Cain Morris's 1st DoIS Application

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Aug 27, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:702727365

Discord name: cainmorris0

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Been playing since August/September of 2023

Age: 13

In what country are you located?: Republic of Ireland🇮🇪

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): Cain 'Homeless' Morris

Civilian name: Cain Morris

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

E-11 CPT, SR. CL4 (Hounorable Demotion)ISD Commissioner, SR. CL4
Overseer Assistant, JR. CL4 (Hounorable Discharge)Ethics Committee Assistant, JR. CL4
E-11 CSG (Hounorable Discharge)ISD Inspector
E-11 CPL x2 (Dishounorable Discharges)ISD Investigator
CI-A x2 (Dishounorable Discharges)ISD Agent
GOC-PVT (Hounourable Discharge)DEA Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
2024-06-28 (2).png

2024-07-15 (1).png

Why are you applying for Director of Internal Security?:
There are a good couple of reasons I am applying for Director of ISD which are listed below:

First, I have been within IA / ISD for many months, I was Ambassador/ Inspector for around 4 months and I have been Commissioner for a couple of weeks now. I believe with this amount of experience within the department I am more than ready for the Director position.

Secondly, RP, Compared to my other applications I have gotten much better at leading, following up and creating RP. ISD is a department that can RP with any and every department is anyway possible.

Thirdly, Cade has unfortuantly has recently had to step down to Commissioner and Merrick has informed us his O5 and Staff duties have started to pile up and he needs to do them, not giving him much time for Director, so I am applying so that Internal Security has a main leader that can inspire and guide the entire department.

Lastly, I am overly excited to get a opportunity to guide and lead the whole department and how I can improve it to make the best department on site and the best department yet.

What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Security?: There are many skills and things that make me more then eligeble for the Director position which are:
  • My activity is quite good im my opinion especially with school ( Vtime -> )
  • My experience is very good for Director in my opinion as I was 4 months as Ambassador/Inspector before getting promoted to Commissioner about 2 weeks.
  • I think that my management and leadership skills will make me a role model director#
  • My RP abilities have gotten much better than my last apps weather it be creating RP, following up RP and extending it.
  • My engagement is good in my opinion this makes me suitable as it shows if I was director I am not only engaging in the community in RP but OOC aswell.
  • I uphold the FLC at all times and very well in any and all situations.
  • My communication skills are very good and efficient, I can communicate well with the whole of ISD and it mostly ends up well in most situations like catching someone who is on the run.
  • Ever since the new rework has come out the department still has unlimited potential and I want to guide that potential and make it the best I can with the people in ISD and the RP and policys of ISD.
  • I am very professional and dont minge.
  • According to many agents I am quite helpful in every situation if it is a question or help in a arrest.
  • I am very reliable for example if a task is given to me I can definetly fufil it.
  • I am very trustworthy, for example if a agent wants to make a complaint about a Commissioner but wishes to stay annoynomous I can 100% fufil that.
  • Finally, I obviously have a very good understanding of the department and how it operates.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Security in RP?:
Obviously becoming the director of a department comes with lots of new responsibilitys which are listed below:
  • Do trainings for Agents and Investigators.
  • Take in complaints about Inspectors/ Commissioners and carry them out approprietly.
  • Represent ISD in meetings with Ethics and O5.
  • Manage the relationships between ISD and other departments.
  • Create fun and good RP for the whole of ISD to partake in.
  • Lead tribunals, operations and investigations
  • Auth AA if highest on site at the time, this is only to be done in the case of 3 or more scp's being breached or SCP-008 breach
  • Create operations/ investigations.
  • Process Inspector applications by discussing with the Inspectors and Commissioners and based of the supports and info accept/ deny it and give them their interview.
  • Develop the department by adding/ removing anything that is or isint needed.
  • Uphold the FLC and Code of Ethics at all times.
  • Investigate all departments if they have been showing suspisous activity that could violate the FLC.
  • Supervise every IA personnel.

Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Hello, I am Cairo.aic a artificial intelligence used by the ethics committee, what can I help you with today?​

Input: Cairo. Acess Level 5 Network.
What goes best with crumpets?​

Input: The best drink of the world, tea.
Welcome, Chairman Marshall

Input: Search Commissioner Cain 'Homeless' Morris's Personnel File.
Searching... 1 result found, displaying results now.​

File name:
Clearance Level Access:
Contains Cain's information​
Level 4​

Input: Open the file.
Opening personnel file... Cain_Morris_Personnel_File

The Committee shall review this and see if he is fit for the Director Position. Thank you Cairo, log off.
Understood. Logging off now.​
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