[USA] "Clown"s Site Advisor Application

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Feb 10, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86367786
Discord name: isupportchildlabor
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 years
Age: 21
In what country are you located?:
United States
Time zone:
C.S.T. (Correct Standard Time)
Character name(s):
"Clown" and Alexander "Defhead" Reznor (Foundation).
Civilian name: John "Dronementington" Hate
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Advisor (Previous)
A1 Maj (Previous)
A1 LT (Previous)
A1 LT (Previous)
D.E.A. Manager (Previous)
D.E.A. Sp. Agent (Previous)
D.E.A. Sp. Agent (Current)
Overseer Assistant (Previous)
GOC SGT (Previous)
IA Agent (Current)
096 (Current)
CI Beta (Previous)
CI Beta (Previous)
CI Beta (Previous)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
might be soundin bob burger but its not that bad bro its not that bad

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- Im applying for Site Advisor so i can further my experience with dealing with interpersonal relationships between divisions and regiments as well as to further improve my abilities in dealing with in character roleplay scenarios. I wish to be able to assist the Foundation and the members of the Foundation to the best of my ability with efficiency and dedication. Furthermore, I wish to further better myself and my abilities in Administrative positions, including the responsibilities that comes with such roles and scenarios.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- Firstly, with my experience as both an officer in a Mobile Task Force and as an Overseer Assistant, I can safely say that I have the ability and knowledge in order to conduct myself between interpersonal departmental and regimental level tasks, such as relations between Task Forces or documentation and interviews of different departments. I have shown myself to be a reliable Overseer Assistant who works hard in order to get the tasks deligated to me swiftly and with extreme precision.

Secondly, during my times as a DEA Manager and current DEA Special Agent, I have the ability and know-how on how to best conduct myself and represent the Foundation as a whole when doing discussions or relation related debates with other Groups of Interest such as the CI or GOC. I myself have gone out of my way during times to ensure the Foundation and GOC maintained positive relations while also making sure that they were treated fairly and with dignity.

Lastly, with my vast knowledge of the inner workings of the departments and regiments within the Foundation, i am able to perform my duties as Site Administration with a vigilant and swift execution. Furthermore, I feel that while the change of pace might prove challenging, I have the ability and fortitude to be able to switch from combat orientated roles to more administrative orientated style that comes with Site Administration.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Site Administration are in charge of a wide selection of duties related to making sure that each department is working without issues between each other or from within. They are responsible for keeping a watchful eye over departments and regiments assigned to them while making sure that their each respective group has the tools and abilities to succeed. Theyre also responsible for producing departmental reviews to keep an up-to-date stance on the innerworkings of departments. Furthermore, theyre also involved with making sure that relations between the Foundation and different Groups of Interests, namely GOC, are maintained and acted upon when needed. Lastly, theyre also tasked with giving the proper authorizations to different departments and regiments with situation specific issues, such as Sweeps when Captains are unavailable or authorizing MTF forces Advanced Armory during tricky breaches.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
You sit down in a well worn leather chair, staring forward in an empty gaze as you feel the world around you fade into an obscure scene of colors and sounds. While to others, youre doing nothing more but giving a harsh thousand yard stare ahead of you as your eyes dart frantically in a small area, frowning slightly with silent breaths. To you, you see before you the past events washing over you like a malicious wave of Ionizing radiation. You could feel the complete, utter contemptment you felt as you walked down the halls of the Foundation. A burning hatred on par with nothing else but the singularic idealogical conception of utter hatred and contempt only being able to be felt by a malevolent god. The feeling alone making you feel as if your stare could melt the fucking steel, concrete and rocks lining the walls and ceilings as you watch those around you fail upwards and forwards.

Youre walking forward now. You get up out of your chair as you prepare to go and strangle some poor fucker to death. You hate them. A Jr Researcher presents himself to you. He asks you for permission to do a test with a document that looks like it was written in crayon and contains slurs. You visualize yourself taking his throat in your hands and breaking his neck here, blowing his head off with a shotgun, literally tearing him in half yourself with your hands. By the time you come back to reality, the Researcher had gone and done some dumb shit to get arrested by I.A. You continue on. Your rage dragging you forward as you start to make your way towards the center of it all, ready to make a change. Youre ascending now. You take mighty steps on your way forward, taking celestial steps with each passing one. A saintly figure. You see all those around you slide slowly down into pits of contemptment, a rotting husk of what once was or represents, a conceptual carcinoma. You see someone in front of you. They sit upon a throne of pataphysical rot and decay, making the whole scene in front of you giving a feeling of late stage dementia. You couldnt understand why, but it made you feel so fucking angry that you wanted to obliterate them. Who fucking dared ruin what is rightfully yours?

They disintegrate into a giant pile of ash as you force the idea of their death onto them. The rot they spreaded ran deep and pure. Rot in the street leads to rot in the heart. With a godly fury, you unleash the full might of your justified anger over those you see. Cleaning everything you saw before you. You begin a march. Moving over the disgusting meat blobs of far gone entities you couldnt even justify as people anymore. Those of neighboring mental clarities join you in this. Everything becomes beautiful. Life is good. You are here to stay. Keep them in line.

You wake after getting hit with Naloxone, making the high you had bring you from the brink of death. You've pissed yourself with vomit on your shirt. They kick you out of the Medical bay after assaulting the person who brought you out of your bliss state. It only mattered moments before several Keter SCPs and Reality benders immediately turn the scene into a bloodbath. Didnt matter much to you as you just made your way back to your office. Punching in the code to your office, you sit down in a well worn leather chair...

I don't think you have the right temperament for such a high role.


Not the right attitude for Site Advisor.

  • Haha
Reactions: Mars
May 30, 2023
Your warn track record does not bode well. As someone who was an Advisor alongside you I was and still am convinced you did not have any drive for Site Administration at all rather using it as a stepping stone for Overseer. While nothing wrong with wanting to join Site Command through means of Site Administration if that is your only intention I do not believe this is for you.
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