SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application #2 - Jax

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Blacklisted Player
Apr 5, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Jax

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:606186424

Discord Username: MrJax5364

Age: 15

What's your current playtime: 5 days in the last month ( and i was on LOA for 2 weeks)

Do you have a mic: yes

Your characters name: foundation: Jax Yates

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: (O5 app) (site advior app #2) (site advisor app #1) (GM app) (OSA app) (moderator app) (GSD Captain app)

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: None

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3+

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: no

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I have been seeing people make some amazing event like Broda, Kake, nepoleon, mirai and more have done while i have been on the server and with my recent RP storyline that Kake has helped a lot with it really pushed me to see how fun it can be and how much fun it can bring others as well. I also realised that it could help with the RP i currently make on a day-to-day basis.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I believe my experience and creativity will be able to make great events as well as my dedication with constantly being able to create good RP even with the lag from before the fix shows that i want to be here and want to create RP the best i can. Also because i am new to being a GM i will have lots of new and creative ideas that wont have been like much before. I also always find ways to fix problem and i do not give up easily.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
SCP 527 'Mr. Fish': SCP 527, known as "Mr. Fish," is an anomalous humanoid figure with the body of a man and the head of a large fish. He is always dressed in a tailored suit and a black top hat. Despite his fish-like head SCP 527 is capable of human speech and communicates fluently in English demonstrating intelligence. SCP 527 displays no aggressive tendencies and remains passive in all known interactions. Recently SCP 527 has been transferred from Site-19 to Site-65 due to requests from the personnel at Site-65 who are curious about his behaviour when exposed to SCPs he has never encountered before. The intention behind this transfer is to observe whether SCP-527 exhibits any unique reactions when surrounded by unknown anomalies.
(what the GMs will do during the event): The GM/s will be 'Mr.Fish' and they will also give effects to people when needed.

SCP 309: SCP 309 is a small plush bear-like creature, no more than 30 cm in height with the appearance of an ordinary children's toy. However its anomalous abilities make it anything but ordinary. SCP 309 has the unique ability to teleport but only under specific conditions it can only do so when it is not being observed by any individual. The moment it is unobserved SCP 309 teleports making containment and observation efforts difficult. Moreover SCP 309 exhibits a dangerous secondary anomaly. Any person who makes physical contact with the bear triggers an unpredictable and potentially hazardous effect. These effects vary depending the specific part of the bear they touch. Known effects have included spontaneous combustion, immediate freezing in place, hallucinations, rapid aging and even temporary paralysis. The unpredictable nature of these effects makes SCP 309 a highly volatile anomaly as researchers have yet to fully understand the mechanism behind its influence. Your task is to conduct further testing to determine the exact correlation between the point of contact and the triggered effect as well as to explore any potential patterns in SCP 309's behaviour.
(what the GMs will do during the event): The GM/s will give effects to players and use props to make the bear.

Type Purple Break out (a type purple is a Soul Manifester): A highly dangerous persons (a Type Purple) Breakout involves a former D-Class personnel from Site-01 who has escaped from the site and used abilities that place him in the category of a "Soul Manifester". This individual previously known as D-1569 has the terrifying ability to manipulate and control souls an ability that has placed him at the top of the Foundation's most wanted list. Through this power he is able to extract and take control of the souls of those around him turning them into his unwilling puppets to serve his bidding. His exact methods for extracting souls are still unclear but he seems capable of controlling both living beings and the spectral remnants of the dead. After his escape from Site-01 this Type Purple has made his way to Pinewood and is currently believed to be seeking something of significant value or importance at Site-65. While the Foundation has mobilized forces to contain him his ability to create an army of soul-bound thralls makes him extremely dangerous. It is your mission to uncover his motives, neutralize the threat and prevent further casualties. However you must proceed with extreme caution as this individual can bend others to his will with a mere thought and engaging him directly may cost you your own soul.
(what the GMs will do during the event): The GM/s will give effects, use /it to make the soul effects and give hallucinations by teleporting them into a room and showing/ speaking to them.

JUST TO NOTE: These SCPs and beings are not 100% lore accurate this is to make them as entertaining as possible.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
SCP 262 "The Coat of Immortality" map change event: SCP-262 "The Coat of Immortality" is an anomalous item that grants its wearer near invincibility. Due to the immense power and potential danger of SCP-262 it is kept in a highly secure and hidden location when not in use by 'The Administrator'. This location is a semi-transparent house deep within a remote forest. The house is equipped with state-of-the-art motion detection systems that are directly linked to the Foundations Council and 'The Administrator' ensuring immediate notification of any security breaches. For centuries the Chaos Insurgency (CI) has been unaware of the exact location of SCP-262. However recent breakthroughs have revealed the existence and location of the hidden house and 262. This knowledge has prompted the CI to plan an aggressive operation to capture SCP-262 fully aware of the artefacts potential to turn the tide in their favour. Upon learning of the CI's impending assault the Foundation initiates the SCP-262 Event protocol a comprehensive defence strategy aimed at protecting the artefact at all costs. The security of SCP-262 becomes the Foundations top priority given the potentially catastrophic consequences if it falls into the wrong hands.
(what the GMs will do during the event): They will use props, effects and more to make it feels as real as possible.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

O1 save the ECM:
An Ethics Committee Member has been kidnapped by a group of Type Reds a class of regenerators with the ability to heal from nearly any injury in mere moments. These entities have incredibly fast regenerative capabilities, rendering traditional firearms and explosives nearly useless against them. Normal bullets simply won't work they'll just heal almost instantly making them an extraordinarily dangerous adversary. Your mission is to infiltrate their stronghold, recover the Committee Member and eliminate the threat posed by the Type Reds. However in order to succeed you'll need to outthink them and employ strategies that bypass their regenerative abilities.
(what the GMs will do during the event): They will use props, give effects and heal the type reds when needed.

A1: don't get caught:

The A1 moblile task forces has been covertly dispatched by the O5 Council with a high-risk mission: infiltrate Pinewood and retrieve a shipment of contraband from MC&D. This shipment is suspected of containing weapons, chemicals and other anomalous items that are emitting strange radiation and abnormal hume levels indicating reality-warping properties. Intelligence suggests that these items could pose a significant threat to the Foundation and global security if left unchecked. Your mission is to identify where MC&D is storing these goods, investigate the source of the anomalous readings and secure the shipment. However stealth is of utmost importance. Any detection could spark a dangerous conflict between the Foundation and MC&D or worse alert other rival groups to the presence of these items. This operation must be conducted with precision. retrieve the shipment undetected and ensure it is safely transported to Site-65 for analysis. Failure is not an option. Good luck and remember don’t get caught.
(what the GMs will do during the event): They will use props and give effects where/if needed.

Nu7 loose 053:

Alarming reports have surfaced regarding a sudden surge in homicides across Pinewood with eyewitnesses claiming to have seen a young girl SCP 053 at the centre of the chaos. SCP-053 also known as "The Young Girl" is a humanoid entity with the appearance of a three-year-old child who creates feelings of extreme paranoia, homicidal rage and psychosis in anyone who remains in her proximity for more than ten minutes. The deaths and erratic behaviour appear consistent with SCP-053's known anomalous properties but she is currently uncontained. You must locate and safely retrieve SCP-053 from the area and bring her back to Site-65 for containment. However this will not be a simple retrieval mission. Not only must you avoid becoming a victim to her influence but you must also develop a strategy to prevent Foundation personnel from succumbing to her effects during transport and containment. Protective measures and containment protocols must be reassessed quickly.
(what the GMs will do during the event): They will use /it to make them feel homicidal and more. They might also play ' the young girl'

E11 'The grim reaper':
the Grim Reaper has come to site 65. he is an anomalous being with the sole purpose of getting the souls of those whose time has come. This time his death list includes some of your fellow E-11 personnel and you cannot allow them to fall to his cold, eternal grasp. However stopping or containing the personification of death itself is no small feat. standard tactics will likely be ineffective against such a being. Your mission is to either neutralize or contain the Reaper before he can claim the lives of your comrades.
(what the GMs will do during the event): They will play the role of The Grim Reaper and give effects to people and use props to make it more immersive.

CI operation in and out:
An emergency signal has been triggered at Site 72 indicating the detonation of a nuclear device within the facility. Chaos is unfolding as Foundation operatives scramble to contain the situation and secure high-priority personnel. Amidst this chaos you receive intelligence that an Overseer is attempting to escape the area by car in a desperate rush to reach safety. The Chaos Insurgency has identified this moment of vulnerability as a prime opportunity for an operation. Your mission is to intercept the Overseer’s vehicle before they can escape, extract the Overseer alive and retreat to a safe location all while avoiding detection and capture by the Foundations elite guards. This mission must be executed with speed and precision as reinforcements are on their way to secure the site. Act fast disable the Overseers security convoy and ensure they are taken alive.
(what the GMs will do during the event): they will use props and make a nuke go off at site 72 they might also create some anomalous encounters on the way.

UNGOC chemical retrieval:
A critical situation has arisen. Chemicals vital to the containment of several dangerous SCPs housed at Site 29 have been stolen by some MC&D. These chemicals are unique and irreplaceable created specifically to maintain the delicate balance needed to keep these entities contained. Without them the containment cells may soon fail leading to potentially catastrophic breaches. UNGOC have been requested to assist in tracking down the stolen chemicals, recovering them and ensuring their safe return to Site-65. Intelligence suggests that MC&D is storing these chemicals in a heavily guarded facility and time is running out. You must infiltrate their facility, neutralize any resistance and secure the chemicals before it’s too late. If the containment breaches occur the consequences could be disastrous not just for Site-65 but for the entire region.
(what the GMs will do during the event): they would use props to make it more immersive.

Foundation Staff growing limbs:
A strange anomaly has been discovered within the D-Class ranks at Site-65: a D-Class subject who exhibits rapid limb regeneration. This subject has been observed regrowing lost limbs within a matter of seconds demonstrating an anomalous ability that could revolutionize the Foundations research and medical departments. It also creates the potential for developing super soldiers with regenerative capabilities. Your assignment is to investigate the source of this anomaly whether it stems from biological mutation, exposure to SCPs or some other unknown factor and determine if this ability can be replicated. However the task will be challenging as the D-Class is uncooperative and highly unpredictable. You must devise a method to study this regenerative power, isolate the anomaly and explore ways to transfer this ability to other subjects. The stakes are high. success could lead to groundbreaking advancements in the Foundations security forces, while failure could see this anomaly lost forever.
(what the GMs will do during the event): they would use props for lost limbs and give effects to make it more immersive.
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- Support

  • - Haven't seen you on the server.

  • - App is unfinished?

  • - Event ideas are not particularly detailed or thorough, mostly just basic synopses.

-/+ Neutral

  • - Don't recall ever seeing you on the server, I may be dumb.

  • + Event ideas and OOC explanations of how they would be carried out are satisfactory.
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App seems incredibly rushed as it's not even finished..

Events are, though interesting SCPs, not interesting events. I do believe that introducing new SCPs in events is an amazing thing, but just introducing them, and nothing more, is not going to go well as an event.

You've been involved in some events, but not been seen creating much RP yourself.

Give it some time!! Work on the app a bit harder and spend the time between now and your next app coming up with some event ideas!

+ Support

+ You changed your app upon receiving feedback, which is excellent.

/- You've fused A1/O1 and NU7/E11 missions together, these are supposed to be separate per regiment, though the missions arent particularly bad themselves.

If this app is denied, please don't be discouraged!! You've clearly got some level of potential here and I'd love to see how you use GM at some point in the future if this doesn't get accepted.
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Blacklisted Player
Apr 5, 2024
Thanks for the feedback, i have used it to improve and change my application feel free to change you opinion or leave more feedback.
Dec 25, 2023
Hey Jax, may I reccomend for you to include some OOC/Gamemaster/"behind the scenes" things that would be done for each event? - basically including what general things the GMs would do, how they would interact with the players, how they would make the event fun, etc.

Thanks :)

edit: + Support
- I think you could use some on the job training to hone your ideas / creativity, which all GMs get when they're TGMs, but otherwise I think you would be good.
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Blacklisted Player
Apr 5, 2024
thanks for the feedback, i have added a little bit section about what the GM/s will do. feel free to leave more feedback
You fixed your app. Events are good enought.
I have also seen you actively try to learn pac, even wanting to know could effects for if you maybe get gm. I like the dedication.

Old feedback: Neutral

You fused the E11+NU7 and isd events (they are meant to be unique events) so you should probably fix that.
That asside:
-Decent formating
-Event explained fairly well
-You have actively helped and participated with a GM in creating some form of storyline.
You could be a good GM. Just fix your app.
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Blacklisted Player
Apr 5, 2024

You fused the E11+NU7 and isd events (they are meant to be unique events) so you should probably fix that.
That asside:
-Decent formating
-Event explained fairly well
-You have actively helped and participated with a GM in creating some form of storyline.
You could be a good GM. Just fix your app.

thanks for the feedback. I have changed this so hopefully this will change your opinion to a +Support, feel free to add any more advice for me.

Hi Jax,

It is clear that an awful lot of care and effort has been put into this application. The events, admitedly a bit small in scale, ie Mr Fish, are still interesting enough and have the potential for players to run the event themselves. The missions are short but sweet which, in my opinion, is perfect. Nothing much else to say, this is a really strong application.

I hope to see you with us soon!
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