Accepted Add Bottled Water (vcraft_item_bottled_water) as a scavengable item

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds vcraft_item_bottled_water to Food Stack's on surface as an item than can be scavenging

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Ability to make Excellent and Perfect vcraft_item_ellies_rose_wine, for now it is not possible due to bought vcraft_item_bottled_water can only be an average quality at best.
- Almost no dev time as it can be configured in the addon itself.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- None.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Considering everything, I believe this takes little to no effort and is just a cool QoL change. Almost every other ingredient can be found scavenging, and bottled water is not a rare or unique item, so I believe it would make sense!
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You sure it cant be scavenged? I might be mistaken but pretty sure ive gotten bottled water from scavenging recently
The item that can be scavenged is regular Water (vcraft_item_water) and not the bottled version (vcraft_item_bottled_water)
Unfortunately, those two cannot replace one another in recipes, so it is impossible to get a better quality of bottled water than average.
They look exactly the same, but the name differs and recipe coding varies, so there is the issue.
The item that can be scavenged is regular Water (vcraft_item_water) and not the bottled version (vcraft_item_bottled_water)
Unfortunately, those two cannot replace one another in recipes, so it is impossible to get a better quality of bottled water than average.
They look exactly the same, but the name differs and recipe coding varies, so there is the issue.
Ah damn that explains it
+support let my mans cook some perfect wine
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