Denied New server monetary support option

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This would add a new payment option to be able to purchase a weapon Skin exclusive to you (kinda like rank requests).

- This would be a 1/1 (quality of your chosing)
- The Skin would be marked as untradable
- Skins already obtainable through crates would not be allowed to be requested
- Skin requests would require above CS review & approval ( Yeke / Ventz ) as it would have money involved
- You would require a valid reason to have the skin and the skin would not be permitted if its a meme / goes against server lore / logic.
- Requests would be required to be made before purchase to avoid complications if a skin is denied

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
probably not people are stingy with money (especially with todays inflation LMAO)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Would allow peoples creativity to be shown if a skin isn't officially approved for crate distribution
- Would provide a new income source for the server

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Could get out of hand easily if skins arent properly reviewed
- Could be slow as review & approval requirement being extremely restrictive
- people may regret purchases down the line thinking they've wasted money even more
- Yeke will complain to me that he has more work within his workload

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
i origionally thought of this suggestion whilst joking around with yeke as there is currently a rubber ducky skin in SCP i want that he will not provide to the server or me

This could add a nice way for the community to get a unique skin and provide ways of them supporting CN in minor ways that does not result in them having to pay a substantial amount for VIP or supporting the server whilst they already have VIP
-support you can literally do this with pac3 already
That's just pac abuse.
Alright, hear me out:

Let people pay to abuse PAC in specifically this way (i.e. Using pac to retexture a weapon, not to make a weapon look like another weapon) - And then what they do with it just has to be part of an approved PAC. Uses our existing systems, without having to make a whole new pipeline that takes up the already limited and highly valuable time of NL - If people inappropriately abuse it, then... Well, the same thing happens anyway to people that inappropriately abuse PAC, with whatever other considerations there are, for rules we already have, for situations that can already happen.
...Yes, I am aware of the pot and kettle here, thank you

Pay-To-Abuse PAC
"Different type of weapon" is either intentionally vague or does not apply to what I'm saying (which is the specific case of changing the material textures of the weapon which appears on your screen as part of your VIEWMODEL that nobody else on the server can see) unless this rule can somehow encompass viewmodel pacs which only affect what YOU see. Let's be real it's a victimless crime anyway lmao

Regardless, I understand that you shouldn't change the server-side model of your gun so other people see you with a fancy skin (or a freedom SR when you have a USP out), that's just common sense. What I am lost on is how you would even begin to enforce/ detect weapon skins applied on my viewmodel pac which is what I've been getting at here this entire time. How can you check if anybody is breaking this rule clientside unless they send you a screenshot of the gun in their hands?
Unless you somehow can detect if my pac is specifically editing a VGun on my viewmodel (which you probably know is only one way to give your viewmodel weapon a skin, you are a pac GOD iirc) I surely would have been caught doing this months ago.
I am 99% sure that, at some point, I managed to get a custom AUG skin onto my autoload viewmodel pac and it worked without any repercussions :cool: :cool: ( memory hazy because this was, at latest, 8 months ago)

also congrats on SA lol
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I feel like they’ve given up on weapon skins, even though they brought in a huge amount of revenue. People don’t mind paying for cosmetic skins as long as they fit the theme of the game and add something meaningful. I’m all for holiday-based skins and events, just not mindless weapon skins that don’t fit the game’s overall aesthetic.
I feel like they’ve given up on weapon skins, even though they brought in a huge amount of revenue. People don’t mind paying for cosmetic skins as long as they fit the theme of the game and add something meaningful. I’m all for holiday-based skins and events, just not mindless weapon skins that don’t fit the game’s overall aesthetic.
this is why i suggested it being kept so high for authorization because i can guarentee atleast the community manager & or owner wants to keep a more serious vibe / tone where they can lol
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