Accepted Remove or Reduce Damage from 8837 Blackhole Through Walls

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
When an 8837 blackhole collapses, the damage it does should not affect people who are on the other side of walls to it, or there should be a significant damage reduction.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Saner balance. 8837 shouldn't be able to place these in doorways and the like for a free kill on 5 people who can't even see the blackhole, nevermind shoot it to counter it.
  • Removes an insanely unfun element. I shouldn't be spontaneously dying or taking damage from blackholes placed on different floors (e.g. one in LCZ can damage you in Security Sector) or with thick concrete walls in between me and the entity itself. The ability is supposed to be counterable, but it being able to kill you through walls means it often is not.
  • Brings 8837 more in line with what it was (to my knowledge) supposed to be like - a support, not a reality bender with the ability to unavoidably kill multiple people through walls at the same time.
  • Prevents people from randomly taking damage from unknown sources during an 8837 breach. Standing in Security Sector when 8837 is using blackholes in LCZP just has you talking random hits of like 50 damage for no discernable reason.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Makes the server more like an RP server instead of a 24/7 breach combat server, which a lot of people don't like.
  • Balancing can be difficult

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
If you can't see why "being able to unavoidably kill multiple people through a wall at the same time" is an unfun and imbalanced gameplay element, there's no hope for you.
Aug 30, 2022
+ Support

I agree, getting killed through a wall with the black hole is insanely annoying and frustrating and I personally think that shouldnt be possible, reward good placement from the black hole to the players playing 8837 and getting pulled and not being able to do a single thing because the black hole is on the other side of a wall is really frustrating,

If this change can get made it'll be really nice to deal with the breaches, especially with Reality Bender SCP's dominating the breaches and the current state of breaches as well.
Last edited:
Jan 5, 2024
With the long cooldown on the black hole i doubt its the worst offender ability on 8837

I agree with fixing it but only due to QoL, might need some compensation buff since black hole is not that relevant as Recker said if someone is shooting it

It has nothing to do with being a change to make the server less combat focused


Well-known Member
Jul 11, 2024
+/- neutral
Rather than having to result to nerfing specific SCP's, should just nerf breach queue as it's a common rp disturbance for both UK and US
In my experience, the ability won't outright kill a full health player through walls, but the range can seem excessive. I'd be fine whether it stays as is or is nerfed.
I've been killed multiple times by it through walls from full HP, and at least twice that I can remember it happening, I had at least some armour, though I don't remember how much.

Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
blackhole doesnt kill if your have full hp and armor sooo i wouldt say its needing to have a nerf but one of the annoying things is the range of the blackhole and that it can hit you though walls but well just like any other scps 8837 is not an good scp to breach alone with when there is like 30 people manhunting you,


Well-known Member
Oct 3, 2024
Paid SCPs should not be nerfed into the ground.
-I personally don't believe on nerfing SCPs, SCP breaches should cause mayhem and destruction that is the point of a breach, the breaches themselves just need to dial down on the frequency by a large margin.
-If you nerf the damage overall then the blackhole ability would become basically useless.

-/+Not sure on stopping taking damage through the wall I'm not dev.
-I personally don't believe on nerfing SCPs, SCP breaches should cause mayhem and destruction that is the point of a breach, the breaches themselves just need to dial down on the frequency by a large margin.
-If you nerf the damage overall then the blackhole ability would become basically useless.

-/+Not sure on stopping taking damage through the wall I'm not dev.
I'm not talking about reducing the overall damage, I'm talking about nerfing the damage when it happens through a wall. It both doesn't make sense in RP and isn't balanced that having a whole ass wall or an entire other floor of the site in the way doesn't significantly decrease the damage it causes you. It should drop off much faster when walls are in the way, which can be done via a line of sight check. I do agree with the overall sentiment that breaches should be overall reduced rather than individual SCPs being nerfed, but in this specific case, I do not think it makes sense both for balance and for RP reasons.
I'm not talking about reducing the overall damage, I'm talking about nerfing the damage when it happens through a wall. It both doesn't make sense in RP and isn't balanced that having a whole ass wall or an entire other floor of the site in the way doesn't significantly decrease the damage it causes you. It should drop off much faster when walls are in the way, which can be done via a line of sight check. I do agree with the overall sentiment that breaches should be overall reduced rather than individual SCPs being nerfed, but in this specific case, I do not think it makes sense both for balance and for RP reasons.
if it was an actual mini black hole then the wall would be gone + you would be sucked in and gone, this "In rp" thing doesnt work if you dont look at what its meant to be in the first place - a blackhole


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 19, 2022
8837 has been nerfed multiple times, blackhole takes a lot of his energy (70) when used and got a long cooldown which gets rarely used and that is due to his energy slowly regenerating (too slow in my opinion which should be buffed as his equipment desires a lot of energy usage) and there are other powers that consume a lot of energy as well when tried to use in a combo.
its a strong crowd control ability on its own and can wipe ert with competent dps scps (076, 682, tg)
Really it plays into his thing of support. If you use it on a large group, they’ll shoot the blackhole and weaken it, but it’s only really good when you have 1/2 SCP’s to take advantage of it, which they can’t do through walls.
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