another were pulled for FearRP because there was 7 or so in a room with their guns down, attempting to FearRP us to put the guns away (we were disquised D-Class), we shot and killed every single one instead, because their guns were down. (ruling is that realistically you would be scared because you're in a room full of MTF with guns)
Updates - Updates lately haven't been very well thought out, 8837 harmed the gameplay loop because it's way too powerful (and also 25.52 US dollars for an scp? really?). All of the chemical updates lately, such as Class-X, roleplay chemicals update, and the Gas Grenades have been entirely pointless, they serve almost zero use in combat/roleplay, especially Class-X and the gas grenades, They're just too expensive and time consuming to use.
Also the grenades do jack shit for damage, what the fuck is the point? Like seriously Cyanogen and red phosphorous are straight ASS.
And realistically you will NEVER use Class-X, 1 dose is like 300k, and takes several days if not weeks to make, even if you did manage to afford a dose, there's no actual uses in roleplay for it! It's simply too expensive and too rare to find a good use for it. (Class-Fed personnel is not a reason, just smoke they ass.)
Map changes - Mid, oversized for no reason, why is medbay so large if its just going to be empty all day, also the SS update was terrible. New killhouse is really bad and somehow more buggy than the old one, most of the teasers look good, but then it gets implemented and its just mid or bad.
Lag - The server is absurdly laggy, Server performance declines with every update, but the dimensions update and janitor/dclass update flat out ruined the servers performance. It's normal to see sub 30 average FPS now, with HORRIBLE lag spikes, its unbearable especially during combat.
2023 - pre 8837 and various map changes
70 to 110 FPS, lag spikes on the occasion
2024 - Dimension Update
40 to 60 FPS, Lag spikes becoming more frequent, occasionally freezing during combat
2024 - Janitor/D-Class Update
28 to 40 FPS , Lag spikes happen extremely often, occasionally freezing during combat, sometimes it will go 15-17 FPS with terrible lag spikes.
^ I will not be providing pictures/clips of this FPS trend, you could probably look through old clips to find similar trends though
SA/SC - Pyro was the last good director of administration, ever since he left it's fallen off and hard, I would say they are incompetent. Site command is also currently really just bad, Both SC and SA are scared to do anything "bad" to UNGOC over the fear that SL will deem it hindering roleplay. This just ends up increasing tensions between departments and SA+ and GOC. If I could describe SA and SC in one word it would be timid. Also both are slow to respond to things, I get that you all get dms constantly but if its taking a week to respond to something or make a final decision then you are just slow.
Gamemasters - 90% of events follow the same few formats, some person comes to the site from X department and makes shit up on the spot, or a new anomoly is discovered and its just roaming the site doing nothing actually interesting, just like running around, an example is the dodo bird event, the deer event, etc etc.or those events where the GM just straight up sells GM effects, those events are the worst, and the majority of the time the effects the game master sells you just kills you, so whats the point? I know gamemasters have requirements to fulfill, but like come on, these are so bland...
Communication - SA/SC and SL are very bad at properly communicating changes/updates, an example is the change to DEAs loadout changing it from H&K P30L to the CZ-75, not even a word was spoke about this, or the time Site Administration announced that during code blacks personnel are to be escorted by DEA and NU-7 to the UNGOC FOB, no SA/SC talked to DEA, or NU-7 regarding this, If you're going to make a change that affects a department you need to tell the departments about the changes
and despite this they continued to have the same site admin over DEA, I know SA never does jack shit when they are "overseeing" departments, but he never said a word in the DEA channels until his second time "overseeing" the department. Another thing, If you make changes to a subdivision, contact the leader of the subdiv about it, it takes like 2-3 minutes just to ask who the leader is or just pop in their discord channel and tell them directly.
Pinging USA in foundation announcements is not an effective way of communicating changes, Not every one has the USA/UK role, and a lot of people just ignore them.
Combat - The current state of combat is so bad, if you don't have a perma gun you are significantly easier to kill especially on surface, despite constant complaints about the poor state of combat nothing is changed, there is no point to trying to "balance" loadouts, when someone can just pay 12 dollars for a FHR-40 or ARX-160. VHS-D2, ARX-160, and MSBS were super cool back when they weren't perma guns, they had mystique, rarity, and they were only on a few jobs, thats what made them cool, now that they are just perma guns its just like whatver its just an ARX. Fighting SCPs is also so boring, it's not fun at all, the gameplay loop of fighting scps (think being E11 or SCU) is terrible. Run out to find where the SCP is, shoot it for 500 damage then die respawn and do it again until someone else beams, cuffs and RCs it. It used to be a lot funner when it was viable to be drinking potent duloxetine for basically the whole breach, you were able to merk the scp, run away shoot run away while reloading and shoot again. Now it just feels like a get eaten by an scp simulator. fun the first few times, after that it's like watching paint dry. I think the QBZ may be the last genuinally good gun thats only available on a few jobs. (unpopular opinion but kbar is bad). Server lag is bad to the point where the majority of my deaths in combat were because of lag, whether it was freezing mid combat or just stupidly low fps and lag spikes, It's bad and only seems to get worse with every update, and is one of the reasons why I am quitting the server, I don't want to play on a server this laggy anymore. It's just not fun.
Again this is from a US view, I would've written more, but it's taken too long already.
Note that because I am quitting the server, I probably won't be responding with some paragraph of text as an argument.
UNGOC - Half baked regiment, doesn't have a proper gameplay loop so they are forced to piggyback off CI/foundation RP. Poor leadership in the regiment with big egos. Poor leadership was the main reason why I resigned from UNGOC Captain. I think they would work a lot better as a regiment if they had more proper roleplay, like the foundation always has roleplay that you can do, studying SCPs, stopping D-Class from escaping, but UNGOC? they don't have any proper roleplay inside their base, usually you can see them just rdming eachother in their base because they have nothing better to do, I even remember doing this with thato and joking that it was training. From my memory of being in UNGOC most of the real, solid proper roleplay came from events, which are cool but they need more.
^ Not trying to say that UNGOC are bad roleplayers, or anything rude like that, it's criticism of how UNGOC roleplay is built to work
Also SL ruling that entering foundation to sample SCPs is part of their gameplay loop is so stupid, I hope this is an old and now irrelevant ruling but you never know since SL don't ever write down or tell the server about their rulings
SL - Big egos and awkward to talk to, I won't say specifically who but a lot of them are really bad at their jobs and are passive aggressive or flat out toxic for literally no reason other than their dictator-type ego. A lot of people fear them, and it's fair to feel that way. Also there is no need for a roleplay health role in SL, overall it hinders proper roleplay more than it helps. There are a lot of rulings out there made by specific SL that don't make any sense, are plain dumb, or made off personal bias, which is complete bullshit, and since SL don't communicate that these rulings exist you could get in trouble for something that both doesn't make sense and isn't directly against written rules. Example: Rackarain ruled that you cannot Class-F the Mayor or the Rangers to be hostile to the UNGOC because of CI/GOC politics (confused, maybe he'll comment and clarify) Another example, me and another were pulled for FearRP because there was 7 or so in a room with their guns down, attempting to FearRP us to put the guns away (we were disquised D-Class), we shot and killed every single one instead, because their guns were down. (ruling is that realistically you would be scared because you're in a room full of MTF with guns)
Updates - Updates lately haven't been very well thought out, 8837 harmed the gameplay loop because it's way too powerful (and also 25.52 US dollars for an scp? really?). All of the chemical updates lately, such as Class-X, roleplay chemicals update, and the Gas Grenades have been entirely pointless, they serve almost zero use in combat/roleplay, especially Class-X and the gas grenades, They're just too expensive and time consuming to use.
Also the grenades do jack shit for damage, what the fuck is the point? Like seriously Cyanogen and red phosphorous are straight ASS.
And realistically you will NEVER use Class-X, 1 dose is like 300k, and takes several days if not weeks to make, even if you did manage to afford a dose, there's no actual uses in roleplay for it! It's simply too expensive and too rare to find a good use for it. (Class-Fed personnel is not a reason, just smoke they ass.)
Map changes - Mid, oversized for no reason, why is medbay so large if its just going to be empty all day, also the SS update was terrible. New killhouse is really bad and somehow more buggy than the old one, most of the teasers look good, but then it gets implemented and its just mid or bad.
Lag - The server is absurdly laggy, Server performance declines with every update, but the dimensions update and janitor/dclass update flat out ruined the servers performance. It's normal to see sub 30 average FPS now, with HORRIBLE lag spikes, its unbearable especially during combat.
2023 - pre 8837 and various map changes
70 to 110 FPS, lag spikes on the occasion
2024 - Dimension Update
40 to 60 FPS, Lag spikes becoming more frequent, occasionally freezing during combat
2024 - Janitor/D-Class Update
28 to 40 FPS , Lag spikes happen extremely often, occasionally freezing during combat, sometimes it will go 15-17 FPS with terrible lag spikes.
^ I will not be providing pictures/clips of this FPS trend, you could probably look through old clips to find similar trends though
SA/SC - Pyro was the last good director of administration, ever since he left it's fallen off and hard, I would say they are incompetent. Site command is also currently really just bad, Both SC and SA are scared to do anything "bad" to UNGOC over the fear that SL will deem it hindering roleplay. This just ends up increasing tensions between departments and SA+ and GOC. If I could describe SA and SC in one word it would be timid. Also both are slow to respond to things, I get that you all get dms constantly but if its taking a week to respond to something or make a final decision then you are just slow.
Gamemasters - 90% of events follow the same few formats, some person comes to the site from X department and makes shit up on the spot, or a new anomoly is discovered and its just roaming the site doing nothing actually interesting, just like running around, an example is the dodo bird event, the deer event, etc etc.or those events where the GM just straight up sells GM effects, those events are the worst, and the majority of the time the effects the game master sells you just kills you, so whats the point? I know gamemasters have requirements to fulfill, but like come on, these are so bland...
Communication - SA/SC and SL are very bad at properly communicating changes/updates, an example is the change to DEAs loadout changing it from H&K P30L to the CZ-75, not even a word was spoke about this, or the time Site Administration announced that during code blacks personnel are to be escorted by DEA and NU-7 to the UNGOC FOB, no SA/SC talked to DEA, or NU-7 regarding this, If you're going to make a change that affects a department you need to tell the departments about the changes

Pinging USA in foundation announcements is not an effective way of communicating changes, Not every one has the USA/UK role, and a lot of people just ignore them.
Combat - The current state of combat is so bad, if you don't have a perma gun you are significantly easier to kill especially on surface, despite constant complaints about the poor state of combat nothing is changed, there is no point to trying to "balance" loadouts, when someone can just pay 12 dollars for a FHR-40 or ARX-160. VHS-D2, ARX-160, and MSBS were super cool back when they weren't perma guns, they had mystique, rarity, and they were only on a few jobs, thats what made them cool, now that they are just perma guns its just like whatver its just an ARX. Fighting SCPs is also so boring, it's not fun at all, the gameplay loop of fighting scps (think being E11 or SCU) is terrible. Run out to find where the SCP is, shoot it for 500 damage then die respawn and do it again until someone else beams, cuffs and RCs it. It used to be a lot funner when it was viable to be drinking potent duloxetine for basically the whole breach, you were able to merk the scp, run away shoot run away while reloading and shoot again. Now it just feels like a get eaten by an scp simulator. fun the first few times, after that it's like watching paint dry. I think the QBZ may be the last genuinally good gun thats only available on a few jobs. (unpopular opinion but kbar is bad). Server lag is bad to the point where the majority of my deaths in combat were because of lag, whether it was freezing mid combat or just stupidly low fps and lag spikes, It's bad and only seems to get worse with every update, and is one of the reasons why I am quitting the server, I don't want to play on a server this laggy anymore. It's just not fun.
Again this is from a US view, I would've written more, but it's taken too long already.
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