Rule Suggestion Admin sits are not allowed to be used to collect evidence for punishment!

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[It changes how video clips used in admin sits to its limitations to only allowed to be seen but not used out of sits]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[I do not believe I have seen a similar suggestion, but my suggestion is different because the suggestion is not just NLR, or Mixing, or fail-roleplay. This suggestion is also a wake up call to the staff who let those with in game power, abuse those who were wronged.]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Several instances such as:
•Ensures trust to report a problem to staff if the offender has power to punish you in other instances
•Protects both parties from needless drama
•Makes staff more reliable as a impartial representative of the server rules
•Makes people go through the process of discovery to see litigation in roleplay
•Gives staff the power to judgement without either parties conceding from duress
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[This suggestion forces people to go through the process of discovery, litigation, and find reasoning in rp]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[This suggestion should be accepted because people are tired and afraid of people with in game power abusing their positions in a legal manner. Realistically the actual ethical practice of people on the servers do the moral minimum, the absolute least ethical practice a person can legally do, and it is wrong to continue this practice. Everyone should have the opportunity to a staff sit without retaliation. Staff should have the ultimate power of representation of the rules. The people are under duress because they feel threatened by those they report. If people are afraid to talk to staff about issues and resolve them only in that sit, then the people should have the trust of video clips not returning to bite them in the ass because their roleplay boss wants to use that video for punishment. The power to play is not in the staffs hands with how this current system fails to disclose the right of the people and litigation.]

Here is video evidence of the exact issue playing on 2/13/2025
Note of video:
• Agreed that they used the clip acquired from a failrp sit to PT a regiment
• Used it for a punishment
• Retaliation by someone who can punish for making the sit
• They CAN use out of character access to punish.
• The staff had an issue with the clip being acquired in character
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I'm not even going to mention how stupid this sounds, The idea you have is okay its fair but the punishment system is setup so if you kill someone such as O5-1 and someone sees it on cams cause that's what he says and uses that to PT (which btw isn't a severe issue and to what he says he didn't even issue a punishment for YOU) then it's fine you weren't punished OOC wise like the other guy should/could have been so this rule just seems like a hate post against A-1 more than finding justice.
I'm not even going to mention how stupid this sounds, The idea you have is okay its fair but the punishment system is setup so if you kill someone such as O5-1 and someone sees it on cams cause that's what he says and uses that to PT (which btw isn't a severe issue and to what he says he didn't even issue a punishment for YOU) then it's fine you weren't punished OOC wise like the other guy should/could have been so this rule just seems like a hate post against A-1 more than finding justice.
I never brought up 05 or A1 or anyone specifically, but you agree that the idea of preventing people from using clips is fair. This is not a hate post, this is a ethical dilemma that violates peoples basic rights to see an issue, discover all the facts, and state their concerns. I do not have a problem with the people who are in the positions. There is a problem with the trust of sits.
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Soooo, you broke rules, attacked a foundation member, got caught even IC doing it for little to no reason, had to do virtual crouches and spelling or whatever (nevermind you didn't even do PT just got mad about it) and are mad at the A-1 telling your leadership what you did?

Seems like you should've done more security before doing treason RP?

Also they prob used the vid as absolute proof, IC A-1 saying ANYTHING to O5 would be taken as absolute evidence, OOC, the vid is just used to show it did infact happen and avoid people doing heresay. Been in every regiment in the server, it's standard practice to avoid unfair punishment.


You shouldn't be punished for shit IC unless found out IC like killing D-Class or civis sure, but brother committed Treason.

P.S: You can /pm staff videos if you want them to be private
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Soooo, you broke rules, attacked a foundation member, god caught even IC doing it for little to no reason, had to do virtual crouches and spelling or whatever, and are mad at the A-1 telling your leadership what you did?

Seems like you should've done more security before doing treason RP?


You shouldn't be punished for shit IC unless found out IC like killing D-Class or civis sure, but brother committed Treason.
Everything was in roleplay except for the collection of the video footage used with the sit that the A1 who died was accused of failrp (BTW A1/O1/SC do not have to show ID while under FearRp) No rules of the OOC server were broken
May 2, 2023
good idea in theory, however it would be abused and generally degrade a regiment's standing due to abuse.
Just don't do anything outlandishly stupid and you don't have to worry about punishment, easy enough.
I agree that things should be kept in character as much as possible but this is not one of those cases. There are MANY instances of this kind of thing happening weekly.

This is not a complaint against those in the video. This is a callout that there is a problem with the underlying rules that the people are not safe from those they complain about unless in a staff sit.
wait..... so we don't have to show our ID under FearRP.....
Yeah hold up wtf who told you this? Why in god's name would only 2 regiments be exempted of FearRP? I'll just show you my ID and have you in cuffs a second later for Amnestics.

Unless you mean you threatened to kill them (which would make them fear of capture or death) and they cyanide'd to avoid capture from a unknown?
Yeah hold up wtf who told you this? Why in god's name would only 2 regiments be exempted of FearRP? I'll just show you my ID and have you in cuffs a second later for Amnestics.

Unless you mean you threatened to kill them (which would make them fear of capture or death) and they cyanide'd to avoid capture from a unknown?
There was a literal staff sit with an A1 today about fearRP and it is not FearRP for 5 combatants to point their gun at a single A1/O1 MTF and tell them to show ID


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 27, 2022
(BTW A1/O1/SC do not have to show ID while under FearRp) No rules of the OOC server were broken
This is not true everyone needs to follow FearRP there are some exceptions like Type-blue, juggernaut etc all of these have their own rules on how to be fearRPed and when they are under it.

O1/A1 have a restricted card that also counts as ID and you cant force a real one out randomly.

Suggest making a staff complaint if it is true what you said about 05 a1 and o1 not having to follow fearrp

Also, keep it civil please or the post will be locked


Well-known Member
May 1, 2024
Disclaimer: This is not the view on this suggestion as a whole from the staff team but this is my personal thought process after reading this.

The use of clips obtained in an Out of Character (OOC) setting (To my knowledge) meant to be used in order to issue an In Character (IC) punishment is not allowed. There has to be an IC report or witness made for your character to get in trouble. There is a necessity for a division between OOC and IC, as meshing them together encourages a less pro-active Roleplay environment and gives way to a primarily PvP or general Minimal Roleplay environment in a server such as this.

If you believe the division between OOC and IC are being stretched or broken by staff in a scenario such as them giving you a PT or removing you from a regiment for something obtained in an OOC setting (Unless the infraction is beyond solely being an IC issue but escalates to both), then feel free to make a complaint in the Complaint section of the forums.

As I believe someone else said, something you can try to do to avoid anyone else in the sit from seeing the issue is using /pm [staff member name] [evidence]. This may not be flawless, however I believe this would be a solution.
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