[UK] O5-1 "The Chimera"

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Administrative Questions​

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:209317707
Discord name: chad4j
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 years
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: U.K.
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Captain 'Root', Captain 'Sadist'
Civilian name: Atheba (GM role)
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Omega-1 Captain 'Root'
Chaos Insurgency Alpha ‘Jesse’
O5-4 'The Sadist'
Ethics Committee Chairwoman Maeve Glass
Ethics Committee Member Athena Greyhart
Site Manager Athena Greyhart
Site Advisor Athena Greyhart
Ethics Committee Assistant Athena Greyhart
Overseer Assistant Lilith Moore
DEA Special Agent Maeve Glass
DEA Senior Agent Maeve Glass
Omega-1 Lance-Corporal ‘Athena’
Epsilon-11 Corporal Jessie ‘Chad’
Chaos Insurgent Beta, MRU Lance-Corporal ‘Jesse’
United Global Occult Coalition Lance-Corporal Madeline ‘Kitchen’ Glass

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No
As a note, I have checked with the majority of the current O5 council as to whether they're okay with me going for this as a non council member, and command team and would not have applied without their consent.​

Role-Based Questions​

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for O5-1, Chief Overseer.

I have a set of goals in mind:
Re-enforce trust in the player bases abilities and decisions
Encourage creativity
Give mentorship to those needed
Set the server up for success in all elements I can reach

The following is exactly how I believe I can reach all of these goals. They will be mentioned throughout, implied in parts, and this will be rather lengthy to tackle through as an advanced warning.


As it currently stands, O5 is not reaching their full potential of roleplay exploration. My understanding of this role is that you are a person responsible for millions of personnel moving to achieve one goal: Secure. Contain. Protect. What does this mean necessarily in the scope of roleplay within Civil Networks? What can we do within roleplay to achieve this, and it's simple if we split this into sections.


Ask yourself, what are we actually securing? SCPs? Yes. Intel? Medical knowledge? Secrecy.
Essentially, a change of perspective to the mission statement needs to happen. Our securement at the moment is not an objective being met, not in the sense of constant breaches and code-blacks. But our securement of our facility and all those within it. Our path of securing knowledge. It is about capturing much more than an anomaly. It is about the attentive effort of securing all we can find and know about what we house.

So, how would I fix this?

Simple. The encouragement and active push of a healthy perspective on the mission statement within roleplay. Below I will go through each department, and a level of supplementary commentary.

I want to know what you as someone with anomalous materials at your reach can help find. Cure to cancer? Cure to blindness? A new way to graft skin? You have an infinite budget, and essentially a limitless level of tools and creative elements at your disposal.​


Research at any time has access to over 20 anomalies but it is played for the sake of mechanics, not for creativity. What can you find? Where do your limits lie? What is stopping you from requesting in a chamber a huge vat of acid be set up for you to adjust to see what corrodes S.C.P-7722s material? What is stopping you from testing if S.C.P-682s acid is of good enough adjustment and actually preventing him from breaching? What's stopping you from sitting with him, and asking questions about his past? We don't know where he came from? Essentially reframing mindsets from “what can I do with the tools I have” to, “what can I do with every bit of love for this insanely weird collection of lore and libraries at my disposal?”.​


We have two GOIs. Why is the Chaos Insurgency cell able to breach and access our site? Why do they have such a hold over our personnel? What's stopping you the moment it's found out someone has been kidnapped in RP and bursting into that person's office and ensuring they are not under the hold of a hostile manipulation? Say a department is constantly under the eye of a GOI, why not ask for Site Administration to authorize the entire offices being ripped apart in a joint operation with ISD to ensure nothing is lost? What's stopping long-standing deep cover operations to infiltrate these cells and destroy what they have on us? There's an insane amount of roleplay potential.​


You guys get no love, but you’re at its base, the backbone of the site. What is stopping you from working together to instill a fear into the D-Class population that if they act out, they’re getting it, they’re being taught there's no escape and they are at your liberty? The FLC? Only if you get caught. What is stopping you from locking down D-Block into a highly controlled zone, bringing out D-Class and making an example of them, then returning them? Trust? Absolutely, and this can be worked on with time. You are extremely important to roleplay, getting on that role means you’re agreeing to providing new players an experience that makes them stay.​


You have potentially the most important tool anyone has at their disposal. The ability to keep roleplay under control. The FLC is an extremely important tool it is there to let you help maintain a good standard of RP. What's stopping you from investigating departments as to whether they’re keeping to the statement? What is stopping you from looking at the tools in your disposal and pulling those people who deserve it away into your interrogation? Why not ask Ethics and O1 for their assistance in having someone summoned down and questioned as to how their department is not following the guidelines you have? I haven’t seen this done in so long, and I would love to see this empowerment and swung fist back in place.​


You are our first call of defense against the breach queue, but your role doesn’t only dictate combat. You could be going through cells and inspecting integrity. You could be spending time with S.C.Ps waiting in essentially an AFK queue playing tetris on their other screen and creating a scenario that could empower or weaken a breach with GM/Staff help. You could be working hand-in-hand with your expertise of containment with research to find more ways of securing, ways of inflicting experimentation. You are our combat nerds for the anomalies, and you should feel empowered and trusted to assist goals.​


You have had an immense lack of love for as long as I can see. You’re mandated to checkpoint duty. No-one wants that. So we have to ask ourselves, why? Hammer down has an insane amount of lore, you’re our incredible squadron that does high-quality and in-depth operations and recovers lost sites due to catastrophic events. In lore, if the foundation went to war with a GOI, you would be our fighters, our front line. What’s preventing you from on days where you want to prevent a raid without checkpoints, of you all being organized and spread across surface, spying, relaying intel back, setting yourself up to attack CI from behind with these ideals in mind? Nu-7 is a regiment you join to fight a code-1 and man a checkpoint. Let's bring back your trust, and your ability to be those people with insane kits that assist you in having a level of creativity. CI’s RP loop dictates raiding, you know it will always be happening, and you know what? You should be having fun. Imagine you’re all within pinewood, MC&D house, parawatch hill, relaying intel and being able to move as a force with your vehicles and more to defend against threats, and potentially have a new raid response experience?

Going back to the prior point, it isn’t all about securing something in a cell. It's securing a new experience for players. Securing fun for your time on the server. Secure is about having a game that you cherish getting onto. Empowerment is everything. Trust is something so hard to obtain in this server, but how can we expect to maintain a good flow of RP if we don't trust people? They made a mistake? They learned. Is it a big issue? Staff are here for a reason.


Containment isn’t about just containing an S.C.P. It's about the enforcement and containment of standards. It's not just about keeping something in a box and making sure it doesn’t break out and hurt people. It's about containing all the knowledge we build. It's about making what we want of something, and seeing it continue. The same way we make a cell for an anomaly, and keep them in there. We need consistency in position changes. We need someone who is set up for success, and so their mistakes are contained, their ideas have proper guidance and assistance.


Then we move to something entirely simple: We protect our site. We protect our assets. Our SCPs, our files, our personnel. We work together as a site, not a bunch of groups with internal beef against each other. We protect by standing as a united front against GOIs, against and with S.C.Ps. The point is, we’re currently all split. Everyone's mind is everywhere. XYZ said ABC to 123. It doesn’t matter. What matters is us as a collective working together, and this enforcement trickling down, so that new players who join feel a sense of belonging. So that the people in their positions don't fear to roleplay, fear they’ll be made fun of, or their quality isn’t good enough so much they won't use a mic for “serious” roleplay. You shouldn’t be scared. You should feel your roleplay is encouraged, and will be protected by those around you, from both hostilities IC to it, but also hostilities OOC for a stutter or a stammer that no-one really cares about.

My Point?

Essentially, at the moment there are five members of Site Administration, and a handful of Overseers. Currently eight departments need guidance from RP leadership. I would start by assigning everyone one department to work with for two months. Bi-weekly 30 minute check-ins supplemented by a starting session for however long is needed. We as roleplay leaders, would work then with the lead of each department to set up these questions in a way of productive RP, and work to adjust, to empower their leadership positions and roleplay. With this, it would work back to one goal, attempting to make the server enjoyable for people. We in higher up positions have this ability to change experiences on a down spiral, and we have volunteered to do so by taking them on. It will be a lot of work, and a lot of love and care, and I would ask for SL assistance for each of these too, to work to a goal of setting the foundation side of the server up for success, and leaving it in a place that should anyone leave, everything can be picked up on again once more. I am one person, if this is what I can think as an individual, think- with the right guidance, assistance and mentorship what a group of nine could collectively do.

Leadership & Guidance

Right now, an immense hole has been left for O5. I have spoken individually with some members of the current council and I think they haven’t received all of the guidance they need to succeed due to the fact, it is immensely difficult to give someone proper guidance when everything else is falling apart. I have demonstrable experience with helping in this sort of situation with Nu-7 during my time as SA, O1 when I took the Chairman position.

I would re-implement a system I had created in the chairman role, which would affect 2, 3, 4, A1 Commander, DoRs and the Site Director. I don’t think sitting for six hours straight typing up a handbook on roleplay is at all helpful. I think consistent mentoring and empowering these roles will. I’d start with this simple form for all of them: (on a word doc to prevent griefing). Get myself caught up, and then measure them against these metrics:

Individual Roleplay
Encouragement of roleplay to others
Creative influence
Creating roots for future success
Prioritizing their life over a game

To me, these five things successfully achieved and guided to, is what makes this server function for future use. Right now we will have someone come to the server, do incredibly well, and then leave, someone new comes in, sets what they want, and then leaves. There is a massive gap in consistency at the moment and I would like to see that closed for the future, and that is one of my major goals. This is something I would like to achieve as a community effort, players and staff, with myself spearheading it.

Why I cannot do this in my current position

Essentially, I have an immense experience in consistently long-held roles, whether this is as an ECM, a Chairwoman, O1 CO and Site Manager. I implemented change, which I will expand upon in my candidacy section. Other roles would help me give this level of influence, at face of adversity and struggle that I believe would make this feel less like wanting to help something I love bloom, and more like I should be asking where my payslip is at the end of the month. An Omega-1 Captain OOC and IC is unable to influence Directors without extreme effort, even if respect is there due to my prior postings. Even within my time as an O5 for the short few days before my well known community leave, I didn’t shy from simply cracking on and making roleplay- even if it was the tribunal incident- or it was the working in hand with the Sovereign to find out why Site Administration wasn’t functioning as expected.

-1 Gives the ability to delegate more than my current roles, or any open roles. It is the absolute authority. It is also the best place with the best people in positions for me to consult for each and every decision I make.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:


Overtime, I have collected a fair few successfully held CL4+ positions. However, my main ones to inspect on for leading are those within O1, SA and the Committee. My leadership methodology focuses on enabling people to question themselves and set themselves up for future success. I want them to be able to at the end of my leadership and mentoring to be able to question their actions, reach out to those better knowledgeable where needed for advice. I’ve worked on development time and time again, and I lead roleplay in my current position in Omega-1. I have been someone people have consistently turned to for guidance and help, and I gladly give it because at the end of the day, this came from someone else doing the exact same for me.

Current and Past Roleplay


Currently, Omega-1 is at the start of a storyline, “Project: Rehabilitation.” This came from the knowledge that their Omega-1 Captain ‘Sadist’ was the prior Chairwoman Maeve Glass, who had snuck back to the foundation under false credentials, in order to find out what had happened to her leaving convoy, and why it was hijacked. When an unknown GOI had captured her and given her anti-amnestics, a lot of her past came back, confusing her, and turning her insane. She was moved to a facility she has since escaped. Omega-1 was given the following briefing:

Eight Disguise Personnel Files
Operation Rehabilitation Youtube Upload
Now, I won't reveal the ending and the rest of it. I’d like the lads to find out in RP! This will continue from me- on a decent delay- if I were to go to O5, carried out with my GM role.


A major piece of RP I was a part of- infamously- was the “Cortex” storyline created by Broda. I was during my Ethics time, a part of “part 2”. Part two consisted of Cortex wanting to re-capture those in Site Administration that had a hand in weakening him, and his death. My Character Athena Greyhart had a direct hand in his death, and planned the operations that led to his capture. With this it came to a close, Athena had been shaved bald, she had her control chips removed, and so Cortex launched an attack on the site. He promised violence and the end of Site-65, pinewood and any surrounding town if I was not handed in by the hour to be executed, effectively tearing the site against myself, where the site split in two, people planning to not face the gun and look for another way out, and others working to assist him in my capture. This ended with a bullet lodged in between my brows at the hand of my chairman at the time, Eidolon. Broda and I spent hours making this happen, his dupes, my pacs, outlines made for the GM and Staff helping, and it became insanity.

Otherwise, as mentioned in my last O5 application, my priority as Chairwoman was helping sort out Omega-1 and moving to change relations with existing departments that were in the gutter, so I took a step back, and relied on my ECMs for roleplay at the time, however, I did deploy one notable projects in this time for Omega-1 out of the few, “Operation Intelligent”. This was the mass collection of intel of personnel on site to create both in-game, and OOC (due to the time constraints in documents) personnel files on every member of site. This resulted in cards such as:

with the other pieces of this unfortunately lost to time.

Site Administration

When I was within Site Administration, I had freshly been appointed to this role as a new player, and I deployed several RP scenarios.

Project: Trials of Judgement
As a roleplay response to the Part One of the Cortex storyline, I set up this piece of RP for Nu-7 and A-1 which led to the ending. Project: Trials of Judgement

Passive Roleplay
Due to a lack of confidence at the time, I mostly focused my RP into seeing what I could create on the fly, as noted in my original ECM application, I spoke of the chess tournaments during Code-5’s in breach shelter to encourage people inside. Or, pulling an entire regiment post a breach for uniform inspections. As well as handling GOI relations with the GOC at the time.

My Plans of Roleplay

The real point. It's good to come in to want to fix things, but what am I actually here for? Roleplay. Everything in my section regarding each of the capabilities every department can do is something I would adore to implement. At the end of the day, I think it is good roleplay to test the bounds of what is “cruel versus cold” that the committee holds to our standards to. It gives the reactionary force of Omega-1 something to do, as well as Alpha-1 can enjoy getting their hands entirely dirty.

I speak of the bounds researchers, where their minds can go, encouraging them to thoroughly explore. I would deploy Alpha-1 to kidnap every member of Research on site and bring them to a testing chamber, we’ll use 682 as our example. Inside this room, I would have set up GMObjectives, props, etc- in order to achieve a goal I would set. This goal could be- “I am extremely frustrated with the lack of progress on any sort of damage to S.C.P-682 that he has not been able to regenerate. I want results in the next x amount of time, or I will have you shot.” Which immediately raises the concern for ethics for waste of life, even if the threat was empty and intended for them to work harder- and in actuality those below clearance would be amnesticated, the rest returned. This also presents an opportunity for E-11 to partake, guard, assist in keeping 682 still while doing so- or even having a go.

Essentially, this is how I will plan my roleplay to be on the day to day. However, as one overarching storyline once the planned affairs are in order will directly correlate to my character itself. If you have a look into the lore attached below, you will note O5-1 “The Chimera” is rather… tricky character, both to play and both in its nature. This I hope to open avenues for Medical to look into the biological composition and whether it changes or proposes any life changing threats, research to interact and use their knowledge and understanding of S.C.P.s to find a way for this incident causing the shift to change, and for Ethics to reason whether its entirely appropriate to stay.

Demonstration my goals have worked before

The major point of what I would do with the role is the idea of setting up a legacy for all players to interact with, no matter the position, no matter the role. It's a large task, and my acceptance would then rely on faith I would carry through. However, I have the positive at my side, that on a much smaller scale- I managed to change the shape of the Committee, and Omega-1 for the better when I was the Chairwoman.

Firstly, Omega-1. When I took my posting, the prior Chairman and an even older Commander had set it, so the only person with any authoritative ruling over Omega-1 was the Chairman themselves. I took an inactive Omega-1, with no roleplay happening internally, and I turned it to a stable regiment with the following:

1. Understand where the issue of insubordination, activity and lack of enjoyment started.
Myself and the LTCOM at the time (now known as Shiva), pulled every single member of the Commissioned officer team, and asked them: What were they doing to help set people up for being in O1, what roleplay were they introducing to the regiment, why they should be a CO, and what sets them apart from the rest. From this, improvements were found, and two weeks were given for improvements.

2. Identify the points of which Omega-1 needs to have decent quality to function.
I created this: Omega-1 Evaluations Document, and with the CO team we individually rated every CSG and below on this scale, and held 1-1s on how we could help. COs took this and formed training, orders and general helpful guidance. Post my leave, this document has not been needed since, and is now on one side to be used should quality ever drop again. The Commanders and CO’s post have been absolutely incredible and maintained this re-built standard- as well as improved tenfold, while also changing as well as adopting it for their ideas in a healthy way.

Another issue I spotted is a major issue, A1 v O1 fights. They disrupted roleplay, were completely out of control, called for daily for little to no reason, and most of the time had no amicable end state. I introduced what is known now as the “AO Conflict Agreement”, but back then was the “ISD Conflict Agreement” and had both O5, Ethics, O1 Command and A1 Command agree to a quality of roleplay control. This has been adapted since to suit the server as it has progressed. [UK] O5 x Ethics Conflict Agreement


When I came back to Omega-1, I took over Prosecutors with Detainee. In here, I went through and reworked our private documentation and transformed confusing documents to being guides that can be used if wanted to help them get through what is an extended roleplay session, fit with templates and layouts. Alongside the production of an internal handbook guidelines to better prepare a prosecutor, with a handbook for the regiment as well. This was then tested in practice in tribunals, and while I cannot share internal documentation, I realized it would now be nice for the rest of the playerbase to also be able to have a good crack at a Tribunal. To which, I created public tribunal documents, both OOC [UK-EC] Public Tribunal Documents and IC (On the cork boards in DoISD) equivalents so people have a layout ready to fill in, and give their best chance at a tribunal.

As well previously the following being suggested but not implemented, with my plan to continue with these plans adapted to suit the current environment of the server. Medical Department Plan, Research RP Department Plan
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
  • Act as Inspectors for the site as a whole and ensure that personnel are working in their positions in a positive manner, and when personnel are found to be not doing so, they pass this to Site Administration and assist and support their decisions regarding any punishments.​
  • Handling of Code-Black scenarios the reset of roleplay via activating the alpha-warhead if the roleplay on the site has degraded beyond recovery due to extreme mass-breaches or Code-5 scenarios. As well as the added ability to pre-call ERT where appropriate, and manage facility controls accessible in Floor-3.​
  • Deployment of Alpha-1 and Overseer Assistants to act out on the will of the Overseer Council​
  • Create RP for all to be involved in.​
    • With the chief overseer directly in charge of ensuring that all other Council Members are doing this as well.​
  • The approval of any tests involving a termination attempt of an SCP.​
  • Maintain relations with Groups of Interest, and create immersive RP for those involved, with DEA and Site Administration taking priority.​
  • Organisation and Usage of hearings for departments or personnel seen to be falling in conduct standards.​
  • The idea of pushing the mission statement and curving roleplay towards that direction.​
  • Working alongside the committee to assist in their want/will of removing an individual from a department.​

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
  • Handle Applications for OSAs and O5 Council Members​
  • Handle Applications for the Director of Research and Site Director​
  • Appointment of the Alpha-1 Commander​
  • Create FLC policies for conduct violations in order to help maintain a healthy level of roleplay, working alongside the Committee to have these implemented.​
  • Create Storylines and working along with the player base to allow their ideas to shine through​
  • Discuss with the Ethics Committee any CL4 individuals seen to be committing Ethics Infractions.​
  • O5-1 primarily as a sole separate responsibility, alike the chairman, is also tasked with being a direct link between Senior SL and the players, working alongside both parties to develop general experiences for both in-character and OOC.​
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
As mentioned in my roleplay section, my character would be setting up for research with itself, the possible adaptations of reality, and realistically poses as an endless scope for the ideas I could work with. Perhaps another B-# instance could show? Or a merge occur where memories are uncontained. This character opens up avenues towards Research, Medical, E-11 and Ethics and is designed specifically for the ability to change up roleplay.
Oct 12, 2023
+ extremely massive support.
. The best application i have seen to date.
. Extreme good past experience with creating Roleplay and Held positions.
. Personally very fit for this position

You for O-1 would be what the server needs.

I wish u the best of luck and hope you get this position Athena!

Glory to the foundation Ooorah.


Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
This is an interesting application to read through when I have more time. But I can already give a support or not based on what I know of you as a roleplay and you as a person.

When you returned a while ago we had a long yap session and it was brought up you didn't want to go for site command again.

When you then mentioned to me you were going to look into this application i brought this back up to you and you gave a pretty valid reason why you decided to alter that original vision.

While I myself was on the fence of going for -1, Still not sure if I'm going to throw up an application to contest this one a bit.

Should you be accepted. You will be a good -1. You're well regarded for your site command ability in the same category as another older player who can't seem to retire properly and I can tell that through your speaking and handling of others.

I wish you all the best with this application. +Support.
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Reactions: 'Athena'

You definitely have the experience and skill to back up this position so for that I will give my Support. However, I would like it if you had a little more experience as O5. I know the circumstances of your leaving when you were O5 were horrific and in no way am I holding that against you just more of a minor kind of issue I have. But I do think that if anyone on the server can do well in this role its 100% you.

Most unexpected application of all time btw
  • Love
Reactions: 'Athena'


Game Master
Game Master
Sep 24, 2024
I was not expecting this...

I haven't interacted much with you, but that's just me. Other than that, you have past O5 and ECC experience and would make a great O5.
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Tbh i didnt know what you did or who you were when you were an ECM. I just knew you as "the current ecc"(not your fault just mine since i was new :D ) . Ever since Ive joined O1 youve done nothing but make people happy, help people, help O1 and most importantly, help proscuters. you did so much for prosecutors that theres too much to put here. You helped me aswell grow within O1 and prosecutors and I thank you for that. +Support

Calm down Broda 2.0

Anyway back to the application,

You demonstrate competence across the board. Whilst I do agree with Grong your time in O5 was unfortunately cut short due to some rancid behaviour from community members, you still held Ethics Chairman which in itself is equivalent experience. If you follow through with the ideas you have here then the server as a whole would benefit from it.

You get my full +Support for this and best of luck.
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