SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Meliodas Wrath

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Meliodas Wrath

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:493254998

Discord Username: shida_wrath

Age: 21

What's your current playtime: Just came off a long LOA

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Foundation: Meliodas Wrath
Civillian: Shida Kayn

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No this is not the first application.
096 application:
Staff application:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Yes I have, I got banned twice 2 years ago due to me not reading the rules and it was my first time in an RP server after that I have never got banned nor warned.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 4-6 hours

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: In a different community no but in civil networks yes I do have.
I have been a staff member in civil networks for 1 year and 8 months and I have reached the rank of a head moderator and even was in the platform team, I have been doing all of my requirements and making sure that everyone on the server enjoy the RP by enforcing the rules and removing away the people who intend to ruin it and also I have been moderating the discord server as a previous platform member from answering tickets, warning/banning people who break the rules, etc...

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: Something I'm really proud about is my commitment, I have been in MTF Alpha-1 for 2 years and ever since I joined I have made my mind that I will become a commander one day even tho I had a lot of obstacles in my way like for example my English was not good , me not playing in an RP server before, and 3 demotions due to RP reasons not a rule break.
But regardless I stayed positive and never gave up and I knew that one day I will make it happen, and I can proudly say that after 1 year and 10 months in Alpha-1 I have become an LTCOM.

Why would you like to become a staff member: I want to become a staff member because I like this server a lot and the RP in it also I have been here for 2 years (Aug 21, 2022)
I wanna make sure that the people in this server always enjoy their RP the same way I does by enforcing the rules on everyone, Also I wanna become a staff member due to my professionalism and self control in tough scenarios, For example: If I'm dealing with someone who keeps yelling and does not wanna listen I can remain calm no matter how many minutes it takes and deal with him/her accordingly.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: I can Improve dealing with sits during late/early hours where there is not that many mods around also I can make sure a lot of failRP stuff to be dealt with during those hours.

George "Biggie" Wallacce

Well-known Member
Oct 8, 2024
Some answers are a bit short but I think you seem genuine and got some experience on the server. For those reasons, I give:

+ Support

I hope to see you moderating one day mate.
Hi @Meliodas 'Wrath',

Before I give my feedback on your application, I have a question I wish to ask.

Why did you decide not to make a demotion/resignation appeal?
What made you decide you wanted to start anew?
You are 100% elligable to make one considering you left the staff team recently.

To be honest I did not know if I should make one or not and thought that the best option is to make a new staff application, and I decided that I wanted to start anew to prove that I would be able to climb back up again and to show that I'm able to do my reqs again, but if I still have the option to make an appeal I would like to try that.

MTF Alpha-1 Meliodas 'Wrrath'
+ Support
I worked with wrath for quite awhile I would say I am one of the main reasons why wrath is in A-1, I was Commander of A-1 when we let Wrath join. From my experiance and recollection Wrath has never shown to lose his temper.

As a long standing member of the comunity with experiance in Staff and high clearance RP this might be one of the best candidates for Staff, I am quite unsure of the reason for wanting to come back as a Trial-moderator, if the reason for such is that he wants to prove himself I would without a doubt say that this person is the best and should be granted the rank of trial-mod.

From the time where Wrath joined A-1 to when I resigned I have never seen him act immature outside of a controlled manner/sitioation, his genuine loyalty and persistence to the CN rules/comunity is unlike anything and anyone. I have never seen anyone dedicating so much time and so much effort after getting demoted three times for minor reasons.

Good luck كلب
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