What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

[It will add a new SCP (662 and 662-1) that needs an actor in the Object Containment Zone, so that it can hopefully be one that is more interesting than the current objects and more accessible for lower leveled researchers ]
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[not to my knowledge]
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[ It would give another option for lower leveled researchers such as Jrs and Normal researchers that isnt just a painting or candy bowl as those can become boring and repetitive, but putting an actor inside of the object containment zone will not only 1, have an actor in every zone (Objects, Light, and Heavy) but will also have the chance to make lower leaved researchers more interested in the career option of researching and wishing to continue this without the boring repetitive other research opportunities such as doing the candy bowl 20 times for XP, instead there will be good roleplay opportunities that even these lower leveled researchers can become engaged and involved in as I have noticed that many lower leveled researchers are left out of Rp research situations from usually the reason of not having clearance or knowing where it is, but this solves both of those issues as the object containment zone is widely known where it is and can be accessed by any researcher,
if 662-1 is able to breach, he could get objects for the other SCPs (for example: getting a hacking tool for 035 or higher leveled keycards) to be a good valuable support non combative team member and this will be balanced from 662-1 only having a weak weapon (such as maybe a broken bottle, a small knife, or maybe even a wooden stick), so he is is 99% a support member that is valuable and needs to be protected by his SCP teammates to be able to keep supporting them
THOUGH, of course dont let him be able to get any objects as even in the Lore he isnt able to retrieve some objects. So have his limit on things like getting keycards be Clearance Level 3, and guns he can fetch of course dont let him fetch Freedoms but maybe something more like a machine gun he would be able to get, and so on and so forth so its not OP
(if you have other suggestions on how to make 662-1 even more balanced than he would already be, please put it in the replies

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[ I literally do not see a negative here, imma be honest. The researchers benefit, the dclass benefit from a more interesting SCP to test with than the 3d glasses 30 times in a row, be interesting for guards that watch, ect ]
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[ this should 100% be added, it would bring more roleplay opportunities' to lower leveled researchers an eliminate the repetitiveness' of doing research as a lower leveled researcher interacting with the same objects that wont change such as the painting or candy bowl 700 times. it can also get the lower leveled researchers to become more interested and invested into wanting to keep working and being a researcher and even try to do roleplays/interviews with 662-1 as he is able to speak and converse with people. Furthermore it will add a good support SCP for breaches

TLDR: research as lower level boring and little to no actual RP, this add both, also good Support SCP for breaches
SCP-662 Wiki Source: https://scp.fandom.com/wiki/SCP-662
Steam workshop model used in images: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=906408930

[It will add a new SCP (662 and 662-1) that needs an actor in the Object Containment Zone, so that it can hopefully be one that is more interesting than the current objects and more accessible for lower leveled researchers ]
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[not to my knowledge]
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[ It would give another option for lower leveled researchers such as Jrs and Normal researchers that isnt just a painting or candy bowl as those can become boring and repetitive, but putting an actor inside of the object containment zone will not only 1, have an actor in every zone (Objects, Light, and Heavy) but will also have the chance to make lower leaved researchers more interested in the career option of researching and wishing to continue this without the boring repetitive other research opportunities such as doing the candy bowl 20 times for XP, instead there will be good roleplay opportunities that even these lower leveled researchers can become engaged and involved in as I have noticed that many lower leveled researchers are left out of Rp research situations from usually the reason of not having clearance or knowing where it is, but this solves both of those issues as the object containment zone is widely known where it is and can be accessed by any researcher,
if 662-1 is able to breach, he could get objects for the other SCPs (for example: getting a hacking tool for 035 or higher leveled keycards) to be a good valuable support non combative team member and this will be balanced from 662-1 only having a weak weapon (such as maybe a broken bottle, a small knife, or maybe even a wooden stick), so he is is 99% a support member that is valuable and needs to be protected by his SCP teammates to be able to keep supporting them
THOUGH, of course dont let him be able to get any objects as even in the Lore he isnt able to retrieve some objects. So have his limit on things like getting keycards be Clearance Level 3, and guns he can fetch of course dont let him fetch Freedoms but maybe something more like a machine gun he would be able to get, and so on and so forth so its not OP
(if you have other suggestions on how to make 662-1 even more balanced than he would already be, please put it in the replies

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[ I literally do not see a negative here, imma be honest. The researchers benefit, the dclass benefit from a more interesting SCP to test with than the 3d glasses 30 times in a row, be interesting for guards that watch, ect ]
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[ this should 100% be added, it would bring more roleplay opportunities' to lower leveled researchers an eliminate the repetitiveness' of doing research as a lower leveled researcher interacting with the same objects that wont change such as the painting or candy bowl 700 times. it can also get the lower leveled researchers to become more interested and invested into wanting to keep working and being a researcher and even try to do roleplays/interviews with 662-1 as he is able to speak and converse with people. Furthermore it will add a good support SCP for breaches

TLDR: research as lower level boring and little to no actual RP, this add both, also good Support SCP for breaches
SCP-662 Wiki Source: https://scp.fandom.com/wiki/SCP-662
Steam workshop model used in images: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=906408930
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