Noah Svensson's Security Captain Application

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Dec 9, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90131809
Discord name: Nalleput#9002
For how long have you played on CG SCP: A couple of months
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: sweden
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Noah svensson
Civilian name: Noah Svensson/Nope
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI Beta Current holding Nu-7 e-11
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Unfortunately, i have and 1 ban that was a long time ago and a loot of warnings because i have been mingy and been overall toxic that's not a good behavior so yeah almost all except 2 is more than 20 days old but yeah I got 1 for body blocking recently and i was dumb and overall tired and was a dumb decision i did and i have swallowed it and the second i can't really remember but it was 5 days ago
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
Hello so Iam applying for security captain becuse i have seen a need of higher ups in d block i have seen sergeants not doing their duties and i have been needing multiple times to tell them to stop doing what they are doing and actually do their work and the cadets officers need to learn the basics i have seen a lack of that from the seniors in d block and captains not learning the cadets officers what to do or atleast give them the protocol for how to act in d block so mainly the reason im applying for this today is i need more experience in CL4 and i want to help people to makesure they can roleplay serious like we other people do and i want to help the chief so he doesnt have so much pressure on him 24/7 for all questions and maybe take a seat whit him and write some protocols that we can hang on a wall for the cadets to read how they should act more understandable then those that we already have Uhh I want to makesure aswell that we can work even if theirs a code 5 whitout cadets/officers sergeants running and doing e-11s work and letting d classes escape Aswell as if theirs a code 1 i dont want the GENSEC to hunt them thats another thing i wanna do aswell to makesure GENSEC is stationed at their positions where they should be and not running and doing mtf tasks unless permited by a Captain+ and i have seen Code-2s being called when theirs actually no need of a code 2 its just that theirs no security their so the D-class can escape becuse GENSEC runs off doing MTFS work I want to see harder punishments on this thats why i apply for this position
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
Well what I think makes me suitable is my understanding of people that have a hard time trying to actually roleplay and I have a understanding that other people doesn't have since the most of the times I see on myself when I see other minge and i remember I was like that once and I knew how hard it was So I'm mainly thinking in suitable because I think i can actually help the chief to remain order in d block whitin the moste of the cadets/officers since it's needed And I always think and extra step before i do somethings thats one more thing i dont really know more what I'm suitable of but yeah most times you suitable in different times in a RP of different things
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
Well the captains actually have a Quite high responsibility when it comes to ordering in d block because the chief cannot always be there and holding their hands so the captain's responsibility is Mainly to make sure d block Is functional At all times whatever code it is to make sure GENSEC Does their work and not running after mtf dealing whit their tasks Captains should makesure a good behaviour holds up to the GENSEC overall and should supervise the cadets and officers and sergeants through their times they work in d block i dont really have more to say but yeah
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in
Noah svensson got borned in sweden in Stockholm and as a baby he always liked to play whit hes toys and he pulled hes toy cars over whit a toy police car always becuse i liked it when he grew bigger he started started playing as a cop whit hes dad and was arresting hes dad later on when noah svensson celebrated hes 12th birthday he had gotten the best grades in school and he told hes teacher he wanted to work as a Security guard so years passt by and he got into the highschool to become a security guard he graduated whit top grades and started working as a security guard on a prison he saw hes friends being murdered in the prison and years passt by he got promoted to Sergeant and then a weird guy came home to him and offered him a spot whitin the facility and noah that always wanted to test new things accepted it whitout thinking through he got enstated in D-block and got a supervisior to help him through hes time in d block and more years passt by and he got promoted to Security officer he got more responsibility now and he kept working hes way up now hes a sergeant and helps meny Security personal to make it in d block hes happy whit hes current life and have applyed for a position As a captain hes waiting Respond On it

Please don't post Verdicts without seeing me in RP i only want new Verdict not on something that's 1 month old
Feb 15, 2022
Noah has in the last week shown an increase in maturity and activity. While Noah has previously not shown greater RP skills.
I do think his ability for roleplay has increased. Due to stated reasons, I believe that Noah is a good fit for Captain, at least to be given to chance of Captain.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022

-/+ Neutral

-Don't really see much in game
+Has matured

+Detailed application

Signed: Sbeve Spenson Security Captain.
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Deleted member 55


I'm not supposed to leave a verdict on this but.

Noah has been improving over the past few weeks and I've spoken to him, he genuinely wants to leave his mingy behaviour in the past behind him.

He has been trying to start interesting RP scenarios for players such as a restaurant.

I think a trial period as Security Captain wouldn't hurt.
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Dec 9, 2021
1647886224375.png Well somene got mad about me when they arrested me and i killed them becuse of that so yeah

I have proven myself wrong that im trying to change but i cant even manage hold up whit the warnings choose whatever you want if you want to give me - or + or neutral becuse i have done wrong again

It was a mistake and yeah but yeah mistakes shouldent be made atleast these mistakes so yeah
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- immature
- Minge
- Not a good fit for captain

Was playing as a sergeant earlier and he was playing as an officer. Told him to go to d block as it was understaffed to which he just replies "no".
Take him in for insubordination and then he calls a sit and starts lying about all sorts of things
We were returned and then instead of taking his arrest like a man after the admins (Jason Taylor and Jason M.) told us that it was indeed insubordination, he decides to rdm me when we are returned to our rp situations and switch to a d class
Thought he was reformed and this was very dissapointing. Not someone i would want to be our captai
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Dec 9, 2021
Not a good fit for captain

Was playing as a sergeant earlier and he was playing as an officer. Told him to go to d block as it was understaffed to which he just replies "no".
Take him in for insubordination and then he calls a sit and starts lying about all sorts of things
We were returned and then instead of taking his arrest like a man after the admins (Jason Taylor and Jason M.) told us that it was indeed insubordination, he decides to rdm me when we are returned to our rp situations and switch to a d class
Thought he was reformed and this was very dissapointing. Not someone i would want to be our captain.
Please dont bring upp ooc stuff here only inrp and thank you for taking your time writing this but i would glady like to see the truth in this and not the lying part in this you formed the hole story in wrong way and everything and everyone that would think this is true please come to my discord dms and ill provide a vid and explain what actually happened thank you and please refrain from posting these kinds of things on my future application whitout any proof or atleast telling the truth becuse almoste everyone here knows im not lying when im saying something and im a honest guy that knows when he have done wrong thank you if you wanna argue more about this please dm me in discord and aswell we can tell that you was lying when you formed it out that jason m was in the first sit when he wasnt he was in the second thank you And i cant even see you telling the truth in this since you havent included the part where you didnt even give me 2 sec to think or when you been going around after the sits and mixing since all sits is ooc and you been going around saying overall toxic things and been trying to provoke me to say something to you to get me warned for toxicity but yeah please include all instead of the parts that only points towards me so it looks like i was the only one doing wrong in this case and next time i dont wanna see a verdicate from somone that hasent even readed the app or from somone that thinks they are the best of best only becuse people been telling them that and im gonna give you a suggestion stop thinking that you are a god or something becuse you arent. and you couldent even take the time explaining what i was lying about so yeah but people can look at this however they want they can trust you they can trust me but in the end its not worth it to lie so just edit it and tell the truth becuse its not worth it trust me
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  • Haha
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Well-known Member
Jan 18, 2022

+Active in-game
+/-Decent Application
-Has given me a false -support on my application just because I gave him a -support. Bruhh.
-Minge (Arguing to people who gave him less that +support)
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Deleted member 982

Neutral leaning towards -Negative

Active on TS & IG

-Unable to hold a rank

I can see that you are trying to improve noah but giving you any job with CL4 right now won't go well, now this is no disrespect to security but lately many have been stepping out of their line. I recommend to keep improving your mautraty and competence.
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Dec 9, 2021
Neutral leaning towards -Negative

Active on TS & IG

-Unable to hold a rank

I can see that you are trying to improve noah but giving you any job with CL4 right now won't go well, now this is no disrespect to security but lately many have been stepping out of their line. I recommend to keep improving your mautraty and competence.
I understand what you mean but the thing is you guys cant just keep saying that i should get more maturity Becuse in my eyes thats starting to get like an excuse at the moment i have been told now for a while now that i have proven myself right that im not a minge longer but people keep throwing these things on me but yeah i understand what you mean no disrespect so yeah =)
Dec 9, 2021
Been reading other posts and didn't see the warning you got. Also you replying to our verdicts just makes us wanna straight up give you -Support.
Ok Next time look before leaving a verdicate thank you and if you want more info or wanna keep this discussion up pm me on discord thank you =) And the thing is that i was just wondering that you first typed the app was good and then decent well i couldent care less so yeah but have a great night


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021

Application Accepted

Hello @Nej,

Thanks for taking the time to make a security captain application.
I believe you deserve the role for being a long time Sergeant as well as being extremely active.
Congratulations on having your application accepted, please poke me or one of the O5s on TeamSpeak so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​
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