[UK] Cain Morris's 1st Inspector Application.

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Aug 27, 2023

From: Cain.M@S65.com
To: ISD Leadership.
About: Greetings ISD Leadership. I hope you all have been well since my absence from the department. I saw that the department still has some Inspector positions open and so I have decided to fill in the application to climp back up the ranks within the department. Please do take as much time you need to discuss and review this application.

Kind regards, Cain Morris.

For reference my application is written mostly from a IC perspective.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:702727365

Discord name: cainmorris0

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since August 2023

Age: 14

In what country are you located?: Republic of Ireland🇮🇪

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): Cain 'Homeless' Morris

Civilian name: Cain Morris

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
ISD CommissionerEthics Assistant
ISD InspectorISD Investigator
Overseer AssistantISD Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 2024-06-28 (2).png 2024-07-15 (1).png
Question 1: Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?:

There are a few reasons as to why I am applying for Inspector listed below.

The first reason I am applying for Inspector is my passion for the department. I am very passionate about the ISD department, which is why shortly after my leave I returned. Couldn't stay away from you guys! But seriously, ISD is easily my favourite department and nothing could change my mind on that. ISD is just such a great department in my opinion which is why I returned, after my leave I could not stop thinking about the department and have slipped myself back in to climb back up the ranks.

The second reason I am applying is the responsibilty the position takes on. I know very well that any rank within ISD comes with tremendous responsibilitys. I love having and taking on this responsibility and I can handle it very well which I believe could benefit the department as I always strive for more responsibility which means getting higher positions and I work towards getting those positions a lot which makes me put in my 100% all the time.

The third reason for applying is what we do. ISD does so much in the site which includes: Investigating, Prosectuing and defending in tribunals, and the main thing we are known for which is the best one aswell, upholding the FLC. All these things are just so amazing and they are just half a hand full and that is absoultely amazing and that makes me want to climb up the ranks so I can become better at these and teach other people these things making them good candidates for Inspector aswell.

The fourth reason is how much I interact with departments because as of now I do not feel I am heard out as much by other departments just because I am a CL3 and below them. These experiences make me want to elevate to the CL4 position so that I may be heard out more due to my clearance level and position. Not being heard out also goes for our own department as I have seen Agents, Operatives and even some of our own investigators partaking in behaviour that is not against the FLC but still questionable and when I give out instructions to the Agents and Operatives I mostly just get ignored simply for the reason of not being a high rank within ISD however for the Investigators when I told them to stop they did but they kept slipping over and over clearly not trying to make a effort to improve. I want to sort these issues out as if I do manage to get the position I may be heard more and people might take more into account.

The final reason for applying is my future plans for the department. In the future I plan for the department to be good at every aspect, response time, combat, defense, communication, everything. I believe that putting me uo to Inspector, would obviously allow me to do trainings and in my trainings I would focu on those main aspects I have listed. One more plan I have for the department is I want to make it the department people look up to instead of being afraid of as I have seen a few people purposfully avoid ISD not because they are violating the FLC but because they have had bad experience with ISD in the past and attempt to avoid them now. I want to make it so people look up to us because I want to expand our department and getting at least one person from every department into ISD so that we have people that are good at every aspect that we are looking for.

Question 2: What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?: I beleive there are a multitude of reasons that make me more than suitable for for Inspector.

The first thing that makes me most suitable is my experience. Previously I had been Ambassador (before our department got upgraded by SC) and Inspector for a total of nearly 4 months and I was Commissioner for about 2 months, with a total of around 6 months within ISD. In my opinion this is more than enough experience that makes me eligble for the position. During my time I never got 1 strike and I had created, done and assisted with making, tribunals and investigations. Overall my experience leads me to believe I am quite fit for the job.

The second thing is my professionalism. Now while it isint perfect I believe it is at a acceptable amount for Inspector. My mistakes is what made me improve my professionalsim and that lead me to getting no strikes what so ever during my time with ISD.

The third thing is my activity on site. While my activity has gone down a bit overtime I still think it is good enough and will let me do any requirements, investigations and anything else that could be asked of me.

The fourth thing how I handle my responsibilitys. I can handle big responsibilitys very well. This can be shown from my time in ISD previously in which I did extremely well with my responsibiltys for many months.

The final reason I am suitable is my management and leadership skills. I believe I exceed in these catagories due to my time in ISD and other positions. I think that my leadership and management skills would help me tremendously since I can take all my past experience and be a outstanding Inspector

Question 3: What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?: What I believe describes a ideal Internal Security Inspector is that they are profesional, contributes to the department, trustworthy, passionate about ISD, good management and leaderships skills, active on site, good eye catcher for FLC violations and handles unpredictable situations efficently.

Question 4: How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?: I have written a major document before during my time within E-11. What would make something like that good would be: Good format, lots of info and good grammer.

Question 5: What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?: With the position being a jump from CL3 to CL4 it does have a good few new responsibilities.
1. Train new Operatives, Agents and Investigators.
2. Create new investigations.
3. Partake investigations.
4. Investigating departments reported for violating the FLC.
5. Partake in tribunals via, Prosecution, Defense or being a Judge in minor tribunals.
6. Handling complaints on Operatives, Agents and Investigators.
7. Punishing Operatives, Agents and Investigators via, job banning and denying.
8. Uphold the FLC at all times.
9. Follow out any orders given by DoISD or SC.

10. Represent ISD in meetings with SC.

Question 6: Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security: I will keep this short and put it in three different points. My first point is my previous experience. I know I keep mentioning this and using it as my main reason as why I would be good for the position but it is a very valid one. In my previous experience I have done lots for the department including developing the department for the new design. I feel very happy saying my experience is more than a good reason as to why I should get the position considering how much I did during it.

My second point is the things I have done in ISD before. I have done lots of things previously. I have done arrest reports, tribunals, made investigations, partook in investigations, started some "senarios" that other departments partook in and enjoyed a good bit and written external documents. Essentially I have done almsot everything which makes my good for a leader ship position.

My final point is how I handle situations. For example, a good while ago in my early days of ambassador there was a situation in which a rouge agent was doing dumb stuff and a high ranking personnel was getting very frustrated but once I had stepped in they gave praise to me to my department directors at the time which was especially rare coming from that person according to my department director. And this was in my EARLY days of Ambassador and it only got better from there which leads me to beleive I am exeptionally good in this.

Question 7: Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Director Bones: Commissioner Murray, I am sure you have seen Investigator Morris has applied for Inspector.

Commissioner Murray: I have yes, I am surprised he is coming back so soon.

Director Bones: As am I, I would like to have one quick read over his personnel file aswell to contribute towards the application and help us come to our verdict. Could you go get his file for me? It should be in the archive room.

Commissioner Murray: Of course sir. *Leaves Director Bones's office to get the personnel file.*

*Six minutes later Commissioner Murray has retrieved the personnel file and has gone back to Director Bones's office*

Commissioner Murray: I got the personnel file sir. *Places on Director Bones's desk*

Director Bones: Thank you very much Commissioner. You are free to return to your regular duties. We can discuss this further and hopefully come to a verdict in the next meeting.

Commissioner Murray: No problem at all sir. Call me on comms if you need anything else from me.
Director Bones: Will do. Thank you Commissioner.

*Commissioner Murray leaves the room*

Director Bones: Right, lets have a look here. *Opens the personnel file*


*Director Bones finishs reading the document and closes it and moves it to the side. He then stays silent for a few seconds*

Director Bones: Intresting. You have peeked my intrest Morris. Lets see what the rest of the leader ship team thinks about what you have to offer.


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