What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: John "Tech"
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:747334417
Ban Reason: LTARP
Date of ban: 2/9/2025
Who banned you: Lemmski
Ban length: 4 Weeks
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Well, I can't do much about my internet having a say in my connection status, since it was due to my internet
Why should you be unbanned: Well, I was being arrested by ISD, My internet timed out durring then where I reset my router which took a few minutes to reboot, and I tried to rejoin, before I have any time to pm the guy who was arresting me, I get banned, Everything was being choppy prior to my connection timing out and after I rejoined it was still choppy, Evident of voice chat being really choppy and rubber-banding, I did not mean to LTARP as I had no control over my connection at the time, aswell, I had no reason to break the rules as I was trying to not break any rules as evident of yesterday where I was making a ticket to make sure what I did was fine.