[UK] Ace Linguini's 4th Chief Application

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From: Ace Linguini “Spades”

To: Site Management

Subject: Chief of Security Job Role

Steam ID:
Discord name:
Time on SCPRP:
1273 Hours / 53 days of playtime
Time zone:
Character names:
Ace Linguini “Spades”
Civilian name:
Ace La Spades
Server applying for:
Do you have a mic?:

Whitelisted MTF or CI roles held:

  • MTF-Nu-7 PVT (Held)
  • MTF E-11 PVT (Held)
  • CI-Gamma [PLP MRU-SMS MEC R&D ASU] (Held)
  • GENSEC Sergeant (Holding)
  • GENSEC Captain (Holding)
  • SCP-096 (Holding)
  • Internal Affairs Agent (Holding)
  • External Affairs Agent (Holding)
  • SCPRP Game Master (Holding)
  • SCP-22415 (Holding)

Ban was appealed by server leadership.

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?

I believe that it will be one of the best ways to assist in GENSECs recovery. I have a plethora of experience on the server, especially on GENSEC and have showcased this in my time as a Captain. I have two generations of Chiefs ideas that never got the spotlight and mistakes to learn from. I have a very strong passion for GENSEC and adore every aspect of its fast moving management style. I love working with other GENSEC. I need to be able to have a larger input on the department as a whole to be able to further implement my ideas.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?

I have insight into some of the core problems that other Candidates might not be able to offer these problems being (The way I see it):
-Better CL4 Management
-Simplifying handbooks/guides so people can read them without having a headache
-Ensuring activity is always high
-Ensuring cooperation with other departments is a top priority
-Doing more interviews of GENSEC to gauge opinions on topics
-Putting professionalism to a much higher standard
-Getting rid of the GSD and Ethics ideas where "Ethics bad". This is because it does noone any good and only does bad. Stop saying this if you say this.
As stated previously, I have over a years worth of experience on the server and in GENSEC. I have worked previously with SA/Other Departments to bring about changes and have worked with previous chiefs to accomplish other goals. Some of my notable accomplishments during my time as a Captain would be the following:
-Making a set of weekly goals for all GENSEC in the department to work towards for that week, or until another slide is made.
-Reworking many Older Documents/Rosters/Data tables.
-Fully overhauling Captain/Chief offices twice
-Implemented a full merit and strike system to encourage good behavior from GENSEC.
-Have hosted a meeting with most core department leads and SA
-Have gotten a sub-department ready to be launched as soon as a few things are accomplished (Approved by a Chief)
-Made a Type Blue guide for General Security Captains
-Have hosted a meeting with an ISD commissioner.
-Have worked on the GENSEC Roster over my whole time as a Captain.
-Shortened the 20 page handbook to 12 pages for clarity.
This is just a small collection of all my accomplishments in about 40 days. I have many more ideas and much more work to do. I have proven myself worthy with edit perms on the drive and have not abused any of those permissions.
I also have a task tracker for all of the things I have accomplished and will continue to update it. Some of the undone ideas are a bit extreme/simply cannot be done in GENSECs current state and should be done after GENSEC is revitalised. Ace's GSD Ideas

Responsibilities of a Chief in RP:

  • Establishing and enforcing new rules/protocols
  • Overseeing D-Block
  • Managing documentation
  • Supervising Captains
  • Reviewing and approving Captain applications
  • Hosting trainings
  • Conducting weekly meetings
  • Review the Department as a whole
  • Manage relations between Departments
Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:
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To clear up some misconceptions:
All mention of me on the rosters is Ace. I am not Viggo Ace, Ace Discounti, Cole Ace Weinstein or anything other than Ace Linguini.
I have never been tribunaled
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After asking around and conversing with both the current chief, a commissioner and an OSA we all have came to the consensus that I have not really showcased anything unproffesional for the entirety of my time as a Captain this month or two. I have no way of proving that I would be able to provide strong leadership however based upon my ideas it is quite clear that I do have the right ideas for CoS.
a commissioner and an OSA we all have came to the consensus that I have not really showcased anything unproffesional for the entirety of my time as a Captain this month or two
You mean.. you asked your friends? Right.. okay.

You've been a Captain for just over a month, in which there was an activity break for at least a week across all departments. Furthermore, GSD was determined to be operating at an insufficient level, the issues being present with the leadership (which includes you), I'd like to see your contributions to GSD improving to prove that you are infact capable of running a department and keeping it afloat.
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Oct 30, 2024
You mean.. you asked your friends? Right.. okay.

You've been a Captain for just over a month, in which there was an activity break for at least a week across all departments. Furthermore, GSD was determined to be operating at an insufficient level, the issues being present with the leadership (which includes you), I'd like to see your contributions to GSD improving to prove that you are infact capable of running a department and keeping it afloat.
I can assure you, that Ace has made the most progress of any captain. Also his unseriousness is no longer an issue when he is on site. He has reworked the roster and a good amount of documents. Though i may be his friend, this is from a neutral and factual standpoint. He did work that even i as Chief couldnt have done.
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You are definitely the best candidate GSD currently has to offer. Most of your ideas have some potential and you show to be engaged, caring about the department's future. I've seen about every applicant for CoS in the past year promise to "make GSD great again", but it is a nice change to see actual ideas alongside this ridiculous clame.
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Well-known Member
Oct 11, 2024
Not sure how this guy will do leading a department but he is doing pretty well at Captain in terms of doing all the paperwork for GSD so I'm sure he will do just fine.
My brief responses above didn't take into account your actual application, which upon further reading, I want to pick apart:

For a start, your warnings screenshot is extremely blurry, please upload a clear image so we can see your warnings properly.
Your initial remarks regarding what you want to do as a Chief of Security are extremely generic - maintaining documentation, keeping activity up, keeping engagement up.

-Reworking many Older Documents/Rosters/Data tables.
-Shortened the 20 page handbook to 12 pages for clarity.
I'm not sure which documents and rosters you've actually worked on, but the main roster appears to be half broken and the main GSD handbook is 20 pages long, the last revision being months ago. Which handbooks have you actually contributed to?

-Fully overhauling Captain/Chief offices twice
I have no clue why you've included this as it is completely irrelevant to your status as a Captain, you've simply placed props in a bunk area and had them permapropped. Why does this make you an appropriate candidate for Chief?

-Have gotten a sub-department ready to be launched as soon as a few things are accomplished (Approved by a Chief)
GSD is failing to tread water currently and you're trying to launch sub-divisions? A good Chief of Security would recognise this and wouldn't go forward with it until the department meets the appropriate standard.

-Made a Type Blue guide for General Security Captains
What does this guide entail? It seems redundant from this incredibly limited description. This is the third point you've made relating to documents - CoS is not all about making documents. It's an RP Leader position.

I have proven myself worthy with edit perms on the drive and have not abused any of those permissions.
Good to hear that you're following the rules and the permissions you've been given like any other Captain!

-Getting rid of the GSD and Ethics ideas where "Ethics bad". This is because it does noone any good and only does bad. Stop saying this if you say this.
You want to.. get rid of RP? I believe this proves a fundamental lack of knowledge of SCP lore and how the server operates; Yes, EC are a CL5 Site Command body - but most of the site don't know that. Fundamentally, the Ethics Committee are seen to be a bunch of washed-out rubberstampers who are useless at their jobs, approving anything they're told to approve.

-Have worked on the GENSEC Roster over my whole time as a Captain.
You've mentioned the roster... again.. see my previous points about it.

These points are merely your application and doesn't describe any of the other issues such as your conduct in the Gamemaster team, neither does it go over your "Ace's GSD Goals" document which is.. interesting in itself:

-Make LOA/ROAs more friendly and also make LOA an LOA from only the Captain role and not the server. (Would need to be chief)
What does this even mean?

My main idea for fixing it is making a GSD subdivision that is basically just for identifying GENSEC that are trusted and can do their job without issue.
You have the Sergeant role. You, infact, mention the previous Headhunters division you had and how it was dissolved due to the Sergeant role - as far as I'm aware, you still have the Sergeant role, why do you need a sub-division for "trusted personnel" ?

Make GSD more recognised as a department.
The fact of the matter; GSD as a department is recognised enough - the reason people don't want to play it is because of the lack of leadership in the department.

In summary, I don't find that you are a suitable candidate. I hope you can take this feedback on and understand that you can't pile things into a bullet point list into your application to build your image up if you can't actually back these points up.
Hello @Sceptre, I hope this reply can address many of the concerns listed in your response!
I'm not sure which documents and rosters you've actually worked on, but the main roster appears to be half broken and the main GSD handbook is 20 pages long, the last revision being months ago. Which handbooks have you actually contributed to?
Describe how the roster is half broken? The handbook is still being finished off and trimmed further and I work on it when I still have time. The GSD Handbook V2 is currently too long and too confusing in its current state for new players so making it as simple as possible is priority number one for the handbook.

I have no clue why you've included this as it is completely irrelevant to your status as a Captain, you've simply placed props in a bunk area and had them permapropped. Why does this make you an appropriate candidate for Chief?
In my application, I'm listing things I've done. Spending in hour or two to benefit where a lot of RP is held for Captains isn't a bad thing.
GSD is failing to tread water currently and you're trying to launch sub-divisions? A good Chief of Security would recognise this and wouldn't go forward with it until the department meets the appropriate standard.
This is where I mentioned, specifically, "After a few things are done". This sub-division hasn't been released considering GENSEC's current state.
What does this guide entail? It seems redundant from this incredibly limited description. This is the third point you've made relating to documents - CoS is not all about making documents. It's an RP Leader position.
It is a guide about how to deal with Type-Blues. Not very sure what else it could be described as. CoS is an RP Leader Position of course but most Captains will not have something to go off of for many situations. This helps Captains, how is it an issue.
Good to hear that you're following the rules and the permissions you've been given like any other Captain!
This is listed to show that I am already trusted with the Roster as no other Captain has these perrmissions. It also shows that I wont be lost fully if and when I make CoS.
You want to.. get rid of RP? I believe this proves a fundamental lack of knowledge of SCP lore and how the server operates; Yes, EC are a CL5 Site Command body - but most of the site don't know that. Fundamentally, the Ethics Committee are seen to be a bunch of washed-out rubberstampers who are useless at their jobs, approving anything they're told to approve.
No, I don't want to get rid of RP. I want to get rid of RP that provides 0 benefits. This IC hate spreads to OOC and provides a negative association with people who even want to go with ethics. I have no issue with ethics but this "RP" is not good in any way for an already underperforming department.

What does this even mean?
It means exactly what it says. Making LOAs/ROAs less of a formal this and that to a friendly: "I will be very busy and will not be as active on Captain" instead. Making it only the Captain role is so people don't feel they will get in trouble if they go on RSD for an hour instead of Captain when on LOA.
You have the Sergeant role. You, infact, mention the previous Headhunters division you had and how it was dissolved due to the Sergeant role - as far as I'm aware, you still have the Sergeant role, why do you need a sub-division for "trusted personnel" ?
As you have mentioned previously, GSD is not really making it with how things are setup now. GENSEC needs something for people to engage with and progress in. This is why MTFs have the activity they need to do their jobs: They have something for you to progress in and to max out in the MTF is quite difficult. Maxing out in GENSEC can take as little as a week. They need some sense of accomplishment. We need to emulate a working formula but first we need to focus on scaling back and getting our core pillars in place of escorting, sweeping and patrolling.
The fact of the matter; GSD as a department is recognised enough - the reason people don't want to play it is because of the lack of leadership in the department.
No, many captains and even old chiefs agree that for all the work GENSEC does, It is not recognised as it should be. Many call it a joke department and by many I mean around 70% of the server. As Broda has shown me you are correct with the fact that when Captains are online they improve GENSEC numbers massively however people don't not play GENSEC because it lacks leadership but instead the fact that it has no real progression past officer.
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