[SCP-RP USA] Dusk's Director of Research application

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Vito 'Dusk'

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Alpha-1 CSG

MTF Omega-1 SGT
DEA Agency Manager
DEA Special Agent

Chief of Security
Security Captain
Security Sergeant

Executive Researcher

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
x1 Cheating
x2 NLR
x1 RDM

Why are you applying for Director of Research?
I've noticed a drop in productivity and activity within the Research Department, and I’m determined to turn things around. As an Executive, I’m working on solutions to help us get back on track. Testing and having fun are definitely important, but I think it’s time we refocus on the administrative side of things. By reorganizing and shifting our priorities, we can bring back the energy and engagement we need. If we don’t address this now, I’m worried the activity will keep spiraling downwards, and that’s not what any of us want.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:
I’ve had a pretty decorated history within CivilNetworks, and I believe that history speaks for itself with mostly positive outcomes. I know what needs to be done, and I tackle challenges head on to fix them. I’m a logic first kind of person, and honestly, I believe the Research Department needs significant changes, not just in terms of content, but in rebuilding the department into something truly great, especially when it comes to personnel. For too long, both RSD and GSD have been treated as the "joke" departments, when in reality, they’re the backbone of this server and deserve to be treated as such.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:
  • Department Management: Oversee the Research Department, ensure smooth operations, enforce rules, and maintain hierarchy.
  • Project Approval: Review and approve experiments, ensuring ethical conduct and adherence to facility guidelines
  • Activity Oversight: Monitor participation, address inactivity, and revitalize the department as needed.
  • Interdepartmental Communication: Act as the liaison between Research and other departments, ensuring collaboration.
  • RP Leadership: Lead high level experiments, study anomalies, and produce reports for Site Administration.
  • Ethics and Compliance: Uphold SCP Foundation protocols, follow Ethics Committee standards, and ensure proper containment procedures.
  • Problem Solving: Handle experiment issues, breaches, or personnel misconduct during RP.
  • Representation: Advocate for Research’s role as a cornerstone of site operations and improve its reputation.

Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Foundation Intelligence File: Vito "Dusk"

Name: Dr. Vito [REDACTED]
Alias: "Dusk"
Clearance Level: 4 (Director-Level)
Assigned Department: Research and Development
Specialization: SCP Behavioral Analysis, Cognitive Hazard Mitigation, Adaptive Experimentation Protocols

Status: Active
Risk Assessment: High (Unorthodox Methods)

Incident Report #RSD-498

Incident Title: “The Fog Test”
SCP Involved: SCP-███ (Classified)
On [DATE REDACTED], Dr. Vito "Dusk" initiated an experimental test on SCP-███ without prior approval, citing time-sensitive anomaly behavior. The test involved exposure of D-Class personnel to SCP-███ under the influence of a cognitohazardous "fog" effect that causes rapid memory erosion.

The experiment ended with the anomalous fog breaching containment, spreading to four sectors of Site-XX. Dr. "Dusk" personally led a containment team, employing a previously untested method of controlled cognitive recalibration to suppress the fog's effects.

Casualties: 2 D-Class, 1 Researcher (severe mental degradation).
Outcome: SCP-███ successfully returned to containment. Incident declared a partial success due to containment strategy innovation.

  • Signed, Site Director [REDACTED]

    Journal Fragment - Discovered in Dr. Dusk’s Office

    “The Research Department is a joke to them, pencil pushers in lab coats, too scared to break a nail on real work. What they don’t understand is that without us, the Foundation falls apart. Containment starts with understanding, and understanding isn’t safe. It’s brutal. It’s walking straight into chaos and dragging some piece of order back out. That’s what I do. That’s why they need me, even if they hate me for it.”

    “The truth? The anomalies don’t care about rules, so why should I?”

    Recovered Audio Log - Experiment ██-XX-03


    Dr. Dusk: "Recalibration field active in 3… 2… 1. Begin."
    Research Assistant: "Sir, the anomaly’s shifting, its behavior isn’t matching the projections!"
    Dr. Dusk: "Good. That means it’s learning. Adjust the parameters on-the-fly. Don’t stop."
    Research Assistant: "But sir, this wasn’t in the approved testing protocol"
    Dr. Dusk: "The anomaly doesn’t care about our protocol! You want safety? You’re in the wrong line of work. Keep moving."
    [Loud screeches from SCP-███, followed by sounds of energy crackling.]
    Dr. Dusk: "Hold it steady, don’t let it breach! Containment protocols! NOW!"

    Email from Site-XX Administration

    From: Site-XX Administrator [REDACTED]
    To: Dr. Vito "Dusk"
    Subject: Unscheduled Testing Incident

    Dr. Dusk,

    The footage of yesterday’s unauthorized test involving SCP-███ has been reviewed. While your actions ultimately mitigated a containment breach, the fallout from your methods cannot be ignored. Fourteen injured personnel, a destroyed containment wing, and a series of protocols violated in one test.

    Your improvised “Protocol 14-7B” has not been approved for site-wide implementation, and your decision to bypass proper channels has raised serious concerns. The Ethics Committee is questioning your commitment to personnel safety, and frankly, so am I.

    I need a full report by 1800 hours. Do not let this happen again.

    • Site Administrator [REDACTED]

    Fragment from Shredded File - "Project Chimera"

    Status: Classified - Clearance Level 4

    ...Dr. Vito "Dusk"...
    ...unapproved cross-test involving SCP-███ and SCP-████...
    ..."cognitive destabilization"...
    ...loss of 12 personnel...
    ..."necessary sacrifice"...

    ...directive from O5-█...
    ..."anomaly resistant humans"…
    ...foundation protocols compromised...
    ...“containment at any cost”...

    ...secondary anomaly detected...
    ..."black sun" repeating phrase...
    ...memory erasure confirmed...
    ...connection to Site-███ incident...

    ...final experiment scheduled for [DATA EXPUNGED]...
    ...“the rules of containment are wrong.”

If there's anyone that is going to save research, it's this guy. Back in the day, Dusk made the GOC what it was, an enjoyable GOI with plenty of RP opportunities. Dusk has always been a great RP leader and person overall. Whether that be in the GOC or research department, he will undoubtedly create, foster and participate in RP. Definitely the best choice for Director.
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Jun 4, 2023

Hello @Dusk,

I hope you enjoyed the conversation we had over dinner inside one of my... projects. I hope it shed light on what our expectations are for you alongside how important it is for you to uphold them in the coming weeks. You, alongside Victor, will be briefed on it when the time is right.

Your title, paygrade, and access to specific documents have been updated,
Congratulations Director.
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