Denied Remove being able to hack out SCPs below 50 players.

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Aug 27, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It makes it so that people cant hack out SCPs below 50 players.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't know but probably.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-It would make the game playable at late night.
-Beneficial as the player count is very low at late night so it can make the game better for them as they can actually do stuff.
-Prevents early mass breaches.
-People who play late at night will not have to just focus on a breach for a good while.
-Less breaches.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this should be accepted because D-Class hacking out SCPs late at night for example is just not fun and difficult to deal with late at night. The last 2 nights in a row this has happened. The first night D-Class 914'd and breached: 079, 035 x4 and 076, while still being disguised and killing people trying to RC the breach and even then only 2 people were on that could combat that breach. Last night, D-Class 914'd and split into 3 groups of two to breach SCPs, which they succeeded in two of them: 035 and TG but failed 079 and 7722, and killing people while disguised. Both these breaches took over an hour to RC. These are just two amazing examples of why this needs to be removed as this is difficult to deal with, unfun and disrupt any RP that is happening around that time. These breaches also create a great oppurtunity for D-Class to go back to 914 if they die as everyone is distracted by the breach.
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Nov 23, 2023
I agree with the annoyance of low pop breaches but it needs a little more thought put into it, rather then just remove D class hacking at low pop make it an equal solution I.E: When 5+ MTF/GSD are online and 5 D class are online they are able to breach SCP's.
D-Class is honestly very boring at low population since research is near absent and escaping to surface is just for the xp due to the chances of surface rp being also absent so hacking scp's out proves to be the most fun aspect of D-Class.

Weebe San

Well-known Member
Aug 10, 2024
If I'm not mistaken I've seen ban appeals and people punished as D-Class for Mass breaching SCP's on low pop in relation to hurting server health. That's to say I think this already might be a thing that staff sometimes handles?

However I will say as part of an RP focused department whenever there's a back to back breach at 2 or 3 AM it just makes a bunch of people hop off the server.
Jan 5, 2024
It isn't. Anyone can hack out SCP's at any pop/any time.
The 60 pop limitation is to breach tools, hacking's limitation is 3 SCP being breached

If I'm not mistaken I've seen ban appeals and people punished as D-Class for Mass breaching SCP's on low pop in relation to hurting server health. That's to say I think this already might be a thing that staff sometimes handles?

However I will say as part of an RP focused department whenever there's a back to back breach at 2 or 3 AM it just makes a bunch of people hop off the server.
They shouldn't punish people for mass breaching as D-Class since thats not something that exist in the rules, if they don't want D-Class breaching during low pop, just make a hacking limitation like breach tool has...
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Dec 10, 2022

Why are we removing yet another feature that made D-class escaping dangerous? First it was CL5's being nuked from 914 (no more funny infobreaches) and now people are wanting to remove hacking out SCPs on lowpop? (NOT ONLY THAT BUT THIS REMOVES THE ENTIRE POINT OF DOING EARLY MORNING DEEPCOVERS)

Yes, it is annoying.
No, that doesn't mean you should be trying to remove it.

Why are we punishing people for 'mass breaching on lowpop' with bans when it isn't even in the fucking rules?
Some CN staff are actually delusional at this point (you can get banned for something not written down and previously allowed, atop of the whole 079 incident as of recent)

The reason I say it's a delusion is because quite literally it's not written anywhere. Not in staff guidelines, not in player guidelines, not in SCPRP rulings, not in SCPRP rules. Where did this rule come from? Who authorised you to ban people for it?

If I'm not mistaken I've seen ban appeals and people punished as D-Class for Mass breaching SCP's on low pop in relation to hurting server health. That's to say I think this already might be a thing that staff sometimes handles?

However I will say as part of an RP focused department whenever there's a back to back breach at 2 or 3 AM it just makes a bunch of people hop off the server.
Me when I spread misinformation online.

Mass Breaching SCPs has never and will never be against the rules, it was only bannable to do shit like breach 096/008 as doing so would usually also get you killed (and was literally against the rules to breach 096 by looking at his face then running away, or breaking into 008).

If you've seen staff warn people over this without very good reason, please make a staff complaint; they have no grounds to ban you for something like this without contacting actual SL as they can't make 'server health decisions' below that lmfao.
(Mass breaches on lowpop ruins server health, people have been banned for such things!)
Sorry, where is this in rulings or rules? I know it can come off as insulting (the top half of this post), but I am genuinely curious where this misconception came from. If it is bannable, players should KNOW it is bannable, yes? By proxy - the fact it isn't in the rules anywhere I can find (and no announcements have been made about it); means that, currently.

You can be banned for something (according to your statement) you had NO IDEA was against the rules, and HAD no ability to even know it was against the rules.

This is what I mean by SCPRP going downhill and really fast. Staff are enforcing actually made up rules at this point (and not being called out for it, it seems).

I actually think it's important to clarify too - you will not be server health banned for just mass breaching over and over, that shit takes like, weeks of being an absolute menace to society to earn a server health ban (trust me I've tried prior as chef), like I've previously mentioned, usually that takes SL to go "Yeah fuck this guy in particular" and auth it; if that's changed since, so be it; but like I said.

There's no indication in the rules of this being the case, so whoever issued those bans might need to be retrained. (ignoring the one linked. Please, if you see other staff banning people for this shit without SL authing it, let SL know.)

Of course, I am also very aware of why the person which you are referencing was banned, and wasn't for mass breaching exclusively (as mentioned). The guy was literally mass breaching day after day, almost racking up failRP warns with some of the ways he was doing it/escaping, along with meta/etc(NITRP since they avoided testing, roleplay etc). There was a crazy amount of lore involving that situation and reducing it to "oh lmao if you mass breach you'll be banned" is a very bad oversimplification; considering he was banned for Server Health Reasons; but that wasn't exclusive to mass breaching.
For clarification - this is the thread that people love to cite.

In the thread itself it literally was said that they were banned for ignoring SL asking them to stop rather than the action itself, they were given a chance and told to 'chill out dude' since it was harming pop, and then when they refused, yeah, they were banned. This can happen with like, literally anything SL tells you not to do. (I also think it's important to note that in this case it was almost NITRP as the person in question literally didn't want to do anything, by their own admission, than 'play the core gameplay loop of D-class').

TLDR to most of the above;
It is not bannable to mass-breach in an isolated incident.
It is bannable to do it repeatedly, with no intent to roleplay, for the exclusive reason of 'muh gameplay' after SL tell you to stop.
Server Health is a very complex ban reason, simplifying it down to 'he mass breached and thus was server health banned' was a really bad example to set - especially considering the reason he ended up being banned is because SL told him to stop and he ignored them.

Mass Breaching is fine, if it happens rarely.
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I see a lot of people getting confused with this alongside some staff.

From my memory when I was a Senior Admin, hacking was set to 45+ pop 3 SCPs max. With 45 people on this was decided a balanced number especially with ERT triggers and at the time tesla gate functions mixed with turrets.

SCP breach tool was set to 60+ with a 3-5 minute delay and 1-2 minute breach time to give personnel a chance to deal some damage to the SCPs whilst they are breaching.

As far as I am aware, it is not a bannable/warnable offence to cause a massive breach during any pop. However, if a player manages to break the 45+ pop hacking requirement or a SCP manages to break the breach tool restrictions they are thus in line with a cheating/exploiting/glitching punishment.

However, I am not currently staff on SCP-RP and my opinion/knowledge should be taken as a player speaking based off rules, guidelines and change log posts.
Aug 27, 2023

Why are we removing yet another feature that made D-class escaping dangerous? First it was CL5's being nuked from 914 (no more funny infobreaches) and now people are wanting to remove hacking out SCPs on lowpop? (NOT ONLY THAT BUT THIS REMOVES THE ENTIRE POINT OF DOING EARLY MORNING DEEPCOVERS)

Yes, it is annoying.
No, that doesn't mean you should be trying to remove it.

Why are we punishing people for 'mass breaching on lowpop' with bans when it isn't even in the fucking rules?
Some CN staff are actually delusional at this point (you can get banned for something not written down and previously allowed, atop of the whole 079 incident as of recent)

The reason I say it's a delusion is because quite literally it's not written anywhere. Not in staff guidelines, not in player guidelines, not in SCPRP rulings, not in SCPRP rules. Where did this rule come from? Who authorised you to ban people for it?


Me when I spread misinformation online.

Mass Breaching SCPs has never and will never be against the rules, it was only bannable to do shit like breach 096/008 as doing so would usually also get you killed (and was literally against the rules to breach 096 by looking at his face then running away, or breaking into 008).

If you've seen staff warn people over this without very good reason, please make a staff complaint; they have no grounds to ban you for something like this without contacting actual SL as they can't make 'server health decisions' below that lmfao.

Sorry, where is this in rulings or rules? I know it can come off as insulting (the top half of this post), but I am genuinely curious where this misconception came from. If it is bannable, players should KNOW it is bannable, yes? By proxy - the fact it isn't in the rules anywhere I can find (and no announcements have been made about it); means that, currently.

You can be banned for something (according to your statement) you had NO IDEA was against the rules, and HAD no ability to even know it was against the rules.

This is what I mean by SCPRP going downhill and really fast. Staff are enforcing actually made up rules at this point (and not being called out for it, it seems).

I actually think it's important to clarify too - you will not be server health banned for just mass breaching over and over, that shit takes like, weeks of being an absolute menace to society to earn a server health ban (trust me I've tried prior as chef), like I've previously mentioned, usually that takes SL to go "Yeah fuck this guy in particular" and auth it; if that's changed since, so be it; but like I said.

There's no indication in the rules of this being the case, so whoever issued those bans might need to be retrained. (ignoring the one linked. Please, if you see other staff banning people for this shit without SL authing it, let SL know.)

Of course, I am also very aware of why the person which you are referencing was banned, and wasn't for mass breaching exclusively (as mentioned). The guy was literally mass breaching day after day, almost racking up failRP warns with some of the ways he was doing it/escaping, along with meta/etc(NITRP since they avoided testing, roleplay etc). There was a crazy amount of lore involving that situation and reducing it to "oh lmao if you mass breach you'll be banned" is a very bad oversimplification; considering he was banned for Server Health Reasons; but that wasn't exclusive to mass breaching.
For clarification - this is the thread that people love to cite.

In the thread itself it literally was said that they were banned for ignoring SL asking them to stop rather than the action itself, they were given a chance and told to 'chill out dude' since it was harming pop, and then when they refused, yeah, they were banned. This can happen with like, literally anything SL tells you not to do. (I also think it's important to note that in this case it was almost NITRP as the person in question literally didn't want to do anything, by their own admission, than 'play the core gameplay loop of D-class').

TLDR to most of the above;
It is not bannable to mass-breach in an isolated incident.
It is bannable to do it repeatedly, with no intent to roleplay, for the exclusive reason of 'muh gameplay' after SL tell you to stop.
Server Health is a very complex ban reason, simplifying it down to 'he mass breached and thus was server health banned' was a really bad example to set - especially considering the reason he ended up being banned is because SL told him to stop and he ignored them.

Mass Breaching is fine, if it happens rarely.
This more seems like a complaint than a responce TBH, you just complained about bans for it.
Jan 6, 2023

Why are we removing yet another feature that made D-class escaping dangerous? First it was CL5's being nuked from 914 (no more funny infobreaches) and now people are wanting to remove hacking out SCPs on lowpop? (NOT ONLY THAT BUT THIS REMOVES THE ENTIRE POINT OF DOING EARLY MORNING DEEPCOVERS)

Yes, it is annoying.
No, that doesn't mean you should be trying to remove it.

Why are we punishing people for 'mass breaching on lowpop' with bans when it isn't even in the fucking rules?
Some CN staff are actually delusional at this point (you can get banned for something not written down and previously allowed, atop of the whole 079 incident as of recent)

The reason I say it's a delusion is because quite literally it's not written anywhere. Not in staff guidelines, not in player guidelines, not in SCPRP rulings, not in SCPRP rules. Where did this rule come from? Who authorised you to ban people for it?


Me when I spread misinformation online.

Mass Breaching SCPs has never and will never be against the rules, it was only bannable to do shit like breach 096/008 as doing so would usually also get you killed (and was literally against the rules to breach 096 by looking at his face then running away, or breaking into 008).

If you've seen staff warn people over this without very good reason, please make a staff complaint; they have no grounds to ban you for something like this without contacting actual SL as they can't make 'server health decisions' below that lmfao.

Sorry, where is this in rulings or rules? I know it can come off as insulting (the top half of this post), but I am genuinely curious where this misconception came from. If it is bannable, players should KNOW it is bannable, yes? By proxy - the fact it isn't in the rules anywhere I can find (and no announcements have been made about it); means that, currently.

You can be banned for something (according to your statement) you had NO IDEA was against the rules, and HAD no ability to even know it was against the rules.

This is what I mean by SCPRP going downhill and really fast. Staff are enforcing actually made up rules at this point (and not being called out for it, it seems).

I actually think it's important to clarify too - you will not be server health banned for just mass breaching over and over, that shit takes like, weeks of being an absolute menace to society to earn a server health ban (trust me I've tried prior as chef), like I've previously mentioned, usually that takes SL to go "Yeah fuck this guy in particular" and auth it; if that's changed since, so be it; but like I said.

There's no indication in the rules of this being the case, so whoever issued those bans might need to be retrained. (ignoring the one linked. Please, if you see other staff banning people for this shit without SL authing it, let SL know.)

Of course, I am also very aware of why the person which you are referencing was banned, and wasn't for mass breaching exclusively (as mentioned). The guy was literally mass breaching day after day, almost racking up failRP warns with some of the ways he was doing it/escaping, along with meta/etc(NITRP since they avoided testing, roleplay etc). There was a crazy amount of lore involving that situation and reducing it to "oh lmao if you mass breach you'll be banned" is a very bad oversimplification; considering he was banned for Server Health Reasons; but that wasn't exclusive to mass breaching.
For clarification - this is the thread that people love to cite.

In the thread itself it literally was said that they were banned for ignoring SL asking them to stop rather than the action itself, they were given a chance and told to 'chill out dude' since it was harming pop, and then when they refused, yeah, they were banned. This can happen with like, literally anything SL tells you not to do. (I also think it's important to note that in this case it was almost NITRP as the person in question literally didn't want to do anything, by their own admission, than 'play the core gameplay loop of D-class').

TLDR to most of the above;
It is not bannable to mass-breach in an isolated incident.
It is bannable to do it repeatedly, with no intent to roleplay, for the exclusive reason of 'muh gameplay' after SL tell you to stop.
Server Health is a very complex ban reason, simplifying it down to 'he mass breached and thus was server health banned' was a really bad example to set - especially considering the reason he ended up being banned is because SL told him to stop and he ignored them.

Mass Breaching is fine, if it happens rarely.
can you sum this up in fortnite terms
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